[SFGP] Greenzine: campaign kick-offs, Occupy convergence

Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Fri Sep 19 09:11:50 PDT 2014

September 19
SF Green Party Weekly News and Events


Dear Greens,

    We'll be finalizing our slate card over the next few weeks.
If you can donate to help us mail it out, please donate online
here: http://sfgreenparty.org/donate or mail us a check:

San Francisco Green Party
c/o David Fairley
25 Fair Oaks St
San Francisco, CA 94110

    Come to our meeting next Wednesday night from 7-9, where
we'll be considering an additional endorsement in District 6,
planning for November campaign events.  Also, learn how you
can participate in Green Party of California decision-making:



Prop F Kick-Off this Saturday, 9/20, starting at 11:30 am

Old Fashioned BBQ
Bouncy House & Bean Bag Toss for the kids
Join Dogpatch & Potrero neighbors, Sierra Club, Mayor Ed Lee, former
Mayor Art Agnos and many others!

Pier 70 - 420 22nd Street (Entrance at 22nd & Illinois)
RSVP contact information: pier70sf at gmail.com or 415-658-5051


Saturday, 9/20:
Occupy SF 3rd Anniversary Convergence
Chelsey Manning Plaza Market & Embarcadero
   (in front of the fountain)
4 - 8 pm

Hear Laura Wells speak on a California Public Bank and then join her
and Hali hammer in singing "If I Only Had a Bank"; Green Phoebe Sorgan
speaks on ending corporate personhood, and Barry Hermanson on the
Nov. election. Save Golden Gate Park, postal banks, and much
more. Many many groups will join Occupy SF on this day to celebrate
the struggle and to focus on what is being done right now. Hear great
speakers and watch/participate in street theater from each group as
well information tables. Music, Singing! Food! Mingle and build
relationships and coalitions.

Barry Hermanson will have a Green Party table.  Call 255-9494 to
help out.


Wednesday, 9/24:

Rally to Save the Post Office
Where: Staples ~ 1700 Van Ness Ave, SF
Time: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Description: Join the protest against privatization of the Post Office
and in support of APWU members!


Saturday, 9/27:

Yes on H / No on I outreach at the
20th Annual Sunset Community Festival
11:00 am to 3:00 pm

West Sunset Playground next to Ortega Library, Ortega & 39th Avenue

Free, Family fun, live entertainment, booths, food

Contact Barry Hermanson, at 255-9494.


Sunday, 9/28:

Yes on H / No on I outreach at Sunday Streets, Excelsior
11:00 am to 4:00 pm 

Contact Barry Hermanson for exact location of our table,


Our endorsements for November:

Local Props:
* NO on A - transit bond with very little oversight
* YES on B - set aside money from the General Fund to fund the MTA,
  increasing with population growth
* YES on C - property tax to pay for more public pre-K education
   and other programs to benefit kids
* YES on D - allow former Redevelopment Agency employees into the
  Retiree Health Care system
* no consensus on E - Soda tax; we were split on this, so we'll present
  the arguments made by Greens on both sides of the debate
* YES on F - raise height limits for development on Pier 70
* YES on G - anti-speculation real estate transfer tax
* YES on H - keep Golden Gate Park natural grass, no stadium
  lighting by the beach
* NO on I  - stop nighttime lighting and fake turf on our parks;
  let voters decide
* YES on J - minimum wage increase
* NO on K - nonbinding statement that supports building less
  affordable housing than current policy
* NO on L -  "transportation balance" proposal

Local Candidates:
* SF Board of Supervisors, D2 - Juan-Antonio Carballo (sole endorsement)
* SF Board of Supervisors, D4 - no endorsement
* SF Board of Supervisors, D6 - no endorsement
* SF Board of Supervisors, D8 - no endorsement
* SF Board of Supervisors, D10 - Tony Kelly (sole endorsement)
* SF Community College Board, 2-year seat - William Walker
* SF Community College Board, 4-year seats - Wendy Aragon and Brigitte Davila
* State Assembly, AD 17 - David Campos
* Superior Court Judge, Seat 20 - Daniel Flores
* Public Defender - Jeff Adachi
* SF Board of Education - no endorsement
* BART Board, D8 - no endorsement

State Props:
* NO on 43 - anti-environmental water bond
* NO on 44 - rainy day fund, when we should be stimulating the local economy
* YES on 45 - limits on health insurance rate increases
* NO on 46 - we support raising the malpractice award cap, but strongly
  oppose random drug testing
* YES on 47 - changing some nonviolent felonies to misdemeanors
* no consensus on 48 - casino referendum; we were split on this, so we'll
  present the arguments made by Greens on both sides of the debate
* YES on 49 - statement opposing unlimited corporate bribes
  (taken off the ballot)

weeks, we'll be writing up statements explaining the reasons behind
our decisions.  They will be posted on our website, here:



Paid contractor wanted: SF Green Party Fundraiser/Volunteer Coordinator
(a part time independent contractor (1099) position):



To submit events for our newsletter, please email a short blurb to
news at sfgreens.org. Messages to a mailing list will be rejected.

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