[SFGP] Greenzine: meeting moved to next Wed due to holiday

Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Fri Nov 14 18:36:57 PST 2014

November 14
SF Green Party Weekly News and Events


Dear Greens,

     We rescheduled our November meeting to next Wednesday due to the
holiday, and will likely replace our December monthly meeting with a
holiday party.

Monthly Green Party Meeting
Where: Redstone Building Rm 301, 2940 16th Street, SF
When: Wednesday, 11/19, 7-9 pm

(Please note date and room change)

    * Election Recap
    * Design new literature for tabling next year
    * Plan holiday party
    * Other election strategy (e.g., next year's elections)

Greens in the News:

Rosa Clemente, our former Vice Presidential candidate, was on Uprising
this week talking about the Green Party.  She had a lot of great and
constructive things to say:


Rosa has also gotten behind an effort to have a university president
fired after he made some misogynist comments.


Rose Aguilar was speaking positively about the Green Party on Your
Call last week (Yourcallradio.org.)  She was saying she always looks at
our election recommendations.  She also lamented how hard it is to get
any information about all the judges on the ballot.

Rose is a nice alternative to the Democratic Party hack parade that is
dominating KPFA these days.

You may know that Gayle McLaughlin has been everywhere, including on
Bill Moyers Journal for 2 weeks in a row.




Paid contractor wanted: SF Green Party Fundraiser/Volunteer Coordinator
(a part time independent contractor (1099) position):



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