[SFGP] SFGP Announcements
Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly
announce at sfgreens.org
Thu Dec 6 23:02:57 PST 2007
Announcement List for SF Green Party: December 6, 2007
Send items to <mailto:news at sfgreens.org>news at sfgreens.org. Please note that items may be edited for length and content.
Green Party General Membership Meeting
1028-A Howard Street (between 6th and 7th Streets)
The General Meeting is held 7-9 p.m. every third Wednesday of the month.
EVENTS (San Francisco, unless otherwise noted)
* Animal Advocacy Working Group of SF Green Party Meeting: Thursday, Dec. 6, 7 p.m.
Golden Era Vegetarian Restaurant ( www.goldeneravegetarian.com), 572 O'Farrell St.
At 7 p.m., people will arrive to order dinner if they need it, and the official meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. Look for the wolf-pup greeting card. For more information, please contact Rosalind Lord at <mailto:rclord at seaserpent.com>rclord at seaserpent.com.
* Blue Angels Air Show Opposition, at the BoS Meeting, City Hall: Tuesday, Dec. 11
Join Peacemom Cindy Sheehan and Ann Garrison for a presentation in opposition to the air show.
For more information, <mailto:anniegarrison at mac.com>anniegarrison at mac.com, (415) 285-7259, (415) 786-6839.
* FIG Celebration: Sunday, Dec. 16, 3-5 p.m. (reservations required)
Contact Betty Traynor ASAP, <mailto:btraynor at rcn.com>btraynor at rcn.com
* Green Party General Membership Meeting: Wednesday, Dec. 19, 7-9 p.m.
1028-A Howard Street (between 6th and 7th streets)
* The Living Wage Celebration: Saturday, Dec. 22, 6 p.m., $5 donation
New College, 780 Valencia St.
The celebration benefits the San Francisco Living Wage Coalition, which campaigns for economic justice for low-wage workers. Food and raffle. Music by Robert Temple; Elizabeth, Nancy and Mario Esteva; the Peaceniks; and Raymundo Sanchez. Spoken word by Rolando Carrillo, Alfonso Texidor, and James Tracy. Call 415-863-1225 or visit <http://www.livingwage-sf.org>www.livingwage-sf.org
* Imagine Peace 2008 - New Year's Eve Party: Dec. 31, 9 p.m.-1 a.m.
Wax Museum, Fisherman's Wharf, 145 Jefferson St.
Celebrate New Year's Eve with CODEPINK and Global Exchange
Tickets at www.globalexchange.org/imaginepeace2008
* Reproductive Justice for All: Saturday, Jan. 19, 11 a.m.
We have the permit for Justin Herman Plaza, the same day 10,000 right wingers from the far reaches of California slither into town for their annual Walk for LifeWest Coast. Let's give them a real Bay Area Welcome! Were taking back our public space from the Religious Right! We need you to join us in sending the message that the Bay Area stands for reproductive rights, and that Roe v. Wade must be defended and expanded, especially on this, the 35th anniversary of Roe. For more info, email <mailto:BACORR at gmail.com>BACORR at gmail.com.
* Conference on Global Warming, SFSU: Wednesday, Jan. 30, 9 am to 9 pm & Thursday, Jan. 31, 9 am to 6 pm
1600 Holloway Ave, San Francisco, Jack Adams Hall
This free, two-day event features world class speakers, such as Van Jones, expert panels, a roundtable discussion with elected representatives, and a live satellite webcast featuring Hunter Lovins of the Rocky Mountain Institute and many others. For more info: http://bss.sfsu.edu/envstudies/climate.html, http://bss.sfsu.edu/envstudies/climate.html or call 415-405-0326.
* Chicago to Host 2008 National Green Party Convention: July 10-13, 2008
Democrats Debate Iran as WWIII Postponed
Jena Six Teenager Pleads Guilty
Is Sup. Alioto-Pier's heart in San Francisco -- or at her house in St. Helena?
