[GPCA-SGA-Votes] Green Party Sex Tape video

Eric Luna eluna807 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 6 22:02:59 PST 2018

Im pretty sure this is an attack on freedom of speech and freedom of
expression.  Especially in a decentralized organization as Nicole pointed
out.  Just wanted to make that observation.

On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 6:05 PM, Argie E. Hill <hillae at berkeley.edu> wrote:

> All,
> Just want to chime in here as I see some issues with the string of replies
> that should be taken with greater care in regards to our personal/global
> responsibility commitment.
> Please don’t put down students, many of which are grown adults, by saying
> you expect poor quality.
> Please don’t put down the creative energy of people running for office.
> These are people attempting to make a difference for our state and deserve
> the full respect, consideration, and diligence that office deserves.
> Please don’t speak for sex workers if you are not or have not been a sex
> worker. Pass the mic.
> Please don’t weaponize children, yours or others. We are adults capable of
> recognizing our own biases and harm to other adults. We can speak about our
> own thoughts and opinions without pointing to others including the
> imaginary “democrat” who will “destroy the party.”
> If this is not the appropriate thread (which I agree with) perhaps the
> discussion should end?
> If you have any concerns with what I’ve said please private message me or
> set up a channel in which we can discuss the situation further.
> Again, I support this video. My appeal towards individual and creative
> contributions is noted. You do not have to agree with me.
> As always best of luck to all candidates and staffers on the campaign
> trail. This will be my last response regarding this inquiry.
> Best,
> Aidan Hill
> GPAC, Councilor
> On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 5:35 PM Wanda Jean Lord <lordwandajean at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> So… I’ve watched this discussion for a while and must confess I haven’t
>> viewed the video – as for me – just the title is offputting enough that I
>> wouldn’t want to click on it.  However, me being initially offput by the
>> concept doesn’t mean the concept is wrong to create – I simply don’t know –
>> and so I also don’t doubt the good intentions of the creators.
>> For me, though, this conversation brings up a question – insofar as the
>> GPCA is concerned – who is charged with media production and the vetting of
>> content and the authorizing of content that is officially ‘Green’ ?  Who is
>> charged with our state ‘messaging’ on an official party basis?
>> I do tend to agree that there needs to be a consistency of messaging for
>> the party – and that there is a difference, and a distinction ought to be
>> made, between a person speaking as an individual who happens to be a
>> registered green voter and running for public office – vs. an endorsed
>> candidate of the party.
>> I think this does tie into the need for an endorsement process – as an
>> endorsed candidate might then have a level of review and communication
>> standards that would come along with endorsement…possibly?
>> Or maybe there are no such checks and balances at all in the state level
>> GPCA process?
>> I don’t know any of the answers to these questions – so any kind and
>> sincere educational response would be welcomed.
>> *From: *gpca-votes <gpca-votes-bounces at sfgreens.org> on behalf of
>> Angelica Duenas <angelica at aduenas.org>
>> *Reply-To: *GPCA-SGA-Vote discussion <gpca-votes at sfgreens.org>
>> *Date: *Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 2:53 PM
>> *To: *GPCA Discussion List for SGA Votes <gpca-votes at sfgreens.org>
>> *Subject: *Re: [GPCA-SGA-Votes] Green Party Sex Tape video
>> Sadie,
>> You are sorry that I am unable to see passed what prior indoctrination?
>> Care to elaborate? Not sure what you are referring to.
>> If I would have seen this sort campaign ads from a GP Gubernatorial
>> candidate with many local GP endorsements I would not have given the GP
>> serious consideration. I would have assumed that this is not a serious
>> party ready to put up serious candidates.
>> Yes, I am running for Congress in California’s 29th Congressional
>> District. Please check out our website: angelica4congress.com
>> I don’t think that I mentioned going back or staying with the Democratic
>> Party at all. I am not sure where I would have ended up … maybe PSL? La
>> Raza Unida? NPP? Movement for a People’s Party? …. I can only guess.
>> I have not gone back and forth between the Democratic Party, I haven’t
>> been active in the ADEM or Kimberly Ellis efforts or anything like that. So
>> I don’t appreciate the insinuation that I would have chosen an
>> Establishment Party.
>> I have been giving 100% of my efforts to the Green Party. I am involved
>> in all levels of the GP. Local club, County, State, National and
>> International (GYG) and am now a Candidate.
>> I a mother of 5 children and am doing my best to do it all …I am running
>> a mature and focused campaign. And this video makes a mockery of our work.
>> Serious activist on the ground are working very hard to establish our Party
>> as a serious option.
>> I think that the video missed a perfect opportunity for an informative
>> PSA.
>> With a clarification that No there is no sex video … “but now that we
>> have your attention let us tell you about the outrageous candidate fees we
>> have to pay”….. type thing.  With text and graphics to better illustrate
>> the point.
>> I feel that the video itself is offensive to Sex Workers if you ask me. I
>> feel that this video is making fun of sex work. Making it appear like Sex
>> Work is an act of desperation or last resort – rather than a legitimate
>> profession. I believe that sex work should be legalized and that this is
>> the only way to protect sex workers from trafficking and slavery.
