[Sustain] Tell DOE/Congress: no $ for French government nukes (and more)

Eric Brooks brookse32 at aim.com
Wed Oct 27 13:20:44 PDT 2010

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6930 Carroll Avenue, #340, Takoma Park, MD 20912; 301-270-6477; 
nirsnet at nirs.org <mailto:nirsnet at nirs.org>; www.nirs.org 

IN U.S.!


October 27, 2010

Dear Friends:

It's official: Constellation Energy wanted out of the Calvert Cliffs-3 
nuclear reactor project so badly that last night they agreed to sell 
their 50% share of it to Electricite de France (EDF) for $140 million, 
plus EDF will give back about $100 million in stock it owns in 
Constellation. Here is a Baltimore Sun story 
the deal.

In other words, Constellation thinks the $240 million or so it's getting 
is worth more than 60 years of electricity sales from a $10+ billion 
nuclear power plant. That should tell you something about nuclear 
power's economic viability when ratepayers aren't forced to subsidize 
new reactors.

*But it's not clear our public officials are getting the message.*

Some Maryland politicians--like House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, and a 
lot of nuclear industry advocates, are hoping EDF can somehow resurrect 
Calvert Cliffs-3 and the entire nuclear "renaissance," which is 
crumbling before their eyes. *Incredibly, they're even hoping EDF will 
still get, and accept, the $7.5 Billion loan the Department of Energy 
promised before Constellation backed out of the project!*

But Electricite de France is exactly what its name sounds like: it's 
part of the French government. Why on earth should U.S. taxpayers 
provide a loan to the French government to build dangerous, dirty and 
extraordinarily expensive nuclear reactors in the U.S.? The answer, of 
course, is we shouldn't.

*If you agree, please send a letter now here. 
*It will go to Energy Secretary Chu, loan guarantee program chief 
Jonathan Silver, and your members of Congress.

And if you can help us continue (and expand!) our winning campaign 
against the nuclear "renaissance" and all taxpayer subsidies to the 
nuclear industry, please make a tax-deductible donation, of whatever you 
can afford, here. 
know many people are giving money to political candidates this time of 
year, but we rely on your contributions to do this essential work. Your 
support shows us we're going in the right direction and enables us to do 
even more!

It's not only Constellation that is backing out of new reactors. 
Yesterday, the chief planning officer for nuclear giant Entergy said new 
reactors are not "economically attractive." 

*And it's not just a minority of us that are opposed to taxpayer nuclear 
loan guarantees. *Yesterday, the Civil Society Institute released a new 
poll on energy and climate 
in particular, what Independents and Tea Party backers think about these 
issues). *Among the findings: only 23% of the American people support 
taxpayer loans for new reactors! *On the other hand, 56% support such 
loans for renewable energy projects. The entire poll is fascinating and 
well worth looking at.

The DOE and Congress need to hear from us now. 
them no loans to the French government; indeed, no loans at all for new 
nuclear reactors!

*The Virtual March on Washington*
We hope you've had a chance to take a look at the growing Virtual March 
on Washington! You can do so on the front page of NIRS' website. 
 From now through April 26, 2011--the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl 
catastrophe--we'll be adding new photos to the march; we'll also soon be 
adding videos of march "speakers."

We hope you'll stand and be counted, and join us in this virtual 
"march." It couldn't be easier. Just send your photo to us at 
nirsnet at nirs.org <mailto:nirsnet at nirs.org>. If you'd like a sign to 
hold, you can download and print signs here 
or make a sign of your own. Send a photo of yourself, take a photo with 
friends and/or your group, take a photo at a protest you're already 
doing. *But please join the hundreds who already have sent in their pics 
and let's keep this march growing!*

Thanks for all you do,

Michael Mariotte
Executive Director
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
nirsnet at nirs.org <mailto:nirsnet at nirs.org>

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