[SFGP] Announcement List For The San Francisco Green Party

Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Thu Sep 25 22:27:18 PDT 2008

Friday, Sept. 26, 2008 

Send Announcement items to news at sfgreens.org
Please keep items brief; submissions may be edited for length and content

Green Party General Membership Meetings are scheduled 7-9 p.m. every Fourth Wednesday of the Month 
1028-A Howard Street (between 6th and 7th streets) 
Meeting Minutes Archive: http://www.sfgreenparty.org/events/minutes.gem


EVENTS (San Francisco, unless otherwise noted) 

* Art Auction for District 9 Candidate for Supervisor Mark Sanchez
988 Valencia Street near 21st Street, 7 - 9:30 p.m.

* Join us for campaign mobilizations for Mark Sanchez and Ross Mirkarimi every Saturday and Sunday beginning at 10:30 AM at their respective campaign offices.
For information, visit http://marksanchez.org & http://www.rossmirkarimi.com

* Team Knox Volunteer Mobilization: Saturday, Sept. 27, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 
Campaign Headquarters, 4699 Mission Street (@ Persia)
Randy Knox is running for District 11 Supervisor.  As a former District Attorney and 20-year resident of the district, Randy is the ONLY candidate with the real-world experience to know what it takes to make our neighborhoods safer.  We need your help to get the word out. Randy will speak about the campaign and plans for the final weeks, and we'll have special guest speakers. We'll supply coffee, bagels and all the Red Bull you can drink. Please wear comfortable, casual clothes - we'll be phone-banking, precinct-walking and tabling.  There will be a push to get more window  signs up in the District. For more information, contact 415-334-2400 or visit www.RandyKnox.com.

* Party for McKinney: Sunday, Sept. 28, 3-5 p.m.
Home of Larry and Holly Bragman, 30 Hickory Rd, Fairfax, CA.
Cynthia McKinney will be at the Fairfax party, along with former Fairfax Town Council mayors Larry Bragman and Lew Tremaine. For additional details, contact marnie.glickman at gmail.com or 415-256-9960.

* Benefit for Prop H: Sunday, Sept. 28, 7-9 p.m.
Medjool, 2522 Mission St.
Join us at a benefit for Proposition H (San Francisco Clean Energy Act). San Francisco is leading the charge to green cities nationwide. Help us make real change by supporting Prop H on the ballot and enjoying Medjool's delicious savory cocktails, dance beats and fabulous people. Featured Speakers: Assemblyman Mark Leno, John Rizzo of the Sierra Club, Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi, School Board President Mark Sanchez and the tasty beats of DJ B-Hall.
For more information contact sunny.angulo at gmail.com
For more info about Prop H see:

* Come visit the WestSide Green Club's Booth: Saturday, Sept. 27.
Sunset Community Festival, Sunset Community Center, 28th Avenue and Lawton.
We will be there with our No on 4, 6 and 8 signs; Yes on H, No on V, etc.  We will probably be the
only progressive voice there, so lend your support and drop by. 

* Cindy Sheehan at Nader/Gonzalez Rally: Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2:30 p.m. 
San Francisco State, McKenna Theater Fine Arts Building, 1600 Holloway 
Suggested Contribution: $10 ($5 students). Contact 510-705-8864 or events at votenader.org. 

* Green Supe -- A Benefit To Elect Mark Sanchez: Oct. 11, 8 p.m.
House of Love, 1596 Fulton St. @ Lyon
A great party to benefit Mark Sanchez in his bid for the Board of Supervisors! 
Special Guest Speakers: Peace Mom and congressional candidate Cindy Sheehan, Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi, College Board candidate Bruce Wolf, College Board Trustee John Rizzo, Planning Commission President Christina Olague, School Board candidate Barbara Lopez. 
Performers: DJ Daneekah (Coo-Yah! Reggae/Dancehall); DJ Stepwise (Holding Firm Reggae Sundays); The Eggplant Casino (live Tropical/Tango/Bossa Nova/Hardcore Caribbean Ropeburn); dj_spaceinvader (memekast/Glitch-hop/Breaks); Akil w/ Soda (live Rap/R&B/Hip-Hop duo). Come early for a not to-be-missed screening of the hilarious new indie film sensation and SF International Film Festival hit-
Evolution: The Musical (8:30 Showtime) http://www.evolutionthemusical.com/
More info: http://sfgreenparty.org/events/events-itemfromhome.gem?idx=1854 

* California First Amendment Coalition's Open Government Assembly: Oct. 17-18
UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism 
The annual Free Speech and Open Government Assembly brings together the best and brightest in law, journalism and public policy to discuss leading First Amendment issues of the day. Follow link to register (free) www.cfac.org/content/index.php/cfac-assembly/index

* Green Party General Membership Meetings: Oct. 22, 7-9 p.m.
1028-A Howard Street (between 6th and 7th streets) 
Meeting Minutes Archive: http://www.sfgreenparty.org/events/minutes.gem



Visit The SF Bay Guardian Election Center

Mark Sanchez Gets Sole District 9 Endorsement from the Bike Coalition

District Elections Changed Everything 

An Interview with Cindy Sheehan, by Matt Gonzalez 

Congress Is Resisting the Bailout Plan Now, But Wall Street Will Do Anything to Get Its Way 

The Christian Right Picks California for Culture War Election Showdown



The SF Green Party is putting together a Voter Guide for the fall election! We have put a lot of time and thought into our endorsements and would like to share our political analysis and ballot
recommendations with Greens citywide and other allies. We are currently raising funds to cover printing and mailing costs.

Check our endorsements here (write-ups in the works):

And then go here to make a donation (credit cards accepted):

Or you can simply mail a check to:
San Francisco Green Party
1028A Howard St.
San Francisco, CA 94103

We can also use your help! If you are interested in helping with any
aspects of the Voter Guide including ballot write-ups, distribution,
or fundraising you can email the County Council at cc at sfgreens.org or
call Razzu on his cell at 510-387-5796.

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