[SFGP] Greenzine - Gubernatorial endorsement on agenda tonight
Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly
announce at sfgreens.org
Tue Aug 24 08:10:10 PDT 2021
August 24, 2021
SF Green Party Weekly News and Events
Dear Greens,
At our monthly meeting last month, we endorsed NO on the
gubernatorial recall election. Although we strongly disapprove of
Newsom's performance as Governor, we also have many concerns about the
leading candidates to replace him, as well the plurality vote (rather
than ranked choice vote) on his replacement, since a plurality vote
will likely result in a winner with little popular support.
We will also consider endorsing one of the Green candidates
running to replace Newsom at our monthly meeting tonight; see the
meeting agenda below:
What: Green Party Monthly meeting
Where: Redstone Bldg (2940 16th Street, near South Van Ness) #301, SF
When: Wed, Aug 25, 7-9 pm
We received answers to our gubernatorial recall questionnaire from Dan
Kapelovitz and Heather Collins. We will consider making an
endorsement at this meeting.
We also agendized discussion of eliminating gas lines from SF
buildings, as well as phasing out urban gas stations.
Mask protocol: SF's COVID rules currently require people to wear masks
indoors, even if everybody present is fully vaccinated. If you want
to attend remotely, email cc at sfgreens.org to participate.
Every 4th Wednesday the SF Green Party meets to discuss issues of
concern, listen to interesting speakers, endorse events, plan outreach
and more! Everyone welcome. All meetings are wheelchair accessible.
To make a presentation or gain the SFGP endorsement of events and
issues, please contact our SFGP County Council at: cc at sfgreens.org
What: KPFA election
Where: online
When: ballots were sent by email 8/16, vote before 10/15.
If you're a KPFA member, please be sure to vote for the Rescue
Pacifica candidates in the Local Station Board (LSB) election. It
will be conducted using ranked choice voting. We have endorsed the
nine Rescue Pacifica candidates, as listed below. (More info about
Rescue Pacifica is here: https://rescuepacifica.net/ ).
This year's election is vital to preserve democracy at KPFA and
Pacifica! Individuals involved with the opposing faction worked to
gut the powers of the LSB and they've filed lawsuits to try to take
control of KPFA and the Pacifica network. Please use your democratic
voting rights to maintain and strengthen the LSB by voting for the
Rescue Pacifica candidates as your top nine choices!
Please vote for all nine of the following candidates as your top
choices (in any order):
Rich Stone *
Daniel Borgstrom *
Don Macleay *
James McFadden *
Adisa Armand
Donna Carter
Pete Farruggio
Amber Jayanti
Elizabeth Milos
* = Registered Greens; note that Rich Stone is a County Council member
here in San Francisco.
Thank you for standing up for democracy and supporting progressive,
independent radio!
What: Online events
When: various dates, see below
Below are some more online events -- as before, almost all of them are
free, and they're hosted across the country, as well as in Canada, the
UK, New Zealand, and Ireland. (The listed times are for the local
Pacific time zone). They cover a fairly broad range of topics, so
please just ignore the ones you're not interested in. And of course,
do feel free to forward as much or as little of this info to others as
you'd like:
Tue, 8/24, 4 pm -- The Doctrine of Discovery and the Legacy of
Injustice -- How did the Doctrine of Discovery add to the legacy of
injustice committed against indigenous people & what can we do about
it? -- The recent discovery of mass graves in Saskatchewan, Canada,
filled with the bodies of indigenous children from boarding schools
demands that people in North America look deeply at the injustices
that have been committed against Native peoples -- The Doctrine of
Discovery not only enabled colonizers in their brutal conquest of the
"new world" that caused a near genocide among Native peoples, it also
prepared the way for Manifest Destiny, a devastating policy of the
United States. These actions resulted in massacres of Native Americans
and more forced removals and the beginning of faith-based boarding
schools. It was in these schools where "educators" sought to "kill the
Indian and save the man." -- Join this challenging discussion where we
will demythologize the Doctrine of Discovery and reveal legacy of
generational sin against Native Americans and learn how we can
appropriately move forward in both lament and action. -- The
discussion will be led by Mark Charles. The son of an American woman
(of Dutch heritage) and a Navajo man, Mark teaches the complexities of
American history regarding race, culture, and Christendom in order to
help forge a path of healing and conciliation for the nation. He is
the co-author of the book, Unsettling Truths: The Ongoing,
Dehumanizing Legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery, and he authors the
