[GPCA-SGA-Votes] Discuss ID 145: GPCA endorsement for Governor

Nicole Castor nmcastorsilva at gmail.com
Sat Feb 17 10:15:45 PST 2018


Regarding Thomas' most recent entry on this thread:

Thank you for the well-thought-out analysis of the situation. This entry is
the reality check needed!

One concern is that registration can and likely will decline due to
circumstances beyond the control of Green "leadership."  In the next
Presidential primary, a "progressive" Dem could wipe out a great deal of
our registration, and we will struggle just to play catch-up afterward.

As our registration declines, obtaining 2% becomes more difficult. The
strategy of putting all efforts behind single candidates for seats is not
illogical, but should have been inplimented sooner, to echo what Thomas

Re: Jeff's entry:

This proposal is not meant to decide who will be on the ballot. The
candidates running have already put forth effort and it is likely multiple
Greens will be on the same seat ticket on the primary nallot.

The SGA vote is to decide which of these candidates has gained the state
party's endorsement.

This only has the effect of displaying to voters which candidates the GPCA
recommends.  What CA voters don't know is that the endorsement would
actually be representing which candidates successfully campaigned the SGA,

It's too late, at this point, to effect such a strategy in a democratic
way. I'd urge SGA voters to recognize this and vote NO on the endorsement
strategy or abstain if they are unsure.

On Feb 17, 2018 9:23 AM, "Jeff Lebow" <jlebow at socal.rr.com> wrote:

> Totally agree that we place the most likely to garner public support
> candidate on the ballot. When playing the game, we should choose the
> strategy that keeps us on the ballot.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 15, 2018, at 10:33 PM, Erik <erikrydberg34 at gmail.com> wrote:
> CADEM has 8 million members and corporate media. GPCA has 100,000 and
> social media. Our primary process was taken from us by Top Two. We are not
> garaunteed a candidate in the General Election anymore. If we don’t create
> a system to choose the strongest candidate then we risk multiple green
> candidates splitting the vote and we could lose party status by not having
> any statewide candidates reach 2% of the vote.
> We also want to actually win a Top Two Primary so keeping the state party
> from endorsing and fundraising for statewide candidates is political
> suicide. Some long time Greens suggest that GPCA never raises funds for
> candidates. And we wonder why we have had zero statewide candidates in
> office ever.
> Time to stop continuing failed strategies and take electoral politics
> seriously. We are out numbered by capitalist parties and we have to focus
> our power is we want to actually break the two party system. This
> endorsement process is long overdue.
> On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 9:41 PM james clark <faygodrinkit at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> One major concern is that this process would take power out of the voters
>> hands to decide which candidate best represents their values. It seems to
>> much the DNC and their delegates picking who people get to vote for. Not to
>> mention at several candidates already have their names on the ballot.
>> On Feb 15, 2018 11:14 AM, "Victoria Ashley" <victronix01 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Since the vote doesn't start until late March, that would give some time
>>> to send out a list of all the GP candidates on the Inform List.
>>> On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 8:20 AM, John-Marc Chandonia <jmc at sfgreens.org>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 10:25:47PM -0800, james clark wrote:
>>>> > I feel it is not in the best interests of the party to follow through
>>>> with
>>>> > this ill timed endorsement process. If we were to perform such a
>>>> process it
>>>> > should have been done prior to candidates reaching their ballot access
>>>> > goals. To do so at this juncture will only create animosity and
>>>> division,
>>>> > and will not effect candidates placement on the ballot.
>>>> Don't they have until March 9 to raise funds for the ballot?  If
>>>> that's the case, we should know by the time the SGA votes who is in
>>>> and who is out.  I agree that we should not make an endorsement before
>>>> then, because we haven't had any process for informing Greens about
>>>> all the Green candidates running.
>>>> JMC
>>>> --
>>>> John-Marc Chandonia (jmc at sfgreens.org)
>>>> http://sfgreens.org/
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> *Erik Rydberg *
> *Green Party of California(GPCA) Spokesperson*
> *erikrydberg34 at gmail.com <erikrydberg34 at gmail.com>530-781-2903
> <(530)%20781-2903>*
>                 cagreens.org
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