Sorry for the late notice everyone. I only got a notice yesterday that the SFGP can have a table at the Pablo Heising memorial at Kezar Pavillion in Golden Gate Park. I'm at the SFGP office right now and will be heading up there shortly to set up. If anyone wants to join me at the memorial, give me a ring: (415) 601-9297. The memorial is at Kezar Pavillion from 1 to 5 p.m. You can also just show up, but if you want to table, I may leave early. Also, there is a Green Apple Earth Day festival in Golden Gate Park on April 20, 21, and 22. I have heard that tabling fees are minimal -- $150. Please let me know if you are interested in tabling at this event and can help -- the availability of bodies to help table will determine whether or not we decide to do this event. Sue (415) 601-9297