blog Reflections from the Hogan. Mark is currently an independent
candidate for the presidency of the United States, advocating for a
Truth and Conciliation Commission – a formal and national dialogue on
issues of race, gender, and class:
Tue, 8/24, 5 pm -- Anti-fascism in the USA: Bill Mullen and James
Tracy -- Join us as we welcome Bill Mullen, co-editor of The
U.S. Anti-fascism Reader, and James Tracy, co-author of No Fascist
USA!, for a talk about the history of anti-fascism in the United
States and its lessons for activists today -- Bill V. Mullen is
Professor of American Studies at Purdue University. He is the author
of James Baldwin: Living in Fire (forthcoming); and UnAmerican:
W.E.B. Du Bois and the Century of World Revolution and
Afro-Orientalism, and a founding member of the Campus Antifascist
Network -- James Tracy is an author, organizer, and an Instructor of
Labor and Community Studies at City College of San Francisco. He is
the co-author of Hillbilly Nationalists, Urban Race Rebels and Black
Power: Community Organizing in Radical Times and the author of
Dispatches Against Displacement: Field Notes From San Francisco's
Housing Wars -- About The U.S. Anti-fascism Reader: Since the birth of
fascism in the 1920s, the United States has been home to its own
distinct fascist movements, some of which decisively influenced the
course of US history. Many on the left are unaware that the US has a
rich antifascist tradition, because it has rarely been discussed as
such. The U.S. Anti-fascism Reader reconstructs the history of US
antifascism, showing how generations of writers, organisers, and
fighters spoke to each other over time -- About No Fascist USA!: In
1977, a group of white anti-racist activists formed the first chapter
of the John Brown Anti-Klan Committee, dedicated to countering the
rise of the KKK and other far-right white nationalist groups. No
Fascist USA! tells the story of that network, whose efforts throughout
the 1980s––which included exposing white supremacists in public
office, confronting neo-Nazis in street protests, and engagement with
the underground punk scene––laid the groundwork for many anti-racist
efforts to emerge since:
Tue, 8/24, 5 pm -- P&P Live! Robert S. Levine: THE FAILED PROMISE with
Richard Bell -- Join Robert Levine as he discusses his newest book,
THE FAILED PROMISE, with Richard Bell on P&P Live! -- Robert S. Levine
foregrounds the viewpoints of Black Americans on Reconstruction in his
absorbing account of the struggle between the great orator Frederick
Douglass and President Andrew Johnson, in: The Failed Promise:
Reconstruction, Frederick Douglass, and the Impeachment of Andrew
Johnson -- Robert S. Levine (Ph.D. Stanford) is Distinguished
University Professor of English and Distinguished Scholar-Teacher at
the University of Maryland, College Park. He is the author of Martin
Delany, Frederick Douglass, and the Politics of Representative
Identity; Dislocating Race and Nation: Episodes in Nineteenth-Century
American Literary Nationalism; The Lives of Frederick Douglas; Race,
Transnationalism, and Nineteenth-Century American Literary Studies;
and (upcoming from Norton) The Failed Promise: Reconstruction,
Frederick Douglass, and the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson -- Richard
Bell is Professor of History at the University of Maryland and author
of the new book Stolen: Five Free Boys Kidnapped into Slavery and
their Astonishing Odyssey Home which is shortlisted for the George
Washington Prize and the Harriet Tubman Prize. He serves as a Trustee
of the Maryland Center for History and Culture and as a fellow of the
Royal Historical Society:
Tue, 8/24, 6 pm -- Dispelling the Myths: "Critical Race Theory" in
K-12 Classrooms -- Teachers of the Year discuss the controversy
surrounding critical race theory. -- ***Interested attendees must RSVP
via Eventbrite to receive the Zoom Webinar link and password 24 hours
before event.*** -- Why are conversations about race, equity, racial
justice and "Critical Race Theory" in k-12 classrooms so contentious
now? Three experienced and acclaimed 2019 Teachers of the Year—AZ, UT,
and AR--share their experiences and perspectives on the social and
political debate taking the US by storm. In the wake of the US and
global racial justice “reckoning,” where does this focus on Critical
Race Theory fall and how does this “controversy” challenge the
foundation of US education and race relations?:
Tue, 8/24, 6 pm -- Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz in conversation with Alejandro
Murguía -- Celebrating the launch of her new book Not A Nation of
Immigrants: Settler Colonialism, White Supremacy, and a History of
Erasure and Exclusion -- Debunks the pervasive and self-congratulatory
myth that our country is proudly founded by and for immigrants, and
urges readers to embrace a more complex and honest history of the
United States -- Whether in political debates or discussions about
immigration around the kitchen table, many Americans, regardless of
