<font size=5>San Francisco Green Party Weekly Newsletter <br>
</font><font size=4>Announcement List for SF Green Party: October 3-9,
</font>Send items to
<a href="mailto:news@sfgreens.org"><u>news@sfgreens.org</a></u>.
<font size=4>EVENTS</font> (San Francisco, unless otherwise
* Green Party General Membership Meeting: Wednesday, Oct. 17, 7:30-9:30
p.m. <br>
1028 A Howard Street (between 6th and 7th Streets)<br>
The General Meeting is held every third Wednesday of the month.
Agenda to be announced.<br><br>
* Animal Advocacy Working Group Meeting: Thursday, Oct. 4, 7:30 p.m.<br>
Golden Era Chinese Restaurant (vegan), 572 O'Farrell St. (between Jones
and Leavenworth - off the 38 Geary MUNI bus line)<br>
Arrive at 7 p.m., if you want to order food. Look for the table
displaying a greeting card with three wolf pups on it. Agenda
includes adopting a proposal to prevent the shooting of coyotes and other
wildlife when they come into conflict with humans, and a discussion on
introducing vegan lunches to San Francisco schools. For more
information, call 415-756-8844.<br><br>
* Code Pink Women for Peace Musical Benefit: Friday, Oct. 5, 9 p.m. till
midnight; $5 or more.<br>
El Rio, 3158 Mission St. (near Cesar Chavez)<br><br>
Performers include Elisa M Welch, singer/songwriter Nina Jo Smith
(<a href="http://www.redwoodrivermusic.com"><u>
www.redwoodrivermusic.com</a></u>), Bryan Harrison Band
(<a href="http://www.bryanharrison.net"><u>www.bryanharrison.net</a></u>)
and Barbary Coast Allstars. Come early for El Rio's free oysters on
the half shell. Happy Hour for $2.50 draft pints and well drinks,
5-9 p.m. Call 415-282-3325 or check out
<a href="http://www.codepinkalert.org"><u>www.codepinkalert.org</a></u>
for more info. Must be 21 or older. <br><br>
* Rally & Barbecue for Ahimsa Sumchai, Ahimsa4Mayor Campaign HQ,
Saturday, Oct. 6, 1-3 p.m.<br>
4919B Third St., backyard, with Cynthia McKinney & Bayview activists.
For more information,
<a href="http://www.ahimsa4mayor.com/"><u>www.</a></u>ahimsa4mayor.com<br>
* Reception & Fundraiser with Rep Cynthia McKinney, Saturday, Oct. 6,
5-7 p.m.<br>
Hosts Vicki Leidner and John Radogno, 770 Shotwell (@ 22 St., 3 blocks
east of Mission) <br>
With Mark Sanchez, Jane Kim, Eric Mar and Medea Benjamin, who will not be
present, but her letter of support will be read. Take this
opportunity to gather with Greens and Progressives to discuss the focus
of the 2008 presidential election. Event is free but contributions are
encouraged. Please RSVP to Christina Olague at 415-921-4048, or
<a href="mailto:c_olague@yahoo.com"><u>c_olague@yahoo.com</a></u>.<br><br>
* Wildlife Conservation Expo,<b> </b>Saturday, Oct. 6, 10 a.m.-6
Mission Bay Conference Center, 1675 Owens St.<br>
Joining 19 leading animal conservationists, Dr. Jane Goodall delivers the
Expo’s keynote address on efforts to save imperiled wildlife in Africa,
Asia and South America. For more information, call 650-949-3533 or visit
<a href="http://www.wildnet.org%20"><u>www.wildnet.org</a></u>; $50
adult; $25/student. <br><br>
* Beach Impeach, Berkeley Marina, Oct. 7, 11 a.m. <br>
Approximately 1500 impeachers and very special guest, Cindy Sheehan, will
spell out for Congress what exactly is on the table. More special
guests include, Cynthia McKinney, former US Representative from Georgia,
and musician Michelle Shocked. Visit link for more information:
<a href="http://www.beachimpeach.org/" eudora="autourl"><u>
</a></u>* Castro Street Fair: Sunday, Oct. 7.<br>
If you want to help table, call Sue at (415) 601-9297 -- or just show up
Look for us under the big SAN FRANCISCO GREEN PARTY banner.<br><br>
* The ACLU-NC/B.A.R.K. Plus Chapter Annual Meeting, Sunday, Oct. 7, 3-5
Topic: Government Surveillance 2007: Where Has Your Privacy Gone?<br>
Doubletree Hotel at the Berkeley Marina, 200 Marina Boulevard,
For more information, contact Jim Hausken at 510-558-0377, or visit
<a href="http://www.aclubark.org/index.html"><u>
</a></u>* The League of Women Voters is co-hosting the candidate forums
in partnership with KQED radio, SFGOV TV and the San Francisco Public
Library. The forums will be recorded for television and radio broadcast
and be available for viewing on the League’s website at
<a href="http://www.sfvotes.org/"><u>www.sfvotes.org</a></u>.<br>
- League of Women Voters SF Candidate Forum for Sheriff, Tuesday, Oct. 9,
