[SFGP] Greenzine: Join us tonight for an Earth Day livestream

Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Wed Apr 22 13:52:27 PDT 2020

April 22
SF Green Party Weekly News and Events


Dear Greens,

    Happy Earth Day!

    Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day tonight with the
SF Green Party!  Join us on Instagram Live from 6:30 - 8 pm for
conversation, readings and musical interludes with Mcstravick.  Green
Party Presidential candidates may drop in after the Presidential
Debate hosted by the Green Party of Alaska.  Stick around for the
sunset at Ocean Beach.  Send prayers for the planet, questions, and
affirmations for the future.

    Join us on our new Instagram account, @sfgreenparty

    Today, Greens around the United States are calling on every
progressive, grassroots activist, Bernie Sanders supporter, and
independent to reveal your true colors and #RegisterGreen!  By joining
the Green Party, you send a powerful message to your local, state and
federal representatives, that it's time to put people, peace, and the
planet over profit!

    In CA, it's easy to register Green Party online, and you can vote
for whoever you want to in November: http://registertovote.ca.gov/
Be sure to register "permanent absentee" so you don't have to risk your
health to vote - you can always drop off your "vote by mail" ballot in
person if it is safe to do so.

    Other Earth Week events are below.


What:  SF Green Party Organizing
When:  All the time
Where:  Online
Until the pandemic is under control, we will not be holding in-person
meetings.  Government will need to implement a widespread testing and
contact tracing program in order to safely open things up.

Unfortunately, a number of our active members do not have reliable
internet access (especially with our public libraries closed), so
holding general monthly meetings over Zoom is not an option.  Instead,
we have an email list for discussions between active members, and our
county council (CC) meets by Zoom on the 3rd Wednesdays of every

If you'd like to join our conversation online, or our CC meetings,
please email cc at sfgreens.org with your name and contact info, and also
please remind us if you've been to a meeting before.  If you are
unable to join us but still want to follow what's going on, you can
call Barry Hermanson at 415-255-9494.


What:  Organizing for a Rent/Mortgage moratorium
When:  Now
Where:  Online

At the end of last month, Greens organized online to join the
call for a rent and mortgage moratorium.  Read our statement here:


What:  Vote16SF Organizing
When:  Now through November
Where:  Online

Lowering the voting age to 16 has long been part of many Green Party
platforms, and is a key part of our Green New Deal for SF:

This week, the SF Green Party enthusiastically endorsed the Vote16SF
Campaign, which will be back on the ballot this November.  Although
in-person campaign events are on hold, we'll bring you any organizing
opportunities we hear about!


What:  Santa Clara Greens speaking at Youth Climate Strike
When:  Thurs, 4/23, 12 pm - 3:30 pm
Where:  https://earthweekca.wixsite.com/mysite/earth-week

Our friends in the Green Party of Santa Clara County has partnered
with the Silicon Valley chapter of the California Youth Climate Strike
to conduct teach-ins, fireside chats and Q&A panels, all virtual of
course, at https://earthweekca.wixsite.com/mysite/earth-week

On Earth Day, the focus will be on the climate crisis itself and will
give voice to Indigenous and POC leaders.

On Day Two, divestment (and how capitalism got us into this mess) will
be the main themes.  San Jose City Council for District 6 candidate
Jake Tonkel (Green Party) and SCC Green Party councilmember Christine
Pepin will participate in the teach-in on Capitalism and the Climate
Crisis (12-1 pm).  SCC Green Party councilmembers Michele Mashburn and
Nassim Nouri will be panelists on the teach-in about COVID-19 and the
Climate Crisis (2-3:30 pm).

On Day Three, the focus will be on political engagement and how voting
rights are linked to environmental justice.

Check out the complete list of events at the URL above, and don't
forget to RSVP.


What:  Earth Day Live
When:  All Week
Where:  https://www.earthdaylive2020.org/

A number of allied organizations are organizing online via the Earth
Day Live website, https://www.earthdaylive2020.org/


To submit events for our newsletter, please email a short blurb to
news at sfgreens.org.  Messages to a mailing list will be rejected.

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