[SFGP] SF Green Party Weekly 6/30-7/5

announce at sfgreens.org announce at sfgreens.org
Thu Jun 29 00:48:39 PDT 2006

SF GREEN PARTY WEEKLY 6/30/06-7/5/06 Happy Fourth of July!

- Pictures of the San Francisco Green Party at the Haight Street Fair  
- Green Party Says Impeach Bush! (http://www.sfprogressive.com/,  
click More under article)
- Latest Results in Aimee Allison's Race! (http://www.acgov.org/rov/ 
current_election/index.htm, click City, Oakland, Councilmember,  
District No. 2)
- Green Party Decries Defeat of Public Financing Bill (http:// 
- John Rizzo Announces Candidacy for City College Board (http:// 

This week:
- 6/29-7/22: Terry Baum in “BAUM FOR PEACE or How I Learned to Stop  
Worrying & Love Democracy”
- 6/30: Krissy Keefer Joins Critical Mass
Next week:
- 7/1-7/4: Outreach for Krissy Keefer for Congress campaign at the  
Mime Troupe performances
- 7/5: Rules Committee Meeting
- 7/5-7/6: Troops Home Fast
- 7/6: Feminist Issues Group Meeting Cancelled
Save the date:
- 7/22: Protest at Bohemian Grove!
- 7/25: DJ Superchill Hosts Krissy Keefer

- Boycott ExxonMobil, Protect Arctic Refuge! Tell your friends by  
sending them this animated cartoon: http://www.care2.com/ecards/build/ 

- Left Talk with Diamond Dave!
- Discuss Instant Runoff Voting in Green Party Activist Jim  
Dorenkott's Blog (http://www.dailykos.com/user/jim%20d)
- Take Action!
- Earn A Living Making San Francisco A More Green and Progressive City!

- Jay Leno Rips Bush & Cheney with New York Times, and Rush  
Limbaugh's Vices (http://www.alternet.org/blogs/video/38276/)



6/29-7/22: Terry Baum in “BAUM FOR PEACE or How I Learned to Stop  
Worrying & Love Democracy”

June 29-7/22, 2006

The Marsh
1062 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

$15 - $22 sliding scale, $10 student rush on Thursday at the door

Tel. 415 826 5750

The Marsh presents slightly world-renowned lesbian playwright Terry  
Baum in “BAUM FOR PEACE or How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love  
Democracy.” This new comedy describes Baum’s adventures as the Green  
candidate for U.S. Congress in San Francisco in 2004 during which she  
received the highest percentage of the vote of any small-party write- 
in candidate for Congress in history: 2.9%! Inspired to run because  
she believed that San Franciscans deserved a peace candidate, Baum  
faced impossible odds, beginning with a fight to get her name on the  
ballot. Accompanied by Scrumbly Koldewyn on the piano, she uses  
farce, song and self-mockery to take the audience on a wild journey  
through electoral politics that is up-close and personal, hilarious,  
infuriating and always surprising. “BAUM FOR PEACE” is directed by  
Bobbi Ausubel, with songs by David Hyman and Scrumbly Koldewyn.

Lauded as “the lesbian Woody Allen” by the San Francisco Chronicle,  
Terry Baum has had her plays produced in 11 countries and five  
languages. When “BAUM FOR PEACE” played in Ashland, Oregon, reviews  
described it as “Just the ticket for laughs” and “A compelling story  
told with warm-hearted wit.” Critics have compared Baum to Norman  
Mailer, Lily Tomlin, Spalding Gray, Eve Arden, Hunter Thompson, and  
Godzilla – although never in the same review.


6/30: Krissy Keefer Joins Critical Mass

June 30, 2006

Justin Herman Plaza, San Francisco

Contact krissyforcongress at yahoo.com for more information.

Join Krissy Keefer, the official Green Party candidate of peace and  
gender equality, as she bicycle rides for Congress as if her life  
depended on it.


7/1-7/4: Outreach for Krissy Keefer for Congress campaign at the Mime  
Troupe performances

July 1:  PRECITA PARK (Sat) - Preview
Precita & Harrison - San Francisco
Music 1:30pm, Show 2:00pm

July 2 and 4: DOLORES PARK - Preview (Sun) and World Premier/Opening  
Day (Tues)
18th & Dolores - San Francisco
The San Francisco Green Party tables 12 noon
Music 1:30pm, Show 2:00pm

Meet with Krissy Keefer campaign at 1:00PM at both shows

Join the Krissy for Congress campaign to hand out literature,  
register voters and recruit volunteers at the latest SF Mime Troupe  


Imagine a nation where religious fervor runs hot, and faith rhetoric  
runs hotter. Where belief has replaced reason, and where Liberty and  
Justice play a broken second fiddle to an all powerful, omniscient  
and omnipresent military-industrial God complex. That's the nation  
Reverend C.B. De Love wants. And that's also the nation where shy  
civics teacher Angela Franklin finds herself. But in her struggle to  
stop the coming Theocracy will Angela go too far? In her zeal to  
destroy the opiate of the masses, will she make a religion out of her  
anti-religion, and join the ranks of the Gangsters for God? Or will  
she see the folly of blind faith in anything - even the Constitution  
- and return to Reason?

There will be no fundraising. This is a Mime Troupe free event and  
they need the cash from the crowd


7/5: Rules Committee Meeting

Wednesday July 5, 2006

San Francisco Green Party office, 1028 A Howard Street (between 6th  
and 7th Streets), San Francisco, CA

Please join us as we discuss potential rules on certifying new local  
chapters of the Green Party within San Francisco.


