[GPCA-SGA-Votes] Green Party Sex Tape video

Argie E. Hill hillae at berkeley.edu
Tue Mar 6 18:05:16 PST 2018


Just want to chime in here as I see some issues with the string of replies
that should be taken with greater care in regards to our personal/global
responsibility commitment.

Please don’t put down students, many of which are grown adults, by saying
you expect poor quality.

Please don’t put down the creative energy of people running for office.
These are people attempting to make a difference for our state and deserve
the full respect, consideration, and diligence that office deserves.

Please don’t speak for sex workers if you are not or have not been a sex
worker. Pass the mic.

Please don’t weaponize children, yours or others. We are adults capable of
recognizing our own biases and harm to other adults. We can speak about our
own thoughts and opinions without pointing to others including the
imaginary “democrat” who will “destroy the party.”

If this is not the appropriate thread (which I agree with) perhaps the
discussion should end?

If you have any concerns with what I’ve said please private message me or
set up a channel in which we can discuss the situation further.

Again, I support this video. My appeal towards individual and creative
contributions is noted. You do not have to agree with me.

As always best of luck to all candidates and staffers on the campaign
trail. This will be my last response regarding this inquiry.


Aidan Hill
GPAC, Councilor

On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 5:35 PM Wanda Jean Lord <lordwandajean at gmail.com>

