[Sustain] PO Task Force meets - and now we need help!

Jeanne greengal at netvista.net
Mon Dec 10 15:42:06 PST 2007

The SF Peak Oil Task Force met for the first time last week.  The 
meeting lasted three hours, though much of the time was taken up with 
administrative matters such as adopting the bylaws, being instructed 
regarding the SF Sunshine Ordinance, adopting an attendance policy, etc.

I was elected chair and Bernie Meyerson agreed to be vice-chair.  Ross 
Mirkarimi attended; he not only spoke for a few minutes, but also stayed 
and listened for quite some time.  He has introduced legislation which 
would require each city department to make a plan to reduce carbon 
emissions by 80% by {not sure of date}.  He seems open to the 
possibility of adding peak oil to that legislation (since the 
mitigations will be largely the same).

Regarding the plan the TF is supposed to draw up, we divided up our work 
into subject areas, and each TF member volunteered to informally head up 
one area.  Here's what we came up with:

Transportation - Jeanne Rosenmeier, greengal at netvista.net  [helpers 
Carl, Jason]

Food - Jason Mark, jasondovemork at gmail.com  [also Jeanne]

Energy - Carl Duisberg, carlduisberg at hotmail.com  [also Patt]

Architecture, including building codes - Patt Gerber, 
pattgerber at gmail.com  [Patt needs helpers!]

Economic relocalization & justice - Marya Stark, maryastark at yahoo.com  
[also Jeanne, Carl]

Societal Function - Jan Lundberg, jan at culturechange.org  [also Patt, 
Marya, Bernie]

Infrastructure, including waste and water - Bernie Meyerson, 
ber8832 at aol.com  [Bernie needs helpers!]

Before the next meeting, the above folks - and anyone else who is 
interested in these areas - are tasked with assessing what information 
we will need, resources available and unavailable, and a basic concept 
of how to proceed.  Unfortunately, the city is not allowing us to hold 
any public hearings, so we will have to do all our information gathering 

Now that you've seen the subjects we claim to be addressing, you will 
see that seven people cannot do enough.  One thing we need is 
suggestions of information bearing on these areas.  Another one would be 
suggestions as to people we should talk to in order to get a full 
picture and best plan.

The next meeting will be Jan 2, 2:30, Room 421, City Hall.  Please 
contact people heading up areas in which you have an interest.


Jeanne Rosenmeier
415 751-0901

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