[GPCA-SGA-Votes] [GPCA-Media] agenda for 4/19 joint Media/IT working meeting teleconf

1 jbrjaw1 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 11:01:27 PDT 2018

Everyone on the Green Planet!

Please, to all those that took the time and the energy to come on my
Youtube Livestream "Mana Talk with James" show to present themselves to
you/the U.S. Voting Republic; share these videos below with everyone you
can to get their voices heard, to advertise them, market them and brand
them and all of us at the same time!

FYI: Keep in mind that I'm very new at this, but we're all learning

Rodolpho Cortes: https://youtu.be/jv53jIT60nE
Angelica Duenas: https://youtu.be/IFhUdYRsOxA
Erik Rydberg: https://youtu.be/4ZR8B3arv98
Josh Jones: https://youtu.be/rmC8wwLzIUA
Danielle St. John (I think she's Green Party? She should be tho):
Miguel Zuniga: https://youtu.be/krLRo6C4k3c
Chris Richardson: https://youtu.be/Fp20pLYbJN0
Veronika Fimbres: https://youtu.be/z0QO9hMsNN4
Darlene Elias: https://youtu.be/I4Yi6YGTSr4
Mike Feinstein: https://youtu.be/4mPAlMBUzno
Cal Ziesing: https://youtu.be/Fp20pLYbJN0
Chris Carlson: https://youtu.be/CIL3OKA0zBQ
*Tony Smith (Green News Network and not running for office, but it was a
good show): https://youtu.be/K_EHRiLhVXw

If you'd like to do an interview or come on my show, please do not hesitate
to ask or do so... we all care, just like you do.