party affiliation, will say proudly that we are a nation of
immigrants. In this bold new book, historian Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
asserts this ideology is harmful and dishonest because it serves to
mask and diminish the US's history of settler colonialism, genocide,
white supremacy, slavery, and structural inequality, all of which we
still grapple with today -- Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz grew up in rural
Oklahoma in a tenant farming family. She has been active in the
international Indigenous movement for more than 4 decades and is known
for her lifelong commitment to national and international social
justice issues. Dunbar-Ortiz is the winner of the 2017 Lannan Cultural
Freedom Prize, and is the author or editor of many books, including An
Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States, a recipient of the
2015 American Book Award:
Tue, 8/24, 10 pm -- Unravelling the Capitalist State: Crisis and
Opportunity -- Sydney Environment Institute Doctoral Fellow Anna
Sturman explores the capitalist state as a key terrain of inquiry for
environmental and social justice movements -- A central concept that
remains resolutely under-theorised in much climate and environmental
scholarship is the capitalist state -- In conversation with this
resurgent state theory literature and on-the-ground responses to
compounding crises, SEI Doctoral Fellow Anna Sturman argues that what
we may observe as disparate crises are internally related facets of
the same crisis - or crisis tendencies - of capitalism. Moving past
definitions of the state which see it as a unified and autonomous
entity, instrumentally or structurally inclined to act in one way or
the other, here instead the state is positioned as an internally
contradictory set of social relations which can be worked on and
through by different social forces -- As crisis tendencies continue to
escalate, the state will be worked on and through by different social
forces bent on achieving their aims. With the ongoing rise of the
far-right, we can see that the stakes have never been higher. The time
is now to return to a serious consideration of the capitalist state
and how progressive forces might navigate it as part of a broader
strategy to bring about a safer, democratic future -- Speaker: Anna
Sturman is a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Economy at
the University of Sydney and a SEI Doctoral Fellow. Her research
interests include the political economy of climate change, the role of
agriculture in programmatic socio-ecological transformations,
materialist ecofeminist approaches to economics and theories of the
Wed, 8/25, 4 am -- We Are All Mutants: CRISPR and Multispecies Futures
-- AMOR MUNDI Multispecies Ecological Worldmaking Lab presents “We Are
All Mutants: CRISPR and Multispecies Futures”: A Talk by Multispecies
Ethnographer & Biotechnoscience Scholar Eben Kirksey -- In THE MUTANT
PROJECT: Inside the Global Race to Genetically Modify Humans,
anthropologist Eben Kirksey visits the frontiers of genetics,
medicine, and technology to ask: Whose values are guiding gene editing
experiments? And what does this new era of scientific inquiry mean for
the future of the human species? -- In 2018, Dr. He Jiankui announced
that he had created the first genetically modified babies—twin girls
named Lulu and Nana—sending shockwaves around the world. As scientists
elsewhere start to catch up with China’s vast genetic research
program, gene editing is fueling an innovation economy that threatens
to widen racial and economic inequality. Fundamental questions about
science, health, and social justice are at stake: Who gets access to
gene editing technologies? As countries loosen regulations around the
globe, from the U.S. to Indonesia, can we shape research agendas to
promote an ethical and fair society? -- EBEN KIRKSEY is an American
anthropologist and Member of the Institute for Advanced Study in
Princeton, New Jersey. He speaks widely at the world’s leading
academic institutions including Oxford, Yale, Columbia, UCLA, and the
International Summit of Human Genome Editing. Professor Kirksey holds
a long-term position at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia:
Wed, 8/25, 9 am -- Who is Creating Existential Risk? (Why, and Why
Should We Care?) -- In this panel, Centre for the Study of Existential
Risk researchers will discuss an array of different hazards, ranging
from AI to bioweapons, climate change to nuclear weapons -- Who or
what are the primary creators of global risk? Should we be most
concerned about individuals like the lone rogue scientist or hooded
hacker, or place more responsibility with larger actors such as large
corporations and states? To what extent should we think of actors as
holding responsibility for risk, as opposed to it being something that
emerges in a more distributed way? Why does this matter, and how might
