Send Announcement items to news@sfgreens.org.<br>
Please keep items brief; submissions may be edited for length and
content. <br>
____________________ <br>
* SF Green Party Special Endorsement Meeting: Monday, Jan. 7, 7 p.m.
1028-A Howard Street (between 6th and 7th streets) <br>
Help determine our position on February ballot initiatives.
* Green Party Presidential Debate: Jan. 13, 2 p.m.<br>
Herbst Theater, 401 Van Ness Ave (see Events below for more info)<br>
Debating the issues of the day are Green Party primary candidates Jared
Ball, Elaine Brown, Cynthia McKinney, Kent Mesplay and Ralph Nader. <br>
For more information, contact John Morton,
<a href="mailto:jlm108@yahoo.com">greendebate2008@yahoo.com</a> or visit
<a href="http://www.acgreens.org/debate">
____________________ <br>
EVENTS (San Francisco, unless otherwise noted) <br>
* Imagine Peace 2008 - New Year's Eve Party: Dec. 31, 9 p.m.-1 a.m. <br>
Wax Museum, Fisherman's Wharf, 145 Jefferson St. <br>
Celebrate New Year's Eve with CODEPINK and Global Exchange. Tickets at
<a href="http://www.globalexchange.org/imaginepeace2008" eudora="autourl">
www.globalexchange.org/imaginepeace2008</a>. <br>
* Operation White Rose: Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2008, 7 a.m.- 9 p.m. <br>
Join members of the White Rose Coalition, and congressional
candidate/antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan, as <br>
they call for the impeachment of George Bush and Dick Cheney during the
Rose Parade and the Rose Bowl <br>
in Pasadena.
<a href="http://www.bcimpeach.com/%A0" eudora="autourl">
http://www.bcimpeach.com/ </a> <br>
* SF Green Party Special Endorsement Meeting: Monday, Jan. 7, 7 p.m.
1028-A Howard Street (between 6th and 7th streets) <br>
Help determine our position on February ballot initiatives.
* Green Party Presidential Debate, Northern California: Jan. 13, 2 p.m.;
$10-$25 donation at the door (sliding scale)<br>
Herbst Theater, 401 Van Ness Ave. (opposite City Hall)<br>
Debating the issues of the day are Green Party primary candidates Jared
Ball, Elaine Brown, Cynthia McKinney, Kent Mesplay and Ralph Nader. <br>
For more information, contact John Morton,
<a href="mailto:jlm108@yahoo.com">greendebate2008@yahoo.com</a> or visit
<a href="http://www.acgreens.org/debate">
* Green Party General Membership Meeting: Wednesday, Jan. 16,
7:30-9:30 p.m. <br>
1028-A Howard Street (between 6th and 7th streets)<br>
<a href="http://www.sfgreenparty.org/" eudora="autourl">
</a> <br>
* Reproductive Justice for All: Saturday, Jan. 19, 11 a.m. <br>
We have the permit for Justin Herman Plaza, the same day 10,000 right
wingers from the far reaches of California slither into town for their
annual “Walk for LifeWest Coast.” Let's give them a real Bay Area
Welcome! We’re taking back our public space from the Religious Right! We
need you to join us in sending the message that the Bay Area stands for
reproductive rights, and that Roe v. Wade must be defended and expanded,
especially on this, the 35th anniversary of Roe. For more info,
email BACORR@gmail.com. <br>
* Conference on Global Warming: Wednesday, Jan. 30, 9 am to 9 pm
& Thursday, Jan. 31, 9 am to 6 pm <br>
SFSU, 1600 Holloway Ave, San Francisco, Jack Adams Hall <br>
This free, two-day event features world class speakers, such as Van
Jones, expert panels, a roundtable discussion with elected
representatives, and a live satellite webcast featuring Hunter Lovins of
the Rocky Mountain Institute and many others. For more info:
<a href="http://bss.sfsu.edu/envstudies/climate.html" eudora="autourl">
http://bss.sfsu.edu/envstudies/climate.html</a> or call 415-405-0326.
