[GPCA-SGA-Votes] SGA election February 12th to April 1st - SAVE THIS EMAIL

GPCA Votes gpca.votes at gmail.com
Tue Feb 13 00:02:35 PST 2018

Hello Standing General Assembly Delegate,

Welcome to the Green Party of California Standing General Assembly (SGA)
email list: gpca-votes at sfgreens.org  Please keep this email message handy,
and make note of the informational webpage:


This email and other forthcoming emails, plus the webpage, will provide you
with information you need to know about this SGA election.

The SGA election begins on Monday, February 12th, with a 6-week discussion
period. A one-week voting period follows, beginning on Monday, March 26th
and ending on Sunday, April 1st.

There are a total of 25 votes divided into 4 sections:

*1) GPCA Elections  (3 items)*
<http://www.sjcgreens.org/sga_vote_gpca_elections>  *

*2) Ballot Measures (5 items)*
<http://www.sjcgreens.org/sga_vote_ballot_measures>  *

*3) Statewide Races (9 items)*
<http://www.sjcgreens.org/sga_vote_statewide_races> *

*4) Bylaws Interpretations and Bylaws Amendments (8 items)*
<http://www.sjcgreens.org/sga_vote_bylaw_interpretations> *

The six-week discussion will take place starting today on the email list
gpca-votes at sfgreens.org and the one-week voting period will begin on
Monday, March 26, when you will receive instructions on how to cast your

The full list of votes is below.  In the next couple of days the full text
of each vote will be posted except for statewide races which will depend on
which candidates officially qualify to be on the California June 2018
Primary Ballot.

Thank you for your participation in the Standing General Assembly.

SGA Vote Administrators
Victoria Ashley, Solano County
Brian Good, Santa Clara County
Laura Wells, Alameda County

SGA Alternate Vote Administrators
Eric Brooks, San Francisco County
Mike Goldbeck, San Diego County

*1) GPCA Elections and Minutes Approval (3)*

ID #136 - Election: Coordinating Committee, unscheduled vacancy, one male
seat, remainder of July 2017 - June 2019 (secret ballot)

ID #137 - Election: GPUS Delegation, unscheduled vacancy, three alternates,
remainder of July 2017 - June 2019 (secret ballot)

ID #138 - Approval: Minutes, General Assembly, June 10-11, 2017

*2) Ballot Measures (5)*

ID #139 - GPCA position on Prop 68: California Drought, Water, Parks,
Climate, Coastal Protection, and Outdoor Access For All Act of 2018

ID #140- GPCA position on Prop 69: Motor vehicle fees and taxes:
restriction on expenditures: appropriations limit

ID #141- GPCA position on Prop 70: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Reserve Fund

ID #142 - GPCA position on Prop 71: Ballot measures: effective date

ID #143- GPCA position on Prop 72: Property tax: new construction
exclusion: rain water capture system.

*3) Statewide Races (9)*

ID #144 - GPCA endorsement for US Senate

ID #145 - GPCA endorsement for Governor

ID #146 - GPCA endorsement for Lt. Governor

ID #147 - GPCA endorsement for Secretary of State

ID #148 - GPCA endorsement for Controller

ID #149 - GPCA endorsement for Treasurer

ID #150 - GPCA endorsement for Attorney General

ID #151 - GPCA endorsement for Insurance Commissioner

ID #152 - GPCA endorsement for Superintendent of Public Instruction

*4)  Bylaws Interpretations and Bylaws Amendments (8)*

ID #153 - Bylaws Interpretation: Election of GPUS Delegation Alternate seats

ID #154 - Bylaws Interpretation regarding GPCA Endorsements of candidates
in statewide races in June 2018 Primary Election

ID #155- Endorsement Policy Amendment: GPCA Endorsements for General
Election Candidates

ID #156- Bylaws Amendment: Procedures for Recall

ID #157- Bylaws Amendment: Clarify Notice Requirements and Reset Quorum at
a Minimum of 50% For Standing Committees’ Voting Membership

ID #158- Bylaws Amendment: Changing References to Standing Green Assembly
to Standing General Assembly

ID #159- Bylaws Amendment: Elections Eligibility and Timing for
Coordinating Committee

ID #160- Bylaws Amendment - Elections Timing/Eligibility/Venue for GPUS
Delegation (conditional posting)
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