Saving St. Lukes from Sutter Health (Beyond the Chron)
Biodiesel Fuel: Pro & Con
Pro: "San Francisco and the Biodiesel Revolution," by E. "Doc" Smith http://www.beyondchron.org/news/index.php?itemid=5132
Con: "The Terrible Illusion of Biodiesel," by Eric Brooks
Sign this online petition to U.S. Senators demanding a halt to the Administration's reckless drive to invade Iran: <http://act.truemajorityaction.org/iranpetition?campaign_KEY=1209&page=home>http://act.truemajorityaction.org/iranpetition?campaign_KEY=1209&page=home
Dear Canada: Let U.S. War Resisters Stay!
To sign the appeal, or for more information, follow: www.couragetoresist.org/canada
Green Party veterans interested in starting a GP caucus to increase benefits, etc., contact <mailto:jimdorenkott2 at yahoo.com>jimdorenkott2 at yahoo.com
BECOME A DELEGATE TO THE NATIONAL GREEN PARTY NOMINATING CONVENTION on July 10-13, 2008. Submit delegate paperwork to the SFGP by Dec. 7, 2007.
The contacts for the Presidential candidates appearing on California's Primary Ballot are below. If you are interested in being a delegate to the Green Party's national nominating convention July 10-13 in Chicago, IL, please contact the candidate of your choice below first. You may only apply with one candidate. Each county has been asked to compile a list of back-up delegates in case candidates fall short of obtaining the necessary number of delegates required.
You may approach any candidate below to be added to SF's delegate list.
Cynthia McKinney(CA), former U.S. Representative from GA. http://www.allthingscynthiamckinney.com
Sanda Everett: <mailto:sanda at greensolutions.org>sanda at greensolutions.org
John Morton: <mailto:jlm108 at yahoo.com>jlm108 at yahoo.com
Ralph Nader, consumer advocate, 1996 and 2000 Green presidential nominee, 2004 independent presidential candidate.
Contact: Tinker Dominguez at <mailto:tink at cruzio.com>tink at cruzio.com; www.draftnader.org
Contact these candidates directly:
Kent Mesplay (CA), Biomedical engineer who sought Green presidential nomination in 2004 from California. <http://www.mesplay.org/>http://www.mesplay.org/
Kat Swift (TX), State Party Co-Chair, progressive activist and newspaper credit manager. <http://www.votekat.info/>http://www.votekat.info/
Elaine Brown (GA), Former Black Panther Party leader, noted author, community and prison justice activist. <http://www.elainebrown.org/>http://www.elainebrown.org/
Jared Ball, college professor and freelance journalist from the District of Columbia.
Jesse Johnson, filmmaker, 2006 Senate candidate & 2004 gubernatorial candidate for the Mountain Party from West Virginia.
From the California National Delegation Chair Sanda Everett:
To become a delegate to the nominating convention, you need to be either recruited by one of the seven candidates to be on their slate, and/or volunteer with your county to be back-up slate that the candidates can choose from if they do not recruit enough on their own. For the candidates recruiting, it is not just a matter of numbers, as the numbers also have a requirement to match several diversity factors. Information will be going out to the counties about seeking folks wanting to attend as nominating delegates. Delegates can be listed on a county slate as well as a candidate slate, but they can't be on more than one candidate's slate. Candidates will not know how many delegates they actually need until: 1) we know how many delegates CA is apportioned; 2) what proportion of the vote they get in the February primary.
When contacting a candidate, provide the following information, your:
Full name, phone, email, mailing address
County of residence
Gender (to allow gender balance):
Racial/ethnic group (to allow racial diversity):
Other under-represented group (LGBT, disabled, etc.)
The San Francisco Green Party is engaged in numerous financially intensive activities/events, including our first-ever election newspaper with the SFGP's candidate and proposition endorsements for the recent November election. We distributed the paper to every registered Green in San Francisco, which set us back thousands of dollars in mailing, production and printing costs. Please help in our fundraising efforts by becoming a Green Party sustainer, or making a one-time donation!
Your generous contributions now will help us finish the year on strong financial footing and get a jump-start on the 2008 elections. Please help us remain solvent by donating now! <http://www.sfgreenparty.org/makeadonation/makeadonation.html>http://www.sfgreenparty.org/makeadonation/makeadonation.html
Volunteers Needed: Contact <mailto:cc at sfgreens.org>cc at sfgreens.org or <mailto:susan_e_vaughan at yahoo.com>susan_e_vaughan at yahoo.com .
Thank you for your on-going support!
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