[SFGP Action] Letters Needed to Support Three Educators on the Board

Kim Knox kimberleyknox at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 7 17:50:16 PDT 2005

SFSOS has gone into attack mode.  School Board Commissioners Mark Sanchez 
and Sarah Lipson has asked that as many possible people write letters to the 
SF Chronicle and SF Gate about School Board Superintendent Ackerman's 
resignation.  It would be good to do it in a positive manner such "Dr. 
Ackerman has done some good things for the district" but with an affirmation 
to the future where w/o Dr. Ackerman,  we look forward to working together 
with the entire community-and having district staff that listens to parents, 
school workers, students and the community to create a positive future for 
our children.

We need to counter the letters that are coming by fax, truckload and pigeon 
carrier by SFSOS on how the Three Eductors on the Board need to be recalled 
and Ackerman must stay-and blaming the Green Party for her resignation.


The question is not whether we can afford to invest in every child; it is 
whether we can afford not to.

Marian Wright Edelman (1939-)
The Measure of Our Success (1992)

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