[SFGP] Greenzine: Happy Labor Day! Endorsement Update, Mime Troupe show

Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Sun Sep 1 12:24:11 PDT 2024

September 1, 2024
SF Green Party Weekly News and Events


Dear Greens,

    We made more endorsements at our meeting last Wednesday, but we
didn't manage to get through all the local ballot props, so we called
a special meeting for Wed, Sep 4.  See details below.  Our
endorsements to date are posted on our website:

    We'll be promoting our endorsed campaigns and candidates at the SF
Mime Troupe's home closing show on Labor Day, and in two weeks at the
Haight-Ashbury Street Fair.  Details on both events are below.

    Here's a summary of our local endorsements:
Mayor: Aaron Peskin (#1 ranked choice), Dylan Hirsch-Shell (#2 ranked choice)
D1 Supervisor: Connie Chan
D3 Supervisor: Sharon Lai
D5 Supervisor: Dean Preston
D7 Supervisor: no endorsement
D9 Supervisor: no endorsement
D11 Supervisor: Ernest "EJ" Jones (#1 ranked choice), Adlah Chisti (#2 ranked

District Attorney: Ryan Khojasteh
Board of Education: Matt Alexander, Laurance Lem Lee, Virginia Cheung
College Board: Alan Wong, Aliya Chisti
BART Board: no endorsement

YES on L, the ComMUNIty Transit Act (Greens gave an early endorsement)
NO on D, eliminating many City commissions and further empowering the Mayor
NO on K, environmentally damaging park next to Ocean Beac

    We also think many of you listen to KPFA radio.  So if you're a
KPFA subscriber, we'd like to remind you that it's voting time.  An
election is currently underway to choose the next members of KPFA's
Local Station Board, the "LSB."

    We strongly recommend voting for the "Rescue Pacifica" ticket.  To
make maximum use of your "single transferable vote," please vote for all
eight candidates (in any order).  The Rescue-Pacifica ticket is:

Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi -- Professor of Ethnic Studies at San Francisco
State University, nationally-known Palestinian scholar / activist.

Donna Carter -- retired member of California Nurses Association,
former contract negotiator

Felipe "Phil" Messina -- International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers (IBEW) member, clean-air campaigner, Modesto Cop Watch member

Stan Woods -- former ILWU Local 6 Executive Board member, member of
East Bay Democratic Socialists of America, member of Oscar Grant

Pathma Venasithamby -- software engineer, member of Jewish Voice for

Phoebe Thomas (fka Phoebe Sorgen) -- Green Party County Council,
Berkeley Unitarian-Universalist Social Justice Committee,
Move-to-Amend campaigner

Virginia Browning -- former radio reporter, host and producer

Michai Freeman -- Former Chair of the Berkeley Disability Commission,
Systems Change Advocate at the Center for Independent Living, and 2022
Berkeley City Council candidate.

    Read more about the candidates, platform, and endorsements at


What:  Voter outreach at the SF Mime Troupe's home closer
Where:  Dolores Park, meet by entrance at Church and 18th St
When:  Mon, Sep 2, 1 pm - 4 pm

We'll be doing voter outreach at the Mime Troupe's show in
Dolores Park on Mon, Sep 2.  More info at  https://www.sfmt.org/

The play will start at 2 pm, with music at 1:30.  Volunteers are
needed to help us set up our table and do voter outreach starting at 1
pm.  Help us register new Greens and find people willing to help win
Medicare for All; email if you can help out: cc at sfgreens.org.


What:  Green Party endorsement meeting / members' meeting
Where:  2973 16th St, #300, SF (note new location!)
When:  Wed, Sep 4, 7-9 pm

    * Finish local ballot measure endorsements
      Local ballot measures are posted here:

Every 4th Wednesday the SF Green Party meets to discuss issues of
concern, listen to interesting speakers, endorse events, plan outreach
and more!  Everyone welcome.  All meetings are wheelchair accessible.
To make a presentation or gain the SFGP endorsement of events and
issues, please contact our SFGP County Council at: cc at sfgreens.org

Mask policy: Masks are currently optional indoors, for both vaccinated
and non-vaccinated people.  We provide the option for SF Green Party
members and invited candidates to participate in our meetings via
Zoom, so email cc at sfgreens.org for info on how you can join us


What:  Voter Outreach at Haight-Ashbury Street Fair
Where:  South side of Haight St, near Clayton/Cole
When:  Sun, Sep 15, 10:30 am - 5:30 pm

We'll be doing voter outreach and registering new Greens at this
year's Haight St Fair.

We'll need volunteers to help staff our table, sign up volunteers, and
register new Greens!  Our booth location will be the south side of
Haight St near Clayton and Cole.  The fair runs from 11 am - 5:30 pm,
and we also need volunteers to set up at 10:30 am and break down
between 5:30 and 6 pm.  Please email cc at sfgreens.org if you can help!


What:  Upcoming events for Aaron Peskin (#1 endorsed for Mayor)
Where:  SF
When:  next week

Join Greens who are campaigning to make Aaron Peskin our next
Mayor!  We'll be at various campaign events, listed on the Peskin
campaign's events calendar, below:



What:  Upcoming events for Dylan Hirsch-Shell (#2 endorsed for Mayor)
Where:  SF
When:  next week

Here are upcoming events in support of Dylan Hirsch-Shell's Mayoral


To submit events for our newsletter, please email a short blurb to
news at sfgreens.org.  Messages to a mailing list will be rejected.

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