>> I am running for Congress as a Green candidate. It has not been easy to
>> establish myself as a serious candidate as a 3rd party candidate…. And
>> this is not making it any easier to be taken seriously.
>> I think that the big message was lost in the shallow presentation. It
>> would have been better with a deeper presentation regarding the ridiculous
>> filing fees and signature requirements – that are killing 3rd party
>> presence on the ballot.  I feel that there was certain potential in this
>> video to deliver a real PSA. But it fell short.
>> Angelica Duenas
>> On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 11:01 AM, Sadie Fulton <sadie.fulton at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Angelica,
>> I understand your concern with our promotional video. However, I cannot
>> sit quiet and allow you to speak in this way.
>> I am concerned that you have claimed you would have not considered
>> joining the Green Party had you seen this video prior. You are running for
>> an office position as a green, no? I am disturbed by the fact you would
>> state that, due to a video intended to draw attention to hot button topics
>> like public funding, you would have turned away from the Green Values and
>> all the things the Green Party has done.... and what? Gone back to the
>> Democratic Party?
>> While we are here, it is important that I mention, there is absolutely
>> nothing “disturbing” “offensive” or “embarrassing” about sex work. By
>> stating that this concept is so offensive to you, this is what you are
>> stating and I don’t believe that is acceptable.
>> Furthermore, if you listen to the video and script you will hear that
>> this video was ALSO intended to draw attention to that fact. As a statement
>> against slut shaming, and for the media to draw more attention to things
>> that matter. Like Monsanto and Chevron corruption. Which, by the way, is
>> something I know MANY greens are actively fighting for.
>> You being offended by the idea of sex work, is unfortunate. I am sorry
>> that you were not able to see past your prior indoctrination to see the big
>> messages being a video made humorous to get the message out to demographics
>> who don’t see the messages we do in our formats.
>> I would implore you to look into this topic.
>> https://theestablishment.co/the-green-party-is-failing-
>> sex-workers-586329848557
>> Sadie
>> On Mon, 5 Mar 2018 10:57 Angelica Duenas, <angelica at aduenas.org> wrote:
>> I think there was a miscommunication. I had watched the Video...but I
>> have not watched Monty Python. Which he mentioned that this was a parody
>> of.
>> On Mar 5, 2018 9:55 AM, "Sadie Fulton" <sadie.fulton at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Angelica,
>> When you raised your objection to this video you had not even watched it.
>> Have you watched it yet?
>> Sadie
>> On Mon, Mar 5, 2018, 02:05 Angelica Duenas <angelica at aduenas.org> wrote:
>> Dear SGA delegates
>> I am very disturbed by the Green Party Sex Tape video (
>> https://youtu.be/dxhUS-QQPbg) created and posted by Gubernatorial
>> candidate Josh Jones. I find the video offensive and an example of
>> extremely poor judgment by someone seeking to represent our party as a
>> candidate for our state’s highest office.
>> I was first introduced face to face with the Green Party at the August
>> 2016 Green Party national convention in Houston, which I attended as an
>> interested observer, after being turned off by the Democratic Party (as a
>> Berniecrat delegate at the Democratic National Convention a week earlier.)
>> At the GPUS convention, I met David Cobb, Laura Wells, Mike Feinstein,
>> Jill Stein, Ajamu Baraka, Cornel West (when things looked like he might Go
>> Green) and Luis Rodriguez (the GPCA's 2014 Gubernatorial candidate). Based
>> upon those interactions, I was impressed by the Green Party, effectively
>> going Green the following month. Since then, I have learned a lot about the
>> Green Party and its inner workings. I love how there is a high value on
>> internal democracy. And I love the GPCA and GPUS platforms – solid.
>> But I have to say that if I would have come across this Josh Jones Sex
>> Tape video in 2016 prior to attending the Green Party convention, I would
>> have not given the Green Party a chance at all. The concept and content is
>> immature and damaging to our party.  A more thoughtful treatment could have
>> been a great PSA moment.  Instead it is an embarrassment, plain and simple.
>> Given this, for anyone seeking our party’s endorsement, I think the video
>> should be deleted from YouTube. But at a minimum, if this embarrassment is
>> to remain on-line, the use of the words “Green Party” should be removed
>> from the video's title. No one in our party has the right to post something
>> like that, misrepresenting our party’s name in that manner.
>> Disappointed in Los Angeles,
>> Angelica Dueñas
>> --
>> Angelica M. Duenas, M.A.
>> *GPLAC Councilmember*
>> *GYG Delegate*
>> *GPCA CC Member*
>> *GPUS Alternate Delegate*
>> *"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one" *- John Lennon
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>> --
>> Angelica M. Duenas, M.A.
>> Political Organizer - Green Party Member
>> Former Jill Stein 2016 Campaign Coordinator
>> Former Bernie Sanders Delegate
>> *"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one" *- John Lennon
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> --
> Sincerely,
> Aidan Hill "A.J."
> Pronouns: they/them/their(s)
> Undergraduate, Political Science | Public Policy
> University of California, Berkeley '18
> Alameda County Green Party | Councilor
> Green Party at Berkeley | Founder
> Email: Hillae at berkeley.edu
> Work: (909) 278-8549
> "Have a Nice Day" -  Flight of the Lawnchair Man *(Musical*)
> --
> gpca-votes mailing list
> gpca-votes at sfgreens.org
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