[SFGP] Join us for our Green Party Holiday Party

Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Wed Dec 11 12:48:33 PST 2013

Hello Fellow Greens,

This is a reminder about our annual holiday party on Thursday, December 12
at 6 pm.

The party will be at Nectar, formerly Katz Bagels, located at 663 Haight
Street between Steiner and Pierce Streets.

There will be food and beverages available for purchase, but you may also
bring your own.

All ages are welcome.

As we spread holiday cheer, we will be signing up volunteers to help with
Green Party candidate signature gathering, which will begin December 27.

There will be no county council or general meetings in December. Meetings
will resume in January.

Happy Holidays!

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