[SFGP] Greenzine: early endorsements, Mayoral forum and other events

Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Sun Feb 4 12:17:28 PST 2018

February 4
SF Green Party Weekly News and Events


Dear Greens,

    We had a great time at our first meeting of the year!  Thanks to
everybody who brought food for the potluck.  We made an early
endorsement in favor of the "right to counsel" initiative that gives
tenants facing eviction the right to a publicly funded lawyer, and we
endorsed in opposition to the police union's ballot initiative to buy
Tasers for the SFPD.

    We also finalized the list of votes by the SF Board of Supervisors
that we will include in our 2017 Legislative Report Card.  We're
writing up our opinions regarding these votes, and will publish it in
the next couple of weeks.  Spoiler alert: Interim Mayor Farrell ended
his legislative career with a perfect 0-62 record in opposition to the
Green Party on key votes.  Congratulations???

    We were thrilled to be joined at our potluck by two Green
candidates running for office in 2018!  We have already made an early
endorsement of Barry Hermanson for Congress in District 8, against
Nancy Pelosi.  We have not yet endorsed any candidates for statewide
office, because all these races currently have multiple Greens
running.  However, we're excited that one of the Green candidates for
Governor is Veronika Fimbres, an activist from San Francisco!  Her
campaign has received some local media attention:



    Because of California's "top two" primary system, Greens no longer
get to have our own primary.  All Greens running for office in the
June primary must now turn in thousands of signatures by February 7,
or pay exorbitant fees, in order to appear on the ballot.


What:  OccupyForum on the Stopping Deportations
Where:  SEIU Local 2, 215 Golden Gate Avenue near Civic Center BART station
When:  Mon, Feb 5, 6:45-9 pm

OccupyForum presents:

Immigration Crisis in the Bay Area
Meeting, Discussion and Planning
with Gayle McLaughlin and All Groups Working
to Stop Deportations

We are witnessing a most serious threat to our immigrant communities.

But it is important to realize that the attacks on immigrants have
aroused widespread, diverse and potentially powerful
opposition. Included are immigrant groups themselves, activist groups,
churches and faith groups, labor unions, lawyers, and some
progressive, especially local, politicians.

Gayle McLaughlin is the former two-term mayor of Richmond, CA,
Richmond’s first corporate-free elected official, and a co-founder of
the Richmond Progressive Alliance. As Mayor, Gayle led Richmond to
significant transformation into a progressive City establishing rent
control, increasing minimum wage, forcing Chevron to pay over $100
million in taxes, reducing homicides, preventing foreclosures, and
promoting green energy. She is currently running for Lt.  Governor to
seize this moment for real, people-focused change. Gayle will speak to
us about her campaign and the RPA model, and then focus on her
position in support of defending immigrant rights, and how we need to
mobilize to address the crisis at hand.


What:  Rally for Universal Health Care
Where:  UCSF Library, 530 Parnassus / 3rd Ave
When:  Wed, Feb 7, 12-1 pm

On February 7th, the California Assembly Select Committee on
Healthcare will meet in Sacramento.  They are finally going to hear
presentations from SB 562 proponents and other universal healthcare

For those not going to Sacramento on Feb. 7th, show your support for
SB 562 at a UCSF medical school rally organized by Students for a
National Health Program.  SNaHP is the student arm of Physicians for a
National Health Program (pnhp.org).

Facebook event page:

The N-Judah streetcar and the 6-Haight-Parnassus bus will get you
there.  The 43 Masonic bus also has two stops at UCSF.

Public parking:


What:  Living Wage Pop-up Gallery, Art and Lit Mini-Gala
Where:  Redstone Labor Temple, 2940 – 16th Street #301, SF (our office)
When:  Sat, Feb 10, 2-4 pm

Living Wage Pop-up Gallery
Art and Lit Mini-Gala

Book reading and signing by Joe Berry and Helena Worthen

Joe Berry, a member of the Executive Board of the American Federation of
Teachers Local 2121 at City College of San Francisco, wrote "Reclaiming
the Ivory Tower: Organizing Adjuncts to Change Higher Education." His
book describes  the political-economic situation of the "new majority"
of college teachers and outlines organizing strategies to improve pay,
job security and working conditions of part-time faculty. Berry is a
retired labor educator, history teacher and union organizer/staffer. He
remains active in the contingent faculty movement as a leader of the New
Faculty Majority and the Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor (COCAL).

Helena Worthen is a writer and activist. Her most recent book, “What Did
you Learn at Work Today?” explains how collective learning takes place
in the midst of conflict. The book is based on her years of experience
as a labor educator and is intended for use by organizers and activists.
After retiring from the University of Illinois Labor Education Program,
she and Joe Berry have been teaching in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, in
the Faculty of Labor Relations and Trade Unions at Ton Duc Thang

Silent auction of art works by Michelle Acosta, Carina Lomeli, Ana
Colomo, Andrea Valencia, Talleres Populares 28J, Txutxo Perez, Doug
Minkler, Debra Walker, Rodger Scott, John Weaver, Ramon Deanda, Sara
Thustra, Romeo Osorio, David Duckworth, Nanci Reese, Adriana Madrigal.


What:  Save the Date - Progressive Mayoral Forum
Where:  TBA
When:  Wed, Feb 14, evening

On Valentine's Day, Wednesday February 14th, there's an apparent
opening in the schedules of the mayoral candidates.  A number of
progressive organizations, acting under the umbrella of the "San
Francisco Progressive Alliance," are organizing a town hall-style
forum.  Greens are co-sponsoring the event.  We will send out another
announcement when the location and time are finalized.

Note that the SF Green Party has sent questionnaires to all the
candidates running for Mayor and for D8 Supervisor (except for
Lawrence Dagesse, who didn't provide any contact info to the DOE).
The questionnaires are due on Feb 21, and we will consider endorsing
all candidates who return our questionnares at a meeting at a later
date (possibly our regular meeting on Feb 28).


What:  Green Party Monthly Meeting
Where:  Redstone Bldg (2940 16th Street, near South Van Ness) #301, SF
When:  Wed, Feb 28, 7-9 pm

Every 4th Wednesday the SF Green Party meets to discuss issues of
concern, listen to interesting speakers, endorse events, plan outreach
and more!  Everyone welcome.  All meetings are wheelchair accessible.
To make a presentation or gain the SFGP endorsement of events and
issues, please contact our SFGP County Council at: cc at sfgreens.org


To submit events for our newsletter, please email a short blurb to
news at sfgreens.org.  Messages to a mailing list will be rejected.

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