* SFSU Focus the Nation Teach-in: Jan. 30-31, Free.<br>
Across the country over 1000 campuses will take part in the largest
teach-in on climate change in U.S. history. Keynote speakers include
environmental-justice advocate and green-jobs pioneer Van Jones of the
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, Michael Glantz, senior researcher at
the National Center for Atmospheric Research and American Indian
ecologist Dennis Martinez. For SFSU information:
<a href="http://bss.sfsu.edu/envstudies/climate.html" eudora="autourl"><u>
http://bss.sfsu.edu/envstudies/climate.html</a> <br>
</u>For UC Berkeley information:
<a href="http://bie.berkeley.edu/ftn" eudora="autourl"><u>
</a></u> <br>
* Chicago to Host 2008 National Green Party Convention: July 10-13, 2008
<a href="http://www.sfgreenparty.org/news/newsitem-start.gem?idx=1601 " eudora="autourl">
www.sfgreenparty.org/news/newsitem-start.gem?idx=1601 </a> <br>
____________________ <br>
NEWS <br>
Federal Judge Rules Against S.F. on Healthcare Plan<br>
<a href="http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/12/27/BA5AU50F2.DTL&tsp=1" eudora="autourl">
</a> <br>
The Case for Kucinich<br>
<a href="http://www.sfbg.com/entry.php?entry_id=5231&catid=4&volume_id=317&issue_id=330&volume_num=42&issue_num=12">
Energy Bill Not Good Enough (Pelosi says it’s “real change”)<br>
<u><a href="http://www.progressive.org/mag_wx121907" eudora="autourl">
</a></u> <br>
What Democrats Need is a Little Backbone <br>
<a href="http://www.beyondchron.org/news/index.php?itemid=5221#more" eudora="autourl">
</a></u> <br>
America to Congress: We're mad as hell and you're not listening!<br>
<a href="http://www.hightowerlowdown.org/node/1480" eudora="autourl">
</a> <br>
For Crack Offenders, Earlier Shot At Release<br>
<a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/11/AR2007121101655.html">
Tom Hanks Tells Hollywood Whopper in “Charlie Wilson's War”<br>
<a href="http://www.alternet.org/story/71286/">
BP’s Biggest Environmental Crime in History<br>
<a href="http://environment.independent.co.uk/article3239364.ece" eudora="autourl">
</a> <br>
Chronicle Begins Attack on Affordable Housing Measure<br>
<a href="http://www.beyondchron.org/articles/Chronicle_Begins_Attack_on_Affordable_Housing_Measure_5203.html" eudora="autourl">
</a> <br>
The San Francisco Green Party is engaged in numerous financially
intensive activities/events, including our <br>
first-ever election newspaper with the SFGP's candidate and proposition
endorsements for the recent <br>
November election. We distributed the paper to every registered
Green in San Francisco, which set us back <br>
thousands of dollars in mailing, production and printing costs.
Please help in our fundraising efforts by <br>
becoming a Green Party sustainer, or making a one-time
donation! <br>
Your generous contributions now will help us finish the year on strong
financial footing and get a jump-<br>
start on the 2008 elections. Please help us remain solvent by
donating now! <br>
<a href="http://www.sfgreenparty.org/makeadonation/makeadonation.html%A0" eudora="autourl">
http://www.sfgreenparty.org/makeadonation/makeadonation.html </a> <br>
____________________ <br>
FCC new rules will unleash a flood of media consolidation across America:
Sign the open letter to Congress to Stop the FCC<br>
<a href="http://action.freepress.net/campaign/sbmopenletter">
<a name="_prescand"></a>Green Candidates for 2008 Presidential
<a href="http://www.cagreens.org/elections/index.shtml#_prescand">
Keep the DEA Out of California<br>
<a href="http://www.sanfranciscocannabisclubs.com/medical-marijuana/activism/california/articles/2007/keep-dea-out-of-california.htm" eudora="autourl">
</a>____________________ <br>
Volunteers Needed: Contact cc@sfgreens.org or susan_e_vaughan@yahoo.com
. <br>
Thank you for your on-going support! <br>
Go here to unsubscribe:
<a href="http://list.sfgreens.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/announce%A0" eudora="autourl">
http://list.sfgreens.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/announce </a> <br>