[SFGP] SF Green Party Weekly 5/25-5/31

Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Wed May 23 13:38:16 PDT 2007

SF GREEN PARTY WEEKLY 5/25/07-5/31/07

- 5/16: War On Drugs Is A War On Youth, People Of Color

This week:
- 5/24,26,27: Pelosi Watch on Channel 29!
- 5/26-27: California State Green Party Meeting
- 5/28: Bay Area Green Party Outing

- New County Council Members Needed
- Stop Peabody and Save Black Mesa! (http://www.stoppeabody.org/)

- Nancy Pelosi Watch, newly designed by Micheas Herman!  
- Gavin Newsom Watch (http://tinyurl.com/23v3gp)
- Car-Free Talk with Green Party Activist Sue Vaughan
- Discuss Instant Runoff Voting in Green Party Activist Jim  
Dorenkott's Blog (http://tinyurl.com/y2j2gs)
- Take Action!
- Earn A Living Making San Francisco A More Green and Progressive City!
- Support the San Francisco Green Party by Becoming a Sustainer

- Republican Family Values (http://tinyurl.com/25qlxc)



5/24,26,27: Catch the first episode of Pelosi Watch on Channel 29,  
with host Sue Vaughan and guests Krissy Keefer, Nancy Mancias, and  
Toby Blome.  6 p.m.  Repeating on May 26 at 2 p.m., and May 27, at  
10:30 a.m.  For more information, go to www.pelosiwatch.us.


5/26-27: California State Green Party Meetings

Saturday, May 26
Sunday, May 27
Registration starts at 8, program at 9, goes till 6 on Saturday and 5  
on Sunday

CA State Building
455 Golden Gate Ave
SF, CA (in the Civic Center)

Susan King for details: funking at mindspring.com


Monday: Post meeting Green Party outing: Muir woods hike


5/28: Bay Area Green Party Outing

Monday, May 28

To be announced

To be announced



New County Council Members Needed

The San Francisco Green Party County Council is looking to nominate  
new members. Individuals of all walks of life that wish to help build  
the Green Party should email cc at sfgreens.org to seek a nomination.  
Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders,  and young adults are currently  
under represented and are particularly encouraged to seek a nomination.

The County Council meets one Tuesday a month and is charged with  
overseeing the workings of the local Green Party.



Take Action!

Find out about opportunities to help our elected Greens (writing  
letters, attending hearings, etc) -- subscribe to the SF Green Party  
Action list! The Action list is a low-traffic list (approximately one  
message per week in addition to our newsletter) telling you what you  
can do to help:  https://list.sfgreens.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ 


Earn A Living Making San Francisco A More Green and Progressive City!

Three years ago, former organizers for the Matt Gonzalez for Mayor  
campaign decided it was time to stop getting 'close but not close  
enough' to progressive victories like public power and Matt as Mayor,  
and to begin a city wide, year round, grassroots campaign that would  
start helping us win such victories!

So in January 2004, the organization Our City was born. Since then we
have helped to:

- Pass the ban on old polluting diesel buses
- Pass Matt Gonzalez's anti chain store law
- Get the downtown hotel workers back on the job, and
- Get the Police and Planning Commissions put back on SF Government  
TV after the City tried to pull them off.

Now we are campaigning to end PG&E's monopoly and run the City on  
renewable energy like solar and wind power, and to stop corporations  
from taking private monopoly control of the new public internet and  
cable system being built for San Francisco.

We have just begun hiring and training new grassroots organizers to  
help us win these campaigns.

No experience necessary.

Earn $280 to $400 each four day work week learning to be a strong  
progressive organizer.

To apply, call Eric at 415-756-8844 from noon to 2pm any weekday, or  
send an email to jobs at our-city.org

For more information, see our web site at http://our-city.org


Support the San Francisco Green Party by Becoming a Sustainer

The San Francisco Green Party needs donations for rent on the office,  
mailings, signs, and many other expenditures in order to wage  
effective political campaigns.

We are especially interested in building up our base of "sustaining  
members," those who agree to contribute a certain amount each month  
by credit card. By becoming a sustaining member you save us money and  
time that we can then devote to our political work. It is a method of  
donation that is perfect for a grassroots organization like the Green  
Party as it allows us to thrive off of many, many small and medium  
size donations instead of depending on a few large donors.

For more information, please visit the MAKE A DONATION page on the  
website at http://www.sfgreenparty.org/makeadonation/makeadonation.html

For questions about the sustaining member program contact  
treasurer at sfgreens.org

To make a one-time donation by mail please send a check made out to  
The San Francisco Green Party to:

San Francisco Green Party
1028A Howard St.
San Francisco, CA 94103


For more info on our activities, please see our website,
http://www.sfgreenparty.org. You can also email us questions at
info at sfgreens.org.  To send us news items (short blurb please, plain
text only) for possible inclusion in the newsletter, email
news at sfgreens.org.  Please don't put these addresses on mailing lists;
messages not specifically addressed to us won't go through.

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