Hello Everyone, This is just a reminder about the next two tabling events for the San Francisco Green Party. We will be in Speedway Meadow in Golden Gate Park on Sunday, April 22, for the Green Apple Music and Arts Festival, celebrating Earth Day. Set up is from 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. We will probably be packing up to leave anywhere from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Then on Saturday, April 28, we plan to go to Ocean Beach at Fulton and table at the Beach Impeach Flashmob event. We will probably try to be there at about 8 a.m., maybe a little later. Tabling can be lots of fun! We register voters, spread information about Green values and elected officials, raise money, and hang out together. If you can help during any part of either day, give me a ring at (415) 668-3119 or respond to this email. At our last event, we had about ten people over the course of the day. We look really strong when we have a lot of people coming out to table. Hope you can be a part of the fun. Sue Vaughan (415) 668-3119