[GPCA-SGA-Votes] Discuss ID 141: GPCA position on Proposition 70 - Greenhouse Gas Reduction Reserve Fund.

Greg Jan gregjan4 at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 24 19:16:25 PDT 2018

The Green Party of Alameda County recommends a "No" vote on Prop. 70.  Below is our current draft Voter Guide article for Prop. 70.

Proposition 70 -- NOVote Requirement to Use Cap-and-Trade Revenue 

California Proposition 70 is on the June ballot as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment. If approved, this amendment will require a one-time two-thirds vote in each chamber of the state legislature in 2024 or thereafter to pass a spending plan for revenue from the state's cap-and-trade program for greenhouse gases.
We completely oppose this Proposition and urge a NO vote on it, because this was a bill designed to give the Republicans in the California Legislature more power on how to spend the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund proceeds that pour into the state coffers from the polluters.  This measure was only agreed to be put onto the ballot by the Governor in order to gain a couple of Republican votes on the cap-and-trade bill last year, and it is a terrible idea, essentially putting the fox in charge of the henhouse.  We see enough of that at the Federal level these days, and do not need any more at the State Level.
Further, at a moment where we need nimble investments in climate change solutions, the 2/3 requirement this bill would impose would most definitely lead to more gridlock and bad deals, vs. cleaning up the state's energy, transport, food production, and other greenhouse gas related sectors.
To quote in this case the California Democratic party: "A two-thirds vote gives polluters more leverage in how cap-and-trade funding is spent after 2024. The fact is, ACA 1 itself was a part of a deal to get a two-thirds vote for the cap-and-trade extension. When a two-thirds vote was required to approve California's budget, legislative hostage-taking, gimmicks and pork barrel spending were part and parcel of the process."

-- Sources:     https://ballotpedia.org/ California_Proposition_70,_ Vote_Requirement_to_Use_Cap- and-Trade_Revenue_Amendment_% 28June_2018%29    
     https://lwvc.org/news/our- positions-june-5-2018- election-ballot-measures

    On Thursday, February 22, 2018, 3:42:40 AM PST, June Brashares <june.brashares at gmail.com> wrote:  
 The arguments for & against Prop 70 are now up on the Secretary of State's website at http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/upcoming-elections/statewide-direct-primary-june-5-2018/public-display/ . 

The official entities listed in the voter guide that will be mailed out in April include:
In support of Prop 70: Gov Brown, Chamber of Commerce, and Republican Asm Chad Mayes, CA State Firefighters Association, and the Western United Dairymen. 
In opposition to Prop 70: Senator Ben Allen, Assemblymember Todd Gloria, League of Women Voters, California League of Conservation Voters, Tom Steyer, and Coalition for Clean Air. Several other groups are also named in the con arguments. 

 Some of the organizations opposing Prop 70 have started a website at website at: https://stopprop70.org/ that they plan to build out over next few months.
I am planning to vote for GPCA to OPPOSE  Prop 70.

June Brashares
SGA Delegate from Sonoma County

On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 1:33 PM, GPCA Votes <gpca.votes at gmail.com> wrote:

Ranked Choice Vote ID #141Ranked Choice Vote: GPCA position on Proposition 70: ACA 1 (Resolution Chapter 105, statutes of 2017), Mayes. Greenhouse Gas Reduction Reserve Fund.Ranked Choice Vote Administrators: Victoria Ashley, Brian Good, Laura Wells, Eric Brooks, Mike GoldbeckDiscussion  02/12/2018 - 03/25/2018Voting  03/26/2018 - 04/01/2018Voting ends at Midnight Pacific Time
This is the ranked choice vote for the GPCA to take a position on Proposition 70: ACA 1 (Resolution Chapter 105, statutes of 2017), Mayes. Greenhouse Gas Reduction Reserve Fund.
The choices are to rank 'endorse', 'oppose', 'no position' and/or 'abstain.' Delegates can rank as many or few of these options in their order of preference.
An 'endorse' vote would mean the GPCA would endorse Proposition 70. An 'oppose' vote means the GPCA would oppose Proposition 70. A 'no position' vote means the GPCA would not take a position on Proposition 70. An 'abstain' vote means the voter is not expressing a preference, but is voting to help achieve quorum. Any of these position that receives 2/3 after all preferences are transferred is the position of the party. If neither 'endorse' nor 'opposes' receive 2/3, the GPCA's position will be 'no position'.
The proposition is listed below, along with the Legislative Counsel’s digest and a link to the full text.
Proposition 70
ACA 1 (Resolution Chapter 105, statutes of 2017), Mayes. Greenhouse Gas Reduction Reserve Fund.
The California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 designates the State Air Resources Board as the state agency charged with monitoring and regulating sources of emissions of greenhouse gases. The act authorizes the state board to include the use of market-based compliance mechanisms. Existing law requires all moneys, except for fines and penalties, collected by the state board as part of a market-based compliance mechanism to be deposited in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and to be available upon appropriation.
The California Constitution requires appropriations from the General Fund of the state to be passed by a 2/3 vote of the membership of each house of the Legislature and requires a majority vote to pass appropriations for the public schools and appropriations in the Budget Bill and in other bills providing for appropriations related to the Budget Bill.
This measure would create the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Reserve Fund, in which all moneys collected by the state board as part of a market-based compliance mechanism beginning January 1, 2024, and until the effective date of specified legislation would be deposited. The measure would require all moneys in the fund to be available upon appropriation for specified purposes and would require a bill making those appropriations to be passed by a 2/3 vote of the membership of each house of the Legislature. The measure would require all new moneys collected as part of a market-based compliance mechanism after the effective date of that specified legislation to be deposited in the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. The measure would prohibit a specified sales tax exemption from being applied until the effective date of that specified legislation.
Link to full text: http://elections.cdn.sos.ca. gov/ballot-measures/pdf/aca-1. pdf
CandidatesEndorseOpposeNo PositionAbstain
Full details are available at: http://www.sjcgreens.org/ 141_gpcapositionprop70
Please send your discussion comments to gpca-votes at sfgreens.org

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