[SFGP Volunteers] Urgent! Please take 5 minutes to help the Green Party defeat Prop. 14!

John-Marc Chandonia jmc at sfgreens.org
Tue May 18 20:36:20 PDT 2010

Dear Greens,

Absentee voting has now started for the June election, so *it's time for
us to be flooding the newspapers with letters opposing Prop. 14!* (Note:
If you would like some more info about why the Green Party is opposing
Prop. 14, please see the state party website, at:
http://cagreens.org/erwg/Prop14/ and/or www.StopTopTwo.org
<http://www.stoptoptwo.org/> ).

Fortunately, GreenChange.org <http://greenchange.org/> has created a
wonderful webpage, at:
http://salsa.wiredforchange.com/o/1488/t/338/letter/?letter_KEY=632 ) --
*this webpage makes it extremely easy for you to compose a letter to the
editor* opposing Prop. 14! You first enter your zip code, and you then
choose a nearby newspaper where you'd like to send your letter to. Then
you "point and click" on sentences or paragraphs to compose your letter,
and you then fill in your name and address (for the newspaper to receive
that info), and then you send your letter off. You can actually compose
a letter in just 5 minutes using this webpage!

So, *PLEASE take 5 minutes within the next couple of days to send in a
letter!* (And of course, if you have additional time during the coming
week, please send in 2, 4, or more letters -- in fact, once you get used
to it, I think that it's really quite fun to use!). So SERIOUSLY
EVERYONE, we genuinely need for ALL GREENS to help us send in LOTS of
letters! (Again, the webpage is at:
http://salsa.wiredforchange.com/o/1488/t/338/letter/?letter_KEY=632 --
*if possible, please check it out now!*). The future of the Green Party
is literally at stake!

Thank you very much!,

Kendra Gonzales
Campaigns and Candidates Working Group co-coordinator
Green Party of California
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