<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10>Hello Fellow Greens,
<BR>Looking for a spot to spend Thanksgiving? Come and be among friends, enjoy laughter, discussion of progressive politics and great food. Join us for a
<BR>Green Party Thanksgiving Potluck on Thanksgiving evening at 5 PM. The location is at 770 Shotwell but you must RSVP and bring a food dish. Call Kim Knox at 290-2708 or email list@marksanchez.org.
<BR>Happy Holidays from the San Francisco Green Party!
<BR>Warm Regards,
<BR>Erika McDonald
<BR>To have an item included in our newsletter, send a message to erikasf@aol.com. No attachments please. </FONT></HTML>