[SFGP] Greenzine: Happy New Year!

Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Fri Jan 10 19:52:54 PST 2025

January 10, 2025
SF Green Party Weekly News and Events


Dear Greens,

    Happy New Year!

    Join Greens from around the state on Zoom this weekend for "Rising
Up Green, as Empire Falls Down," a discussion with former Presidential
candidate Dr. Jill Stein.

    And at our first meeting of 2025, on January 22, we'll be planning
on what to focus on this year, with a special meeting for new members
in March.  Please save the date; we'll post an agenda next week.


What:  Green Sunday, Rising Up Green, as Empire Falls Down
When:  January 12, 5-6:30 pm
Where:  Zoom, see link below.

The 2024 election showed decisively that the Democratic Party has
utterly failed the people it claims to represent.  And many who voted
Republican out of anger at Democrats already have buyers remorse, as
the dysfunctional rule of billionaires comes into view.  Meanwhile, the
duopoly is doubling down for genocide and endless war abroad, the war
on working people at home, and ecological collapse across the
planet.  The need for a genuine opposition party and deep political
change has never been so urgent, and the possibility of that change
has never loomed so large.

Join us to build momentum for the Green uprising.  Jill Stein is a
Harvard-educated doctor, a pioneering environmental health advocate,
and an organizer for people, planet, and peace.  She was the Green
Party's Presidential candidate in 2024, as well as in 2012 and 2016.
She has helped win victories in campaign finance reform, racially-just
redistricting, and the clean-up of incinerators, coal plants, and
other toxic threats.

Jill has received several awards for health and environmental
protection, including Clean Water Action’s “Not in Anyone’s Backyard”
Award, the “Children’s Health Hero” Award, and the Toxic Action
Center’s Citizen Award.  She also served on the board of directors for
Physicians for Social Responsibility.

January 12th, 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm Via Zoom: please see the access info
below.  Green Sundays are a series of free public programs &
discussions on topics "du jour" sponsored by the Green Party of
Alameda County and held on the 2nd Sunday of each month. The monthly
business meeting of the County Council of the Green Party follows at
7:00 pm, after a 30-minute break.  Council meetings are open to anyone
who is interested.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 880 8334 2274
One tap mobile

+12532158782,,88083342274# US (Tacoma)
+13017158592,,88083342274# US (Washington DC)

Dial by your location
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 880 8334 2274

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/k39IUnw59 


What:  Save the date - Green Party members' meeting
Where:  2973 16th St, #300, SF
When:  Wed, Jan 22, 7-9 pm

Agenda to be set the week before; the emphasis at this meeting
will be planning for 2025.

Every 4th Wednesday the SF Green Party meets to discuss issues of
concern, listen to interesting speakers, endorse events, plan outreach
and more!  Everyone welcome.  All meetings are wheelchair accessible.
To make a presentation or gain the SFGP endorsement of events and
issues, please contact our SFGP County Council at: cc at sfgreens.org

Mask policy: Masks are currently optional indoors, for both vaccinated
and non-vaccinated people.  We provide the option for SF Green Party
members and invited candidates to participate in our meetings via
Zoom, so email cc at sfgreens.org for info on how you can join us


To submit events for our newsletter, please email a short blurb to
news at sfgreens.org.  Messages to a mailing list will be rejected.

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