Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Thu Jun 19 23:48:20 PDT 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008 

Send Announcement items to news at sfgreens.org. 
Please keep items brief; submissions may be edited for length and content. 

Green Party General Membership Meeting is held 7:30 p.m. every Third Wednesday of the Month 
1028-A Howard Street (between 6th and 7th Streets) 
Meeting Minutes Archive: http://www.sfgreenparty.org/events/minutes.gem


San Francisco Green Party endorsed Cindy Sheehan for Congress at the June 18 General Meeting.  
Sheehan is challenging Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi for the 8th Congressional District.  
dede at cindyforcongress.org 


EVENTS (San Francisco, unless otherwise noted) 

* 2008 Awards Ceremony for Those Responsible for Destroying SF Neighborhoods: June 21, 8 p.m.
Harvey Milk Plaza at Castro and Market Streets.
Mock, outdoor public awards ceremony to "honor" greedy landlord speculators mostly responsible for the gentrification and destruction of San Francisco's communities. For more information, visit http://www.worstofsf.org/.

* Volunteer Orientation BBQ: Sanchez for D9 Supervisor Campaign: Saturday, June 21, 2-4 p.m. 
2762-1/2 22nd St. (at Bryant Street) 
- Learn how to collect 1000 signatures to get me on the ballot and not have to pay a hefty filing fee. Also, learn about  
other ways you can help out from now until election day in November. RSVP
- Get your picture taken during our photo-op on Sunday, June 22, 9:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Join other campaign supporters for a series of photo shoots in the Mission and Bernal. We need a bank of great shots to be used in future campaign literature and for the website. (Please don't wear black or white!) RSVP

* WestSide Green Club meeting: Sunday, June 22, 3-5 p.m.
At the home of Barry Hermanson, located at 2467 - 28th Avenue, near Taraval.
For more information, call Barry at 415-664-7754 or Nancy Lewis at 415-661-5713.

* Fourth Annual Transgender March and Rally: June 27 at Dolores Park.  
For more information visit www.transmarch.org. To march with your fellow Greens, contact Jazzie Collins at jlc92458 at yahoo.com . 

* 38th Annual LGBT Pride Festival: Saturday, June 28, and Sunday, June 29.
Join us at the Green Party booth as we promote our candidates and outreach to voters.  To volunteer at our booth, contact Sue Vaughan at susan_e_vaughan at yahoo.com or just show up.  The Green Party will not have a contingent in this year's LGBT Pride Parade, but many of us will be walking with our elected officials.  For information about marching with Green Party officials contact Erika McDonald at erikasf at aol.com.

* National Green Party Convention: July 10-13, Chicago, IL
Palmer House Hilton, 7 East Monroe St.
Chicago Symphony Center, 220 S. Michigan Ave. 
Most Workshops will be conducted at the Palmer House for a couple of days of give-and-take learning.  The National Nominating Convention will select the Green Party candidate for the 2008 Presidential Election on Sunday, July 13.  
Follow link for more information: http://www.greenparty2008.org/ 

* Green Party General Membership Meeting: Wednesday, JULY 16, 7:30 p.m. 
1028-A Howard Street (between 6th and 7th streets)  

* California Green Party General Assembly: Aug. 23-24
Dana Point, Orange County (Details will be posted at 
http://cagreens.org/plenary as they become available.)
To become a GPCA Delegate (member or alternate) to the Green Party of the United States National Committee, see information at bottom of the page.
Mailing list: Contacts2006 at lists.cagreens.org; 
gpca-cocos mailing list: gpca-cocos at lists.cagreens.org; 

* Open Government Assembly: Friday and Saturday, Oct. 17-18
UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism
The event brings current First Amendment and freedom-of-information issues into focus and includes presentation of CFAC's Beacon Awards recognizing First Amendment and FOI champions.  Program details TBA.  


November May Decide San Francisco’s Next Mayor

Budget Cuts Hit Indigent -- Political Skirmishes Hit Ballot 

Let's Change The Bike Laws

Army Overseer Tells of Ouster Over KBR Stir

Green Elected Officials Attend This Year's Harvey Milk Club Dinner

Supes May Seek New Approach in Closing Mirant Plant

Americans Are Living Longer, But Not Better 

Why Congress Can Kiss My Gass!

Tell Congress "No Deal on Telecom Immunity!"

Our Gilded Age

Open Position: GROW Chair
The GROW Chair organizes Green Party booths at street fairs/festivals/events. This is an important working group, because through this group we do much of our outreach, visibility, voter registration and raise money when tabling.  Let the County Council know at cc at sfgreens.org if you are interested in chairing GROW.

Announcement/Open for application:
Position of GPCA Delegation (member or alternate) to the Green Party of United States National Committee

Election at August 23-24 GPCA General Assembly
Applications due June 24, 2008; send to applications at cagreens.org

Dear GPCA Members:
The Green Party of California is always looking for interested members to serve at the national level of the Green Party, particularly those who self-identify as a minority, whether by gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, or disability. Currently, the GPCA has been allocated 42 Delegate seats and 42 Alternate seats. Though all delegation seats were filled at the April General Assembly in Berkeley, one delegate has resigned and others may follow suit, and some may choose to change from delegate to alternate.  Plus, one delegate's term is up. To fill any openings, there will be elections by the General 
Assembly at the GPCA Plenary in Orange County on August 23-24.  There are also 27 open seats for alternates.

The job description for these positions is at www.cagreens.org/cc/co-cos/job_gpus_delegation.php
More information on delegate expectations can be found at http://www.cagreens.org/delegates/delegate_guidelines.shtml
To apply, you must send your biography/applications in at least 60 days in advance of the August General Assembly, as is specified in our state party bylaws, and for possible inclusion in the plenary packet.
An editable application (including space for an optional campaign statement) can be found at 
www.cagreens.org/cc/co-cos/application_gpus_delegation.rtf .  
Applications/bios will be posted at:

(Past applications are available for review from the delegation website) 
www.cagreens.org/delegates; www.cagreens.org/cc/co-cos/applications_2007/gpus_delegation

PLEASE SEND YOUR APPLICATION BY JUNE 24 to applications at cagreens.org . It will then go onto a website to be viewed by all. Because the GPUS delegation often makes its own recommendations to GPCA General Assembly delegates about who to choose as National Committee members, we in the GPUS delegation also want to know more about you.  So please send a copy 
of your application to one or both of the delegation co-chairs listed below. We also prefer those who have already been involved on the state and/or county party level. (If you think we may not be familiar with your Green Party activity, please send a referral from a state or county representative.)

For more information about the GPCA's delegation to the GPUS, including a roster of current members, you can go to
www.cagreens.org/delegates; http://www.votegreen.org/gpus-ca

Feel free to contact the Co-Chairs with your questions. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.


Sanda Everette - sanda at greens.org
Greg Jan - gregjan4 at yahoo.com
GPCA California Delegation to GPUS, Co-Chairs 

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