[SFGP] Greenzine - virtual statewide meeting, SF holiday gathering

Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Wed Nov 18 22:04:49 PST 2020

November 18, 2020
SF Green Party Weekly News and Events


Dear Greens,

    Please join us this weekend, Nov 21-22, at a virtual meeting of
the Green Party of California.  This will be a virtual General
Assembly taking place by video- and teleconference.  For details and
registration, see http://cagreens.org/ga/2020-11

    If you are an active Green Party member in SF and would like to
formally represent the SF Green Party at the General Assembly, please
email the SF County Council at cc at sfgreens.org.  However, all Greens
are welcome to attend whether or not you are a delegate.

    Instead of holding Zoom meetings in November and December, the SF
Green Party is planning a socially distanced, outdoor holiday
gathering in mid-December.  We'll discuss the results of the election
and ideas for organizing during the pandemic, and also celebrate our
local victories in SF elections!  We'll announce further details here
when available.


What:  SF Green Party Organizing
When:  All the time
Where:  Online

Until the pandemic is under control, we will not be holding in-person
meetings.  Government will need to implement a widespread testing and
contact tracing program in order to safely open things up.

Unfortunately, a number of our active members do not have reliable
internet access (especially with our public libraries closed), so
holding general monthly meetings over Zoom is not an option.  Instead,
we have an email list for discussions between active members, and our
county council (CC) meets by Zoom on the 3rd Wednesdays of every

If you'd like to join our conversation online, or our CC meetings,
please email cc at sfgreens.org with your name and contact info, and also
please remind us if you've been to a meeting before.  If you are
unable to join us but still want to follow what's going on, you can
call Barry Hermanson at 415-255-9494.


To submit events for our newsletter, please email a short blurb to
news at sfgreens.org.  Messages to a mailing list will be rejected.

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