James Young

On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 12:10 AM, Nassim Nouri <nassim1nouri at gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> We just had our IT call and we have a few important issues we need Media
> to make decisions on.
> Please see proposed agenda below for our joint working call this Thursday
> 4/19 at 7:30.
> Thanks,
> Nassim
> *GPCA Media/IT Joint Working Meeting Agenda - Thursday April 19th, 2018,
> 7:30 pm - 9 pm**Dial in: (605) 472-5412, Access Code: 408531*
> *1. Roll call*
> *2. Roles*: *Facilitator:  *            *Timekeeper:*               *Note
> taker:*
> *3. **Approve or amend the agenda*
> *4. **Candidate webpage update and approval - **Important*
> *5. **Press releases for candidate endorsement - **Important*
> *6. Homepage updates*
> *7. **Media access to SM platforms? Does IT need to admin?*
> *8. Contact from ca.gov <http://ca.gov> for GPCA endorsement process -
> Andre Willard - **(626) 818-6875)*
> *7. Website *sitemap
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/17wab70pq9KtqpE5Fc8lZODUBNXgULQFs/view?usp=sharing>* draft
> strategy and timelines*
> Nassim Nouri
> 408-396-5722
> Green Party of Santa Clara County
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> On Apr 16, 2018, at 8:24 PM, Brett Dixon <b at brettanthonydixon.com> wrote:
> Below are two versions of the Candidate Pages that need to be merged. The
> Fundraising Committee would like to use this info for their newsletter.Greens
> in spring 2018 elections
> Primary tabs
>    - View(active tab) <http://www.cagreens.org/elections/2018-spring>
>    - Edit <http://www.cagreens.org/node/1471/edit>
>    - Outline <http://www.cagreens.org/node/1471/outline>
>    - Track <http://www.cagreens.org/node/1471/track>
> *At least 19 California Greens are running in spring 2018 elections. *Note
> - *inclusion on this list does not imply endorsement. Endorsements for
> statewide office are made by the Green Party of California.  Endorsements
> for all other offices are made by the county Green Party in question and
> are listed below where they have occured.* Candidates are listed only
> after they have qualified for the ballot; except please note that
> candidates marked with * have been notified unofficially by the Secretary
> of State's office and/or their county registrar's office they have
> qualified for the ballot, and the official certification list will be made
> publicly available on March 29..
> *US House of Representatives
> <http://www.cagreens.org/elections/2018-spring#house> *(8)
> Governor (3)
> Secretary of State (2)
> State Assembly (3)
> *County <http://www.cagreens.org/elections/2018-spring#county> *(1)
> *Municipal <http://www.cagreens.org/elections/2018-spring#municipal>* (1)
> *All elections June 5 unless otherwise specified*
> ------------------------------
> *US House of Representatives (9)*
> *Lewis Elbinger <https://lewiselbingerforcongress.com/>,* US House of
> Representatives, District 1*
> *Jason Kishineff <https://kishineff.org/>*, US House oof Representatives,
> District 5*
> *Chris Richardson*, US House of Representatives, District 7*
> *Barry Hermanson <http://www.barryhermanson.org/>*, U.S. House of
> Representaitves, District 12 (San Francisco County)* *Endorsed by the
> Green Party of San Francisco County*
> *Angelica Dueñas* <https://www.angelica4congress.com/>, US House of
> Representatives, District 29 (Los Angeles County)* *Endorsed by the Green
> Party of Los Angeles County*
> *Kenneth Mejia <https://www.mejia4congress.com/>*, US House of
> Representatives, District 34 (Los Angeles County)** **Endorsed by the
> Green Party of Los Angeles County*
> *Rodolfo Cortes Barragan <https://www.rodolfoforcongress.com/>*, US House
> of Representatives, District 40 (Los Angeles County)* *Endorsed by the
> Green Party of Los Angeles County*
> *Miguel Zuniga <https://www.crowdpac.com/campaigns/287459/miguel-zuniga>,*
>  US House of Representatives, District 43 (Los Angeles County)*
> *Danielle St. John* <https://www.facebook.com/publicdanielle/>, US House
> of Representatives, District 49 (San Diego County)*
> *Governor (3)*
> *Christopher Carlson* <https://www.guber2018.com/>, Governor*
> *Veronika Fimbres <http://veronikafimbres.com/>,* Governor (write-in)*
> *Josh Jones <http://www.josh4gov.org/>,* Governor*
> *Secretary of State (2)*
> *Michael Feinstein* <http://www.feinstein4sos.org/>, Secretary of State*
> *Erik Rydberg <http://www.erik4sos.org/>,* Secretary of State*
> *State Assembly (3)*
> *Bridget Duffy*, State Assembly, District 22 (San Mateo County)*
> *Carol Boudin <http://www.cabouldin4ad42.org/>,* State Assembly, District
> 42 (Riverisde & San Bernardino County)* *Endorsed by the Green Party of
> Riverisde County & the Green Party of San Bernardino County*
> *Rachel Bruhnke <http://rachel4assembly.org/>*, State Assembly, District
> 70 (Los Angeles County)* *Endorsed by the Green Party of Los Angeles
> County*
> *County (1)*
> *Pamela Elizondo*, Board of Supervisors, District 3 (Mendocino County)
> *Seven candidates for one seat
> <https://www.mendocinocounty.org/home/showdocument?id=19858>*
> *Municipal (1)James "Henk" Conn <https://www.facebook.com/henkconn/>,
> Mayor, Long Beach (Los Angeles County) - April 10 election*
> *Two candidates for two seats
> <http://www.longbeach.gov/globalassets/city-clerk/media-library/documents/elections/elections-home/2018-pne-qualified-candidates>*
> Green Candidates - 2018 Election
> Primary tabs
>    - View(active tab)
>    <http://www.cagreens.org/green-candidates-2018-election>
>    - Edit <http://www.cagreens.org/node/1469/edit>
>    - Outline <http://www.cagreens.org/node/1469/outline>
>    - Track <http://www.cagreens.org/node/1469/track>
> California’s Green Candidates for 2018 Elections