understanding the root causes and responsibilities around global risk
help us to better mitigate them? -- In this panel, researchers from
the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER) will discuss these
questions for an array of different hazards, ranging from AI to
bioweapons, climate change to nuclear weapons. They will consider the
sources of existential risk in the past and present, what could change
in the future, and what this means for the world. Panellists: Jess
Whittlestone, Lalitha Sundaram, Tom Hobson, and Luke Kemp:
Wed, 8/25, 11 am -- The Divide by Jason Hickel -- Join author Jason
Hickel and guests for a discussion on Global Inequality and its
Solutions -- The richest eight people control more wealth than the
poorest half of the world combined. Today, 60 per cent of the world’s
population lives on less than $5 a day. Though global real GDP has
nearly tripled since 1980, 1.1 billion more people are now living in
poverty -- Join author Jason Hickel and guests for a discussion on The
Divide - a provocative, urgent and ultimately uplifting account of how
the world works, and how it can change for the better. The discussion
will explore the reality that poor countries are poor because they are
integrated into the global economic system on unequal terms, and that
aid only helps to hide this:
Wed, 8/25, 12 noon -- Ethics in Tech – A Conversation Series -- From
the moment you wake up and check your messages on Facebook or Twitter,
to when you set your Google Nest for the night, tech giants wield
unprecedented influence over our daily lives. With this enormous power
comes an enormous potential for abuse. The information economy has led
to profound challenges to personal privacy. Stalkerware takes
advantage of security gaps in our personal digital infrastructure to
turn phones and smart home products into tools for facilitating
domestic violence. Online platforms are grappling with what it means
to provide fairness and due process to their users. And across the
tech industry, racial and gender-based discrimination scandals suggest
a need to address toxic cultures. The question of how to impose
ethical guardrails on these enormously powerful actors is among the
most important challenges of this generation -- Our first session
features Cory Doctorow, in conversation with Dr. Sarah Roberts --
Cory Doctorow is a science fiction author, activist, journalist and
blogger -- the editor of Pluralistic and the author of young adult
novels like LITTLE BROTHER and HOMELAND and novels for adults like
ATTACK SURFACE and WALKAWAY, as well as nonfiction books like HOW TO
DESTROY SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM. He is the former European director of
the Electronic Frontier Foundation and co-founded the UK Open Rights
Group -- Sarah T. Roberts is an Associate Professor at the University
of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in the Department of Information
Studies and holds an appointment in Labor Studies. She was recently
appointed a Research Associate to the Oxford Internet Institute:
Wed, 8/25, 3 pm -- Hemp and Biotech: An Earth Based Solution for 21st
Century Challenges -- A monthly series highlighting hemp as an
eco-solution to the climate crisis with conversations between industry
Leaders and youth activists! -- Moon Mother Hemp Company and Earth
Guardians are combining forces to host a virtual series designed to
shine light on hemp as a dynamic solution to the current climate
crisis. Each panel will focus on unique topics chosen by the Earth
Guardians' Youth Council featuring industry specialists. Learn about
hemp history, environmental benefits, justice & equity, daily uses,
substitutions, and more! -- AUGUST WEBINAR: HEMP AND BIOTECH: AN EARTH
challenges in the battle against our environmental crisis lie in the
biotech space. However, today a number of scientists, engineers, and
entrepreneurs are looking at those challenges through the lens of
Hemp. Some of the most evocative uses of Hemp are as an alternative to
plastic, packaging, and other low impact solutions to a sustainable
economy and a more regenerative approach to the challenges of commerce
and utility:
Thu, 8/26, 4 pm -- "Redeeming the Heart and Soul of America": A
Conversation with Rev. William Barber -- Rev. William Barber is one of
the best known social justice advocates in America today and his
passion and eloquence has inspired millions of people. On Thursday
night, August 26th he will be featured in a webinar hosted by the
McClendon Scholar Program at New York Avenue Presbyterian Church. He
will be interviewed by Rev. William Lamar IV, pastor of the historic
Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC. They will discuss personal
faith, activism and social change and what needs to be done to "redeem
the heart and soul of America.":
To submit events for our newsletter, please email a short blurb to
news at sfgreens.org. Messages to a mailing list will be rejected.
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