[Gpca-votes] State level Green Party

Thomas Leavitt thomleavitt at gmail.com
Wed Jan 31 00:15:14 PST 2018

The inability of this party, at a statewide level, to conduct itself in a
functional fashion, without endless bickering, infighting, plotting and
conspiracy mongering (justified and otherwise), over the last TWENTY PLUS
YEARS, and clearly replicated on this thread, is exactly why so many sane
and reasonable party members view engagement with the party at a non-local
level with trepidation, and in many cases, as an act of masochism. This is
why I have absolutely, regardless of my personal view of various parties
and events, abstained from participation in recent votes since being placed
on the SGA, and will continue to do so. This is why the biggest Green Party
in the country, by numbers, in the biggest state, apparently operates on a
budget which doesn't even amount to spare change by any rational
standard... all this infighting is over literal pennies. City council
candidates in Santa Cruz, a city of 50,000, raise more money for their
campaigns than our entire state operates on (based on the figures I've

Things that should be of the highest urgency and priority, are left

Look at our budget committee page, it says:

"*Current Members (FY2013-2014 budget preparation)*"


I'm sure it would be effortless to find additional examples.

Regardless of what recent issues we've had, there is NO POSSIBLE EXCUSE for
this page to be FIVE YEARS out of date. FIVE YEARS. Do you all realize how
totally unprofessional and credibility destroying this is to all but the
most motivated folks considering alternatives to the duopoly? How can any
of us defend this type of performance and collective conduct?

I've been formally involved with this party since I arrived in Santa Cruz
in 1993, and registered since 1990. Tom Hayden sent me a postcard urging me
to re-register as a Democrat when I did. I didn't. That's going on a
quarter century. I've known some of you for almost that long, know parties
on all sides of various internal divisions, I don't claim to be purely
objective, but as someone who has deliberately tried to not emphatically
plant myself on any particular faction or individual's side, I'm begging
you, on behalf of all the other folks who aren't invested in these
disputes, to please, figure this stuff out. Resolve your differences, or at
least minimize their fallout on the rest of us. Any sane and objective
evaluation, based on simple examination of the last twenty years, should
make it clear that no absolute and lasting "victory" of any faction is

Thomas Leavitt
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