> Michael “Cal Songmaker” Ziesing for US Senate
> <https://www.facebook.com/ziesingforsenate/>
> Cal Songmaker is running for the US Senate in CA and describes himself as
> a Navy Veteran, a lifelong leftist, and a Native. He believes it is time to
> put an end to corporate-party politics and strive for a just and free
> society. Learn more <https://www.facebook.com/ziesingforsenate/> and watch
> <https://youtu.be/KRyK7vztqXM> an interview with Cal. (Tehama County)
> Angelica Duenas for Congress CD29 <http://www.angelica4congress.com/>
> Angelica Duenas’ campaign focuses on Healthcare-for-All, Immigration
> Reform, Education and Housing as a Right, Criminal Justice, and Foreign
> Policy. She is committed to growing the Green Party as a part of the
> Federation of Young Greens of the Americas and a Delegate to the Global
> Young Greens. Angelica is a mother of 5 and wife to a supporting,
> loving, husband. She accepts no corporate money and is beholden to the
> people of her district, not big money interests. Learn more
> <http://www.angelica4congress.com/> and watch
> <https://youtu.be/c_QWWe-hPFc> an interview. (LA County)
> J <http://kishineff.org/>ason Kishineff for Congress CD5
> <https://kishineff.org/>
> “I’ve lived in California’s 5th district for over half my life, and know
> what it’s like to struggle through unemployment trying try to feed your
> family on Welfare. My platform focuses on fighting for social, racial,
> economic, and environmental justice I believe that we can, and must,
> continue the political revolution to make this one of the most progressive
> voting districts in the state, and do it without corporate money.” Learn
> more <https://kishineff.org/> and watch <https://youtu.be/AOL1F8Ji4l8> an
> interview. (Napa County)
> Barry Hermanson for Congress CD12 <http://barry4congress.org/>
> Barry Hermanson has run for Congress in CA District 12 four times because
> the voices of working people are rarely heard above the deafening sound of
> money. His campaign focuses on bringing voters the Green New Deal platform,
> and he has been an activist in SF since 2003 on the issues of
> minimum/living wage, healthcare and single payer, military spending and
> ending Citizens United. Learn more <http://barry4congress.org/>and watch
> <https://youtu.be/H3APnw6bg5M> an interview. (SF County)
> Kenneth Mejia for Congress CD34 <http://www.mejia4congress.com/>
> Kenneth’s campaign aims to put the most vulnerable people FIRST: the
> working class, poor, homeless, immigrants, seniors, LGBTQ, people of
> color, and the disabled, because he believes, when millions of people come
> together, we can accomplish anything! ran for congress in his district in
> 2017. Learn more <http://www.mejia4congress.com/>. (LA County)
> Lewis Elbinger for Congress D1 <https://lewiselbingerforcongress.com/>
> Lewis believes the Green Party’s platform can address the social and
> political challenges our country faces. He stands strong for “Government
> with a heart, Vote your Conscience, Keep your voice”. Lewis has 28 years of
> experience as a Foreign Service Officer in the U.S. Department of State,
> has earned an MBA and a Masters in Strategic Studies, and has lived abroad
> in many countries. Learn more <https://lewiselbingerforcongress.com/> and
> watch <https://youtu.be/C6OR9UgkmHc> an interview with Lewis. (Siskiyou
> County)
> Miguel Zuniga for Congress D43
> <https://www.crowdpac.com/campaigns/287459/miguel-zuniga>
> “I am running for Congress to represent the people of district 43, because
> our politicians are not. I will put a Heart in the Machine and be the voice
> of the voiceless, by returning the power to the people. My morals wouldn’t
> let me support the two corrupt parties that only work to serve corporate
> donors. I am a Green, because our platform doesn’t have to be bought to do
> what’s right.” Learn more
> <https://www.crowdpac.com/campaigns/287459/miguel-zuniga> and watch
> <https://youtu.be/bB73VjXH9ZQ> an interview. (LA County)
> Rodolfo Cortes Barragan for Congress D40
> <https://www.rodolfoforcongress.com/>
> “I am a first-generation Mexican-American scientist running in the most
> Latino district in the country. My opponent has sold out the community, but
> nobody else is running to unseat her. It’s time for someone to say no to
> the L.A. Latino Democratic establishment. Please contribute if you can.”
> Rodolfo conducts interviews focused on the Green Party platform, using the
> community-oriented Green Revolution group that has over 10 thousand
> followers. Learn more <https://www.rodolfoforcongress.com/> and watch
> <https://youtu.be/lwVE6mnkpzA> an interview with Rodolfo. (LA County)
> Steve Correa for CA State Senate District 18
> <https://www.facebook.com/stevemcorrea>
> Steve’s campaign is focused on raising awareness on issues of Environment,
> Economy, Housing, and Tech, so that regardless of the election outcome, his
> community will begin to hold representatives accountable on these issues.
> Steve is looking for volunteers to help collect signature for other Greens
> in his region. Learn more <https://www.facebook.com/stevemcorrea> and
> watch <https://youtu.be/65dogHcT0Nc> an interview. (LA County)
> Robert Christian Richardson for Congress D7
> <https://www.facebook.com/OurHands.us/videos/332095097286335/?comment_id=1763451410385483&reply_comment_id=1763452580385366&notif_id=1517381962681380&notif_t=group_comment>
> “I am running for Congress to rebuild fairness and confidence in our
> government for a more stable and sane America, because I have become
> disenchanted with unfair election rigging that both major parties engage
> in.  After retiring from the Veterans Administration, as a senior computer
> specialist, I co-founded a non-profit to help hospitals here & overseas
