[GPCA-SGA-Votes] Discuss ID 145: GPCA endorsement for Governor

Lauren Mauricio lauren_mauricio at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 16 13:04:43 PST 2018

We really should be "pandering" to Berniecrats, though.  I was a Berniecrat.  I voted for Jill Stein because someone shared a link in Bernie Sanders' Dank Meme Stash (Facebook group) to a website that showed how her platform matched Bernie Sanders' by 99%.  So I voted Green and never looked back.  If whoever-that-Green-was hadn't pandered to me, I would have voted for Hillary Clinton and I would still be a begrudged Democrat to this day.  I know a lot of people who share the same story.

Thank you,

Lauren Mauricio

Tulare County

From: gpca-votes <gpca-votes-bounces at sfgreens.org> on behalf of Nicole Castor <nmcastorsilva at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2018 9:26 AM
To: GPCA Discussion List for SGA Votes
Subject: Re: [GPCA-SGA-Votes] Discuss ID 145: GPCA endorsement for Governor

Anthony & Others,

I agree that this process should have been started at least six months ago. At this point, candidates and their teams have already done the work to get on the ballot and it is likely there will be more than one Green candidate for the offices of SOS & Governor.

If we're not in it to win it, what is the point? There is a point, actually. We will benefit from having any of the statewide candidates reaching 2%, thus securing ballot access. In addition, Green Party benefits by campaigning our platform, Key Values and the type of electoral reforms which are necessary to empower alternate parties. I do not feel it is useful to delude ourselves into thinking that we are in fact "in it to win it," because until these reforms are accomplished, we are severely disadvantaged in realistically competing to win.

I also do not feel it is useful to put so much weight on pandering to so-called "berniecrats," as it dilutes our values in specific ways which compromises what the party actually stands for. Of course such pandering has its merit in reaching registration goals, but for a race like this, we should be careful in pretending we share more in common with that core than we really do.

There has to be a party which stands firmly against war, firmly supports environmental protections, among other issues and Sanders does not reflect these values in his actions. There are already "progressive" democrats who will woo voters with compromised ideals and so rather than GP moving to the right, we stand firm, campaign and demonstrate our values to a growing population of individuals who agree, and keep our stances so that we may secure a place for them when they realize the duopoly does not serve their interests and that these voters no longer wish to compromise their values.

I will vote against the SGA proposal to endorse candidates at this point because it was brought in too late, serves little purpose and is proposed without a strategy which delegates could examine and decide upon.

-Nicole Castor
GP Sacramento County

On Feb 16, 2018 7:52 AM, "Anthony Krzywicki" <chefkrzywicki at gmail.com<mailto:chefkrzywicki at gmail.com>> wrote:
Another major concern is breaking up our parties voting base.  We need to all get behind someone and that someone hopefully will reach out and get votes from independents, progressives and possibly bernicrats.  Otherwise were not in itvto win it, so then whats the point?  We have a such a small percentage of green voters to make a win, why should we split that?

Also i beliwve that this process should be started 6 months ago, so we could already be backing a unified candidate.

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 9:41 PM james clark <faygodrinkit at gmail.com<mailto:faygodrinkit at gmail.com>> wrote:
One major concern is that this process would take power out of the voters hands to decide which candidate best represents their values. It seems to much the DNC and their delegates picking who people get to vote for. Not to mention at several candidates already have their names on the ballot.

On Feb 15, 2018 11:14 AM, "Victoria Ashley" <victronix01 at gmail.com<mailto:victronix01 at gmail.com>> wrote:
Since the vote doesn't start until late March, that would give some time to send out a list of all the GP candidates on the Inform List.

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 8:20 AM, John-Marc Chandonia <jmc at sfgreens.org<mailto:jmc at sfgreens.org>> wrote:
On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 10:25:47PM -0800, james clark wrote:
> I feel it is not in the best interests of the party to follow through with
> this ill timed endorsement process. If we were to perform such a process it
> should have been done prior to candidates reaching their ballot access
> goals. To do so at this juncture will only create animosity and division,
> and will not effect candidates placement on the ballot.

Don't they have until March 9 to raise funds for the ballot?  If
that's the case, we should know by the time the SGA votes who is in
and who is out.  I agree that we should not make an endorsement before
then, because we haven't had any process for informing Greens about
all the Green candidates running.

John-Marc Chandonia (jmc at sfgreens.org<mailto:jmc at sfgreens.org>)

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Anthony J. Krzywicki,
Co-coordinator GROW- Green Party California
Co-coordinator Ventura County Green Party County Council
greenpartyvc at gmail.com<mailto:greenpartyvc at gmail.com>
instagram: greenpartyvcc
facebook group: Ventura Green Party
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