> So… I’ve watched this discussion for a while and must confess I haven’t
> viewed the video – as for me – just the title is offputting enough that I
> wouldn’t want to click on it.  However, me being initially offput by the
> concept doesn’t mean the concept is wrong to create – I simply don’t know –
> and so I also don’t doubt the good intentions of the creators.
> For me, though, this conversation brings up a question – insofar as the
> GPCA is concerned – who is charged with media production and the vetting of
> content and the authorizing of content that is officially ‘Green’ ?  Who is
> charged with our state ‘messaging’ on an official party basis?
> I do tend to agree that there needs to be a consistency of messaging for
> the party – and that there is a difference, and a distinction ought to be
> made, between a person speaking as an individual who happens to be a
> registered green voter and running for public office – vs. an endorsed
> candidate of the party.
> I think this does tie into the need for an endorsement process – as an
> endorsed candidate might then have a level of review and communication
> standards that would come along with endorsement…possibly?
> Or maybe there are no such checks and balances at all in the state level
> GPCA process?
> I don’t know any of the answers to these questions – so any kind and
> sincere educational response would be welcomed.
> *From: *gpca-votes <gpca-votes-bounces at sfgreens.org> on behalf of
> Angelica Duenas <angelica at aduenas.org>
> *Reply-To: *GPCA-SGA-Vote discussion <gpca-votes at sfgreens.org>
> *Date: *Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 2:53 PM
> *To: *GPCA Discussion List for SGA Votes <gpca-votes at sfgreens.org>
> *Subject: *Re: [GPCA-SGA-Votes] Green Party Sex Tape video
> Sadie,
> You are sorry that I am unable to see passed what prior indoctrination?
> Care to elaborate? Not sure what you are referring to.
> If I would have seen this sort campaign ads from a GP Gubernatorial
> candidate with many local GP endorsements I would not have given the GP
> serious consideration. I would have assumed that this is not a serious
> party ready to put up serious candidates.
> Yes, I am running for Congress in California’s 29th Congressional
> District. Please check out our website: angelica4congress.com
> I don’t think that I mentioned going back or staying with the Democratic
> Party at all. I am not sure where I would have ended up … maybe PSL? La
> Raza Unida? NPP? Movement for a People’s Party? …. I can only guess.
> I have not gone back and forth between the Democratic Party, I haven’t
> been active in the ADEM or Kimberly Ellis efforts or anything like that. So
> I don’t appreciate the insinuation that I would have chosen an
> Establishment Party.
> I have been giving 100% of my efforts to the Green Party. I am involved in
> all levels of the GP. Local club, County, State, National and International
> (GYG) and am now a Candidate.
> I a mother of 5 children and am doing my best to do it all …I am running a
> mature and focused campaign. And this video makes a mockery of our work.
> Serious activist on the ground are working very hard to establish our Party
> as a serious option.
> I think that the video missed a perfect opportunity for an informative
> PSA.
> With a clarification that No there is no sex video … “but now that we have
> your attention let us tell you about the outrageous candidate fees we have
> to pay”….. type thing.  With text and graphics to better illustrate the
> point.
> I feel that the video itself is offensive to Sex Workers if you ask me. I
> feel that this video is making fun of sex work. Making it appear like Sex
> Work is an act of desperation or last resort – rather than a legitimate
> profession. I believe that sex work should be legalized and that this is
> the only way to protect sex workers from trafficking and slavery.
> I am running for Congress as a Green candidate. It has not been easy to
> establish myself as a serious candidate as a 3rd party candidate…. And
> this is not making it any easier to be taken seriously.
> I think that the big message was lost in the shallow presentation. It
> would have been better with a deeper presentation regarding the ridiculous
> filing fees and signature requirements – that are killing 3rd party
> presence on the ballot.  I feel that there was certain potential in this
> video to deliver a real PSA. But it fell short.
> Angelica Duenas
> On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 11:01 AM, Sadie Fulton <sadie.fulton at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Angelica,
> I understand your concern with our promotional video. However, I cannot
> sit quiet and allow you to speak in this way.
> I am concerned that you have claimed you would have not considered joining
> the Green Party had you seen this video prior. You are running for an
> office position as a green, no? I am disturbed by the fact you would state
> that, due to a video intended to draw attention to hot button topics like
> public funding, you would have turned away from the Green Values and all
> the things the Green Party has done.... and what? Gone back to the
> Democratic Party?
> While we are here, it is important that I mention, there is absolutely
> nothing “disturbing” “offensive” or “embarrassing” about sex work. By
> stating that this concept is so offensive to you, this is what you are
> stating and I don’t believe that is acceptable.
> Furthermore, if you listen to the video and script you will hear that this
> video was ALSO intended to draw attention to that fact. As a statement
> against slut shaming, and for the media to draw more attention to things
> that matter. Like Monsanto and Chevron corruption. Which, by the way, is
> something I know MANY greens are actively fighting for.
> You being offended by the idea of sex work, is unfortunate. I am sorry
> that you were not able to see past your prior indoctrination to see the big
> messages being a video made humorous to get the message out to demographics
> who don’t see the messages we do in our formats.
> I would implore you to look into this topic.
> https://theestablishment.co/the-green-party-is-failing-sex-workers-586329848557
> Sadie
> On Mon, 5 Mar 2018 10:57 Angelica Duenas, <angelica at aduenas.org> wrote:
> I think there was a miscommunication. I had watched the Video...but I have
> not watched Monty Python. Which he mentioned that this was a parody of.
> On Mar 5, 2018 9:55 AM, "Sadie Fulton" <sadie.fulton at gmail.com> wrote:
> Angelica,
> When you raised your objection to this video you had not even watched it.
> Have you watched it yet?
> Sadie
> On Mon, Mar 5, 2018, 02:05 Angelica Duenas <angelica at aduenas.org> wrote:
> Dear SGA delegates
> I am very disturbed by the Green Party Sex Tape video (
> https://youtu.be/dxhUS-QQPbg) created and posted by Gubernatorial
> candidate Josh Jones. I find the video offensive and an example of
> extremely poor judgment by someone seeking to represent our party as a
> candidate for our state’s highest office.
> I was first introduced face to face with the Green Party at the August
> 2016 Green Party national convention in Houston, which I attended as an
> interested observer, after being turned off by the Democratic Party (as a
> Berniecrat delegate at the Democratic National Convention a week earlier.)
> At the GPUS convention, I met David Cobb, Laura Wells, Mike Feinstein,
> Jill Stein, Ajamu Baraka, Cornel West (when things looked like he might Go
> Green) and Luis Rodriguez (the GPCA's 2014 Gubernatorial candidate). Based
> upon those interactions, I was impressed by the Green Party, effectively
> going Green the following month. Since then, I have learned a lot about the
> Green Party and its inner workings. I love how there is a high value on
> internal democracy. And I love the GPCA and GPUS platforms – solid.
> But I have to say that if I would have come across this Josh Jones Sex
> Tape video in 2016 prior to attending the Green Party convention, I would
> have not given the Green Party a chance at all. The concept and content is
> immature and damaging to our party.  A more thoughtful treatment could have
> been a great PSA moment.  Instead it is an embarrassment, plain and simple.
> Given this, for anyone seeking our party’s endorsement, I think the video
> should be deleted from YouTube. But at a minimum, if this embarrassment is
> to remain on-line, the use of the words “Green Party” should be removed
> from the video's title. No one in our party has the right to post something
> like that, misrepresenting our party’s name in that manner.
> Disappointed in Los Angeles,
> Angelica Dueñas
> --
> Angelica M. Duenas, M.A.
> *GPLAC Councilmember*
> *GYG Delegate*
> *GPCA CC Member*
> *GPUS Alternate Delegate*
> *"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one" *- John Lennon
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> Angelica M. Duenas, M.A.
> Political Organizer - Green Party Member
> Former Jill Stein 2016 Campaign Coordinator
> Former Bernie Sanders Delegate
> *"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one" *- John Lennon
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Aidan Hill "A.J."
Pronouns: they/them/their(s)
Undergraduate, Political Science | Public Policy
University of California, Berkeley '18
Alameda County Green Party | Councilor
Green Party at Berkeley | Founder
Email: Hillae at berkeley.edu
Work: (909) 278-8549

"Have a Nice Day" -  Flight of the Lawnchair Man *(Musical*)
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