> utilize VA’s integrated hospital system (VistA), that has run 160 VA
> hospitals for 40 years.” Learn more <http://www.worldvista.org/> and watch
> <https://www.facebook.com/OurHands.us/videos/332095097286335/?comment_id=1763451410385483&reply_comment_id=1763452580385366&notif_id=1517381962681380&notif_t=group_comment> an
> interview. (Sacramento County)
> <http://www.erik4sos.org/>
> Erik Rydberg for California Secretary of State <http://www.erik4sos.org/>
> “My people-powered campaign is committed to defending democracy and
> protecting the vote.  As an indigenous person, I have a deep respect for
> Democracy, because among the oldest functioning democracies is the Iroquois
> Confederacy. As the backbone of any just and free society Democracy must be
> protected from those who dishonor and manipulate it. As your next Secretary
> of State, I will ensure that every vote cast by Californians is accounted
> for.” Learn more <http://www.erik4sos.org/> and watch
> <https://youtu.be/HbJS1OBdhiw> an interview with Erik. (Humboldt County)
> <https://www.facebook.com/feinstein.michael/>
> Mike Feinstein for California Secretary of State
> <https://www.facebook.com/feinstein.michael/>
> Michael Feinstein is a former Mayor and City Councilmember in Santa
> Monica, and a co-founder of the Green Party of California. He is running
> for Secretary of State to promote a Democracy Bill of Rights for
> California, based upon Voter Choice, Clean Money and Election Integrity.
> For the state legislature, his plan is to elect it by proportional
> representation, giving all Californians a seat at the table of our
> democracy. Learn more. <http://www.feinstein4sos.org/> (LA County)
> <http://www.josh4gov.org/>
> Josh Jones for California Governor <http://www.josh4gov.org/>
> Josh’s platform aims to maximize equality of opportunity, and minimize
> harm. He was in Occupy/Decolonize and joined the Green Party as a
> consequence of the election corruption he observed at the national, state
> and county level. Learn more <http://www.josh4gov.org/> and watch
> <https://youtu.be/SZ62IBNndxA> an interview with Josh. (Yolo County)
> <http://veronikafimbres.com/>
> Veronika Fimbres for California Governor <http://veronikafimbres.com/>
> “As CA Governor, I vow not only to hear, but also listen to the will of
> ‘We the people’ and since I am not taking money from Big Oil, Big Pharma,
> other Corporations, or public employee unions, including police unions, I
> will not be obligated to anyone but the people of California, whether or
> not they voted for me. I respect the power of choice, and to make an
> informed decision. My administration will be transparent!” Learn more.
> <http://veronikafimbres.com/>(SF County)
> <https://www.facebook.com/donate/1959006077753524/>
> Christopher Carlson for California Governor
> <https://www.facebook.com/donate/1959006077753524/>
> “It’s up to us to build the greens into a science literate alternative to
> corporatism. Watch my response to the State of the Union here and here. I
> am running for Governor. Please just throw a $20 at the Southern Poverty
> Law Center. Don’t give money to a politician if you can help it. (Greens
> are an exception.) My handle on youtube, twitter and insta:
> guberthecandidate. Tell the girl scouts you want an election day cookie.
> guberthecandidate at gmail.com” (Sacramento County)
> <http://rachel4assembly.org/>
> Rachel Bruhnke for CA Assembly District 70 <http://rachel4assembly.org/>
> Rachel believes it’s time to take power back from corporations and
> anti-democratic forces endangering our communities, our country and our
> planet. She is focused on: a just, sustainable and inclusive economy; land
> use reform and housing for all; healthcare as a human right and promoting
> SB-562; and building a localized, participatory Democracy. She holds
> degrees in Political Science and Environmental Engineering. Learn more
> <http://rachel4assembly.org/> and watch <https://youtu.be/_QYOipmgMgA> an
> interview. (LA County)
> <https://www.facebook.com/Carol-A-Bouldin-for-CA-Assembly-District-42-820543888125572/>
> Carol A. Bouldin for CA Assembly D42
> <https://www.facebook.com/Carol-A-Bouldin-for-CA-Assembly-District-42-820543888125572/>
> ”Hello Californians! If you believe that it’s time that someone represents
> our district who supports Single Payer healthcare, clean energy, banning
> fracking, getting money out of politics, and doing away with Top Two
> primaries, please support my campaign for A. D. 42! Green Party candidates
> do not take any dark money, including money from corporations.” Learn more
> <https://www.facebook.com/pg/Carol-A-Bouldin-for-CA-Assembly-District-42-820543888125572/>
>  and donate <https://www.crowdpac.com/campaigns/380404/carol-a-bouldin>.
> (San Bernardino County)
> <https://www.everyonesmayor.org/>
> Saied Karamooz for Oakland Mayor <https://www.everyonesmayor.org/>
> Saied Karamooz is the Green Party candidate for the mayor of Oakland.
> Saied’s campaign is founded on sensible solutions from a trustworthy
> candidate.  His platform is squarely founded on achieving true public
> safety through investment in education, housing, and jobs.  Learn more
> <https://www.everyonesmayor.org/> and watch
> <https://www.facebook.com/OurHands.us/videos/332095097286335/?comment_id=1763451410385483&reply_comment_id=1763452580385366&notif_id=1517381962681380&notif_t=group_comment>
>  an interview with Saied. (Alameda County)
> Brett Anthony Dixon <https://www.brettanthonydixon.com/>
> b at brettanthonydixon.com
> 760-299-3037
> _______________________________________________
> GPCA-MediaWG mailing list
> GPCA-MediaWG at lists.cagreens.org
> http://lists.cagreens.org/listinfo/gpca-mediawg_lists.cagreens.org
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