[GPCA-SGA-Votes] Green Party Sex Tape video

Sadie Fulton sadie.fulton at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 11:01:37 PST 2018

Hi Angelica,

I understand your concern with our promotional video. However, I cannot sit
quiet and allow you to speak in this way.

I am concerned that you have claimed you would have not considered joining
the Green Party had you seen this video prior. You are running for an
office position as a green, no? I am disturbed by the fact you would state
that, due to a video intended to draw attention to hot button topics like
public funding, you would have turned away from the Green Values and all
the things the Green Party has done.... and what? Gone back to the
Democratic Party?

While we are here, it is important that I mention, there is absolutely
nothing “disturbing” “offensive” or “embarrassing” about sex work. By
stating that this concept is so offensive to you, this is what you are
stating and I don’t believe that is acceptable.

Furthermore, if you listen to the video and script you will hear that this
video was ALSO intended to draw attention to that fact. As a statement
against slut shaming, and for the media to draw more attention to things
that matter. Like Monsanto and Chevron corruption. Which, by the way, is
something I know MANY greens are actively fighting for.

You being offended by the idea of sex work, is unfortunate. I am sorry that
you were not able to see past your prior indoctrination to see the big
messages being a video made humorous to get the message out to demographics
who don’t see the messages we do in our formats.

I would implore you to look into this topic.


On Mon, 5 Mar 2018 10:57 Angelica Duenas, <angelica at aduenas.org> wrote:

> I think there was a miscommunication. I had watched the Video...but I have
> not watched Monty Python. Which he mentioned that this was a parody of.
> On Mar 5, 2018 9:55 AM, "Sadie Fulton" <sadie.fulton at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Angelica,
>> When you raised your objection to this video you had not even watched it.
>> Have you watched it yet?
>> Sadie
>> On Mon, Mar 5, 2018, 02:05 Angelica Duenas <angelica at aduenas.org> wrote:
>>> Dear SGA delegates
>>> I am very disturbed by the Green Party Sex Tape video (
>>> https://youtu.be/dxhUS-QQPbg) created and posted by Gubernatorial
>>> candidate Josh Jones. I find the video offensive and an example of
>>> extremely poor judgment by someone seeking to represent our party as a
>>> candidate for our state’s highest office.
>>> I was first introduced face to face with the Green Party at the August
>>> 2016 Green Party national convention in Houston, which I attended as an
>>> interested observer, after being turned off by the Democratic Party (as a
>>> Berniecrat delegate at the Democratic National Convention a week earlier.)
>>> At the GPUS convention, I met David Cobb, Laura Wells, Mike Feinstein,
>>> Jill Stein, Ajamu Baraka, Cornel West (when things looked like he might Go
>>> Green) and Luis Rodriguez (the GPCA's 2014 Gubernatorial candidate). Based
>>> upon those interactions, I was impressed by the Green Party, effectively
>>> going Green the following month. Since then, I have learned a lot about the
>>> Green Party and its inner workings. I love how there is a high value on
>>> internal democracy. And I love the GPCA and GPUS platforms – solid.
>>> But I have to say that if I would have come across this Josh Jones Sex
>>> Tape video in 2016 prior to attending the Green Party convention, I would
>>> have not given the Green Party a chance at all. The concept and content is
>>> immature and damaging to our party.  A more thoughtful treatment could have
>>> been a great PSA moment.  Instead it is an embarrassment, plain and simple.
>>> Given this, for anyone seeking our party’s endorsement, I think the
>>> video should be deleted from YouTube. But at a minimum, if this
>>> embarrassment is to remain on-line, the use of the words “Green Party”
>>> should be removed from the video's title. No one in our party has the right
>>> to post something like that, misrepresenting our party’s name in that
>>> manner.
>>> Disappointed in Los Angeles,
>>> Angelica Dueñas
>>> --
>>> Angelica M. Duenas, M.A.
>>> *GPLAC Councilmember*
>>> *GYG Delegate*
>>> *GPCA CC Member*
>>> *GPUS Alternate Delegate*
>>> *"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one" *- John Lennon
>>> --
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