7/5-7/6: Troops Home Fast

Wednesday July 5, 2006
5:15pm Vigil
6:30pm Last Hurrah! Party’s Over!
7:00pm Press Conference & Rally
Camp DiFi – 24 hour hunger strike
Bring your sleeping bags & tents

Thursday, July 6th – 12th, 2006
Senator Diane Feinstein’s Office
One Post Street (@ Market St.)
San Francisco, CA 94104
Rolling Fast

Lyon & Vallejo Streets
San Francisco, CA

Welcome Home Diane Now Bring the Troops Home Fast

Join CODEPINK, Green Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi, Public Defender Jeff  
Adachi and many others calling for the withdrawal of our children,  
brothers, sisters, partners, parents, friends, and lovers from Iraq  
at a house warming party for Senator Diane Feinstein. Meet outside of  
Lyon & Vallejo Streets as we encourage her to bring the troops home  
fast. Senator Diane Feinstein recently voted against John Kerry’s  
amendment calling for the troops to come home. Let’s make sure she  
doesn’t disappoint her constituents again. Gather with us, as we  
encourage her to co-sponsor the Harkin bill (S. CON. RES 93) – no  
permanent military presence or military bases in Iraq; no attempt to  
control the flow of Iraqi oil; and Armed Forces should be redeployed  
from Iraq as soon as practicable after the completion of Iraq's  
constitution-making process or December 31, 2006.

To RSVP and sign-up for the rolling fast contact:  
codepinkbayarea at riseup.net or call 415.575-5555.
For more info www.troopshomefast.org


7/6: Feminist Issues Group Meeting Cancelled

We will meet the first thursday in august for a very important  
meeting. Agenda to include heavy duty planning for the two upcoming  
- Fundraiser for green women candidates
- Panel for San Francisco School Board Candidates


7/22: Protest at Bohemian Grove!

July 22, 2006

Monte Rio on the Russian River, Sonoma County, CA

http://www.sonomacountyfreepress.com and click on Bohemian Grove, or  
call 707-874-2248 or 415-567-4577

Call 415-821-6545 for ride information from San Francisco.

Protest the Ruling Elite- Impeach the Bohemians!

Join Bohemian Grove Action Network, ANSWER Coalition, SF,  Green  
Party of California, International Indian Treaty Council, United Farm  
Workers and many others who will demonstrate at Bohemian Grove, the  
annual summer retreat for the wealthiest, most powerful men in the  

Bohemian Grove revelers include those who prosper from war, and keep  
labor costs low by ruling some workers "illegal." Yes, they are who  
you think they are.

Join the call:  End the War for Oil abroad, Justice for Immigrants at  
home and immediately Impeach the President and All his Men, many of  
whom are regular grove guests and members.

1  P.M.- Rally, speakers, music
2 P.M.- March to the Bohemian Grove Gate
4-10 P.M.-  Dinner and evening event at Monte Rio Amphitheater (not  
confirmed at this writing)


7/25: DJ Superchill Hosts Krissy Keefer

July 25, 2006
8:00PM - midnight

Lazlo's, 2534 Mission Street, San Francisco

For more information, contact krissyforcongress at yahoo.com.

DJ Superchill (AKA Chuck Gonzalez) hosts congressional candidate  
Krissy Keefer at the Lazlo's.  Meet Krissy and find out why she is  
running for Congress as if her life depended on it.



Aimee Allison Campaign Update: Allison To Face Kernighan in 11/7 Runoff

Unofficial results with 100% of precincts reporting.
Patricia Kernighan  4,694    46.1%
Aimee Allison       4,000    39.3%
Shirley Gee         1,471    14.5%
Aimee Allison will face Patricia Kernighan in a runoff on November 7th.


Co-Chair Needed for GROW Working Group

Micheas Herman of the GROW Working Group (tabling and voter  
registration) is seeking a new co-chair.  Contact Micheas Herman  
at ... or the County Council at cc at sfgreens.org for more information.



Left Talk with Diamond Dave!

Tune in to a round table discussion of progressive issues from the  
Green perspective (represented by Diamond Dave Whitaker) and the ISO  
perspective. 88.1 FM or 880 AM, every Friday from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30  
p.m. Hosted by Spencer the Speaker.


Take Action!

Find out about opportunities to help our elected Greens (writing  
letters, attending hearings, etc) -- subscribe to the SF Green Party  
Action list! The Action list is a low-traffic list (approximately one  
message per week in addition to our newsletter) telling you what you  
can do to help:  https://list.sfgreens.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ 


Earn A Living Making San Francisco A More Green and Progressive City!

Two years ago, former organizers for the Matt Gonzalez for Mayor
campaign decided it was time to stop getting 'close but not close
enough' to progressive victories like public power and Matt as Mayor,
and to begin a city wide, year round, grassroots campaign that would  
start helping us win such victories!

So in January 2004, the organization Our City was born. Since then we
have helped to:

- Pass the ban on old polluting diesel buses
- Pass Matt Gonzalez's anti chain store law
- Get the downtown hotel workers back on the job, and
- Get the Police and Planning Commissions put back on SF Government TV
after the City tried to pull them off.

Now we are campaigning to get rid of PG&E's monopoly on our electricity
service, and start running the City on renewable energy like solar and
wind power instead!

We have just begun hiring and training new grassroots campaigners to
help us win this fight.
No experience necessary.
Earn $280 to $400 each four day work week learning to be a strong
progressive organizer.
To apply, call Eric at 415-756-8844 from noon to 2pm any weekday, or
send an email to jobs at our-city.org

For more information, see our web site at http://our-city.org


For more info on our activities, please see our website,
http://www.sfgreenparty.org. You can also email us questions at
info at sfgreens.org.  To send us news items (short blurb please, plain
text only) for possible inclusion in the newsletter, email
news at sfgreens.org.  Please don't put these addresses on mailing lists;
messages not specifically addressed to us won't go through.

More information about the announce mailing list