[GPCA-SGA-Votes] Fwd: [gpca-forum] Endorsing Dems?!?!?

1 jbrjaw1 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 18:14:23 PDT 2018

 Is anyone here familiar with CFAR? Anyone?

Hey, Dumbocrats (neoliberal/corporatist judiciaries, legislators &
executives at the state and federal political level, not the U.S. Voting
Republic) are the left side of the Repiglicans (the crazies, not the U.S.
Voting Republic), they both suck, and we all know that, but the CFAR
is missing one important demand... "*Allow 3rd or more political parties to
participate on the debate stage - no matter what the polls say.*"
We must demand many things from those that we endorse, including the CFAR
and most importantly to allow Greens in Debates and, the CFAR
does not have that indicated, anywhere.

I strongly believe that we need our own contract with those that we
support/endorse that are not Greens, and it should include the following:
The Green New Deal
Allow 3rd + Parties to Debate
uhhh, that's all I can think of right now.

Mahalo, all!

James Young

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: 1 <jbrjaw1 at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [gpca-forum] Endorsing Dems?!?!?
To: GPCA member general discussion <gpca-forum at lists.cagreens.org>

Is anyone here familiar with CFAR?
Hey, dems are the left side of the repubs, the both suck, and we all know
that, but the CFAR is missing one important demand...
"Allow 3rd or more political parties to participate on the debate state -
no matter what the polls say."
We must demand many things from those that we endorse, including the CFAR,
and most importantly to allow Greens in Debates.
Which, the CFAR does not have, anywhere.
We need our own contract with those that we support/endorse that are not

James Young

On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 3:07 PM, james clark via gpca-forum <
gpca-forum at lists.cagreens.org> wrote:

> Noticing a certain county endorsing a lot of demoncrats. I find this
> problematic as it helps raise up a corrupt party, and works to delegitimize
> the values of the green party. Should county's not seeking to find greens
> to run, or find non corporate party candidates rather than endorse
> candidates from a party we are trying overcome? If we are to be taken
> seriously we should avoid empowering the very party's that fight against
> greens having a place on the ballot. Thoughts??
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