[Gpca-votes] Party growth

Nicole Castor nmcastorsilva at gmail.com
Tue Oct 17 07:53:00 PDT 2017

I'll find the link later today :)

On Oct 16, 2017 10:08 PM, "Jeff Lebow" <jlebow at socal.rr.com> wrote:

> Fantastic. We Greens need a presence in our communities year round. Love
> to hear your show. Is there a podcast or a website we can listen in?
> Excited!
> Jeff
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 15, 2017, at 8:32 AM, Nicole Castor <nmcastorsilva at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Jeff,
> It's funny you mentioned radio because just last week, I was given the
> opportunity to host my own slot on the station (KDVS 90.3FM) which I had
> guest-hosted on previously. I am designing a program which will be a forum
> for alternative parties.
> For the first show, Faygo (James, from comment above) and I will be
> discussing homelessness in our area through a Green perspective. We are
> very excited about it and will be recording this week!
> Yes, we definitely see the value in being involved with like-minded folks
> from other parties. Besides bringing exposure to GP, we have a vested
> interest in community-building.
> Also worth mentioning, props to Faygo again... At an event we attended
> last week, Faygo was on camera on our local news, with his GP button
> visable. Woot! Haha.
> See the video here:
> http://fox40.com/2017/10/10/indigenous-peoples-day-
> protest-at-sacramneto-city-hall/
> -N
> On Oct 13, 2017 8:25 AM, "Jeff Lebow" <jlebow at socal.rr.com> wrote:
>> James,
>> Your activism and leadership is admirable and necessary. Building a
>> functioning infrastructure to meet the needs of people in your community is
>> extremely important and creates opportunities to actualize Green values.
>> The challenge for those of us that are involved in community service is how
>> we can translate our work into party registration and ultimately political
>> victories.
>> I hope your work is building bridges to non Greens, progressive Dems,
>> faith community activists and people of good will and conscience who share
>> our values. The relationships created while serving your community is our
>> best hope for those served as well as Party growth. I trust you’ve had this
>> discussion with other Sacramento Greens.
>> I am currently working on a project with KPFK (listener sponsored
>> Pacifica FM station in SoCal) to create a radio program featuring community
>> building projects, giving them a platform to strengthen their capabilities
>> and accomplishments. Tomorrow I lead volunteer harvesters to glean Valencia
>> oranges, which will be distributed to organizations feeding those in need.
>> Can you imagine what 94,000 or so registered California Greens could do
>> if each of us would be involved in year round community service in addition
>> to our electoral activities?
>> Keep up the good fight and share your successes.
>> In solidarity,
>> Jeff Lebow
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 12, 2017, at 6:28 PM, james clark <faygodrinkit at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Jeff,
>> Doing community service is an awesome idea. I am the founder of Community
>> Dinner Project, a nonpartisan (started it while npp) activist group that
>> serves an organic meal in front of Sacramento city hall every week before
>> attending the city council meeting. The meal is technically illegal as we
>> refuse to pay the city in order to feed our communities most vulnerable. In
>> the council meeting we advocate for issues of concern within Sacramento,
>> from Black lives matter, to Nestle pumping water locally, to rent control.
>> Our main focus remains centered on homeless rights, especially the
>> #right2rest and access to water and sanitation. Several local greens
>> participate in our events. I am also a well known local organizer who
>> started with occupy Sacramento.
>> Other efforts include my work as a lead organizer for the anti Monsanto
>> project, crunch Nestle alliance, national day against police brutality as
>> well as other coalition efforts. Currently I'm working on a ballot
>> initiative for the city of Sacramento that would help to resolve the
>> homeless situation in Sacramento, while respecting the rights of our
>> unhoused residents. I am also building a team to recall Steve Hansen, the
>> district 4 city council member with plans to replace him.
>> Other things our local party has been doing is endorsement of local
>> activists events, participation in coalition work with local activists, and
>> have a few greens running for office.
>> The truth is that we must employ a diversity of tactics and strategies in
>> order to grow. We must do so with respect to those who are underrepresented
>> by the establishment parties. We must also do so with priority to our core
>> values. By showing integrity, honesty and solidarity with our local
>> communities we can let people see that the Green Party can be the political
>> arm of the movement and that it will work towards meeting the urgent needs
>> of our marginalized communities.
>> If you're interested in learning more about my work a quick Google search
>> of "James Faygo Clark" will give a decent sample of what I've done.
>> On Oct 9, 2017 8:37 PM, "Jess Moorman" <moorman.jesse at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is this important question being sabotaged by junk postings?
>> Do we exercise any control over this recurrent problem?
>> And why not then allow Greens to add their thoughtful ideas on the
>> question? Our rules about what gets posted where are sometimes too
>> reflexively thrown at good questions, but deliberate abuse of a lively
>> thread is never chided.
>> On Oct 5, 2017 6:57 AM, "Jeff Lebow" <jlebow at socal.rr.com> wrote:
>>> Stephan,
>>> What can our party do to grow our party’s membership aside from running
>>> candidates in elections? Your ideas?
>>> Jeff Lebow
>>> Orange County GP
>>> Sent from my iPhone
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