6-7 p.m.<br>
San Francisco Public Library, Koret Auditorium, 100 Larkin Street <br>
Moderated by Belva Davis, KQED-TV<br>
- League of Women Voters SF Candidate Forum for District Attorney,
Tuesday, Oct. 9, 7-8 p.m.<br>
San Francisco Public Library, Koret Auditorium, 100 Larkin Street <br>
Conversation with District Attorney Kamala Harris (uncontested incumbent)
Moderated by Belva Davis, KQED-TV<br>
- League of Women Voters SF Candidate Forum for Mayor, Tuesday, Oct. 11,
6-8 p.m.<br>
San Francisco Public Library, Koret Auditorium, 100 Larkin Street <br>
Mayor Newsom participating.<br>
Moderated by Scott Shafer, KQED’s California Report Magazine<br><br>
<font size=4>NEWS <br><br>
</font>SF Bay Guardian exclusive updates, profiles and candid talk with
local candidates running for office this year. Visit
<a href="http://www.sfbg.com/elections/fall2007" eudora="autourl"><u>
www.sfbg.com/elections/fall2007</a></u> for the scoop the dailies won't
"Impeachment by the People," by Howard Zinn: First
released by The Progressive
(<a href="http://www.progressive.org/" eudora="autourl"><u>
http://www.progressive.org/</a></u>), Howard Zinn starts the piece with a
punch, "Courage is in short supply in Washington, D.C. The
realities of the Iraq War cry out for the overthrow of a government that
is criminally responsible for death, mutilation, torture, humiliation,
chaos." Read the full magazine article at
<a href="http://www.progressive.org/mag_zinnl0207"><u>
www.progressive.org/mag_zinnl0207</a></u>. <br><br>
Hillary Clinton Pays Visit to Palazzo Feinstein<br>
<a href="http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2007/10/01/18450729.php">
Ethnic Cleansing in San Francisco<br>
<a href="http://www.counterpunch.org/santina09292007.html">
Newsom's Expensive Silence<br>
<a href="http://www.beyondchron.org/news/index.php?itemid=4962#more">
Protect Net Neutrality and Free Speech
(<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Net_Neutrality" eudora="autourl">
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Net_Neutrality</a>): Net Neutrality
means equal access to the Internet, regardless of how fat your wallet
is. Net Neutrality would keep the playing field level and maintain
fair access to the internet. <br>
<a href="http://action.freepress.net/campaign/verizon">
Greens Court McKinney<br>
<a href="http://www.sfbg.com/blogs/politics/2007/10/greens_court_mckinney.html#more">
Which presidential candidate comes closest to reflecting your position on
the issues (at least a few of them)? Take this interesting, if
unscientific, poll to find out:
<a href="http://minnesota.publicradio.org/projects/ongoing/select_a_candidate/poll.php?race_id=13">
The San Francisco Green Party has been hard at work interviewing
candidates, poring over ballot initiatives, deliberating over
endorsements and drafting statements regarding the November 2007
election. All of this work is being done exclusively by
Also this year, for the first time, the SFGP is drafting a newspaper with
statements explaining the positions and endorsements we are taking for
the November election. Our hope is to mail this newspaper to every
registered Green in San Francisco. Reaching every Green with this
newspaper will help <br>
guarantee a high voter turnout among Green Party members for this
important election. <br>
Mailing and printing this newspaper will cost thousands of dollars.
Please help us out in this effort by becoming a Green Party sustainer, or
making a one time donation!<br><br>
Your generous contribution now will help us finish the year on strong
financial footing and get a jump-start on the 2008 elections. There will
be several SF Green Party candidates to support in November 2008.
Ross Mirkarimi, for example, will be up for re-election as District 5
Supervisor. Please help us remain solvent by donating now!
<a href="http://www.sfgreenparty.org/makeadonation/makeadonation.html" eudora="autourl">
</a></u>Volunteers Needed - Contact cc@sfgreens.org or
<a href="mailto:susan_e_vaughan@yahoo.com"><u>
</a></u>City Hall is seeking members for:<br>
Peak Oil Preparedness Task Force,
<a href="http://www.sfgov.org/site/bdsupvrs_page.asp?id=64788"><u>
<a href="http://www.sfgov.org/site/bdsupvrs_page.asp?id=36743" eudora="autourl">
</a></u>Thank you for your on-going support!<br>