[SFGP] Greenzine: help our candidates get on the ballot

Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Sat Jan 25 15:34:06 PST 2014

January 25
SF Green Party Weekly News and Events


Dear Greens and allies,

     Your signature can help Green Party candidates save more than
*$13,000* in filing fees for the June 2014 ballot.

In the past, Green Party candidates needed 150 signatures to get on
the ballot. Today, it is 10,000 for statewide offices and 3,000 for

The Green Party of California has endorsed four candidates for
statewide office in the June 2014 primary election:
* Luis Rodriguez <http://rodriguezforgovernor.org/>* (Governor),
* Laura Wells <http://www.laurawells.org/> (Controller),
* Ellen Brown <http://ellenbrown.com/> (Treasurer), and
* David Curtis <http://www.votedavidcurtis.org/> (Secretary of State).

In San Francisco, Barry Hermanson <barryhermanson.org> is working to
finish in the top two for Congress so that instead of a Republican
appearing on the November ballot, voters can choose between Nancy
Pelosi and a Green.

Any registered voter can sign the petitions.  For future signing
opportunities or more information, check the SFGP web page:
sfgreenparty.org or call 415-664-7754.


How Green is Your Supervisor?  We scored the most important votes
at the Board of Supervisors, from a Green Party perspective.  Our
report card will be posted on our website next week!

Can you guess which two Supervisors scored a perfect 0%?


Sun, Jan 26
3 pm
Hear about the Yosemite Rim Fire and Restoration Efforts

John Buckley, Executive Director of the Central Sierra Environmental
Resource Center (CSERC), based in Twain Harte, CA, will be speaking on
the Rim Fire and restoration efforts, hosted at a house at 154 Pinehurst
Way (near City College) in San Francisco at 3:00 p.m., Sunday, Jan.

The Rim Fire, which started in July last summer north of Yosemite, and
burned for months in the Tuolumne watershed and northern Yosemite Park,
was the largest recorded forest fire in the Sierras, encompassing 281
square miles, roughly 12% of Tuolumne County.

Mr. Buckley will speak on the Rim Fire, its effects, and current
restoration efforts. He has a real knowledge of the area having worked
in the area for 20 years doing fieldwork, water sampling, habitat
restoration, and wildlife surveys.

If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to Tam Koster, (925) 330-
4304, or John Stirton, (510) 593-0126. A ride may be available from the
East Bay. John Buckley may be contacted via the web at CSERC:


Paid contractor wanted: SF Green Party Fundraiser/Volunteer Coordinator
(a part time independent contractor (1099) position):


To submit events for our newsletter, please email a short blurb to
news at sfgreens.org. Messages to a mailing list will be rejected.

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