[GPCA-SGA-Votes] Green Party Sex Tape video

Victoria Ashley victronix01 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 08:52:05 PST 2018

>> I could not support a candidate taking this approach to fundraising

It's a joke, they are highlighting the core issue of our party of taking no
corporate donations.

On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 8:49 AM, Victoria Ashley <victronix01 at gmail.com>

> I loved it!  Especially the comment at the comment about Monsanto and
> Chevron.
> I think this is a great use of humor and creativity to address corporate
> control of politicians.
> -- Victoria
> On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 7:46 AM, Jeff Lebow <jlebow at socal.rr.com> wrote:
>> Is this real or a hatchet job by Green opponents? If it is real, it is
>> really poor judgement and is quite disturbing. I could not support a
>> candidate taking this approach to fundraising. It’s just wrong. The fair
>> thing would be for the candidate himself to explain whether this is real or
>> why he took this extreme action.
>> Jeff Lebow
>> OC Greens
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 4, 2018, at 10:33 PM, Angelica Duenas <angelica at aduenas.org>
>> wrote:
>> Dear SGA delegates
>> I am very disturbed by the Green Party Sex Tape video (
>> https://youtu.be/dxhUS-QQPbg) created and posted by Gubernatorial
>> candidate Josh Jones. I find the video offensive and an example of
>> extremely poor judgment by someone seeking to represent our party as a
>> candidate for our state’s highest office.
>> I was first introduced face to face with the Green Party at the August
>> 2016 Green Party national convention in Houston, which I attended as an
>> interested observer, after being turned off by the Democratic Party (as a
>> Berniecrat delegate at the Democratic National Convention a week earlier.)
>> At the GPUS convention, I met David Cobb, Laura Wells, Mike Feinstein,
>> Jill Stein, Ajamu Baraka, Cornel West (when things looked like he might Go
>> Green) and Luis Rodriguez (the GPCA's 2014 Gubernatorial candidate). Based
>> upon those interactions, I was impressed by the Green Party, effectively
>> going Green the following month. Since then, I have learned a lot about the
>> Green Party and its inner workings. I love how there is a high value on
>> internal democracy. And I love the GPCA and GPUS platforms – solid.
>> But I have to say that if I would have come across this Josh Jones Sex
>> Tape video in 2016 prior to attending the Green Party convention, I would
>> have not given the Green Party a chance at all. The concept and content is
>> immature and damaging to our party.  A more thoughtful treatment could have
>> been a great PSA moment.  Instead it is an embarrassment, plain and simple.
>> Given this, for anyone seeking our party’s endorsement, I think the video
>> should be deleted from YouTube. But at a minimum, if this embarrassment is
>> to remain on-line, the use of the words “Green Party” should be removed
>> from the video's title. No one in our party has the right to post something
>> like that, misrepresenting our party’s name in that manner.
>> Disappointed in Los Angeles,
>> Angelica Dueñas
>> --
>> Angelica M. Duenas, M.A.
>> *GPLAC Councilmember*
>> *GYG Delegate*
>> *GPCA CC Member*
>> *GPUS Alternate Delegate*
>> *"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one" *- John Lennon
>> --
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