[Sustain] Fwd: No Real Renaissance for Nuke Industry

Don Eichelberger done7777 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Nov 28 15:33:37 PST 2007

So, nukes want a renaissance, do they?

>From: "Susan Swift" <vencejo at mindspring.com>
>Subject: No Real Renaissance for Nuke Industry
>Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 09:23:51 -0800
>At least some scientists believe that nuclear power is a doomed industry!
>Thanks to Roger Herried and Tom A. for forwarding this news...
>See article below for more details on the report.
>Subject: [
>Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 08:11:07 +0900
>Nuclear energy: New report highlights nuclear decline in spite of
>industry talk of renaissance
>The role of nuclear energy is in decline, according to a report
>'World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2007' presented by the
>Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament today. The report
>outlines that the proportion of nuclear energy in power production
>has decreased in 21 out of 31 countries, with five less functioning
>nuclear reactors than five years ago. There are currently 32 nuclear
>power plants under construction or in the pipeline, 20 fewer than at
>the end of the 1990s. Commenting on the report and this nuclear
>decline, German Green MEP and energy spokesperson Rebecca Harms
>"In stark contrast to the claims of the nuclear industry and its talk
>of a renaissance, nuclear energy is in decline. The shrinking of
>nuclear in Europe is particularly notable, with ten power plants
>being permanently withdrawn from the network since the last report in
>2004.With fewer plants being built and existing plants becoming more
>decrepit, it seems clear that the grandiose ambitions of the nuclear
>industry will remain in the realm of fantasy."
>False promises for a nuclear revival could lead to misplaced public
>expenditure, delaying a more intelligent and sustainable approach to
>energy supply. In addition, plans for building new reactors would be
>in direct competition for the limited manufacturing capacity that is
>already stretched by the maintenance costs for existing (aging)
>"The gap between the expectations being promoted by the nuclear
>industry and reality are perfectly highlighted by the bungled attempt
>to build a new reactor at the Olkiluoto plant in Finland. This first
>new nuclear project in 15 years has been blighted by problems.After
>only two years of construction the project is already two years
>delayed and the budget is set to be overrun by at least 50%, with 1.5
>billion euro in losses and shocking errors in key technical
>specifications. Clearly, talk of a nuclear revival is divorced from
>reality and political leaders must call the nuclear industry's
>bluff," continued Rebecca Harms.
>"Nuclear energy is fraught with risk and these risks have in no way
>diminished. Attempts to position nuclear power as the panacea for
>climate change are misleading and dangerous. This report reveals that
>a nuclear revival is unlikely. We must ignore the nuclear smokescreen
>and focus on proven, clean technologies in response to the climate
>crisis we are facing."
>(1) Click
>ear_industry_statu at en.pdf
>Richard More O' Ferrall
>Press Officer
>The Greens/EFA in the European Parliament
>Tel: Brussels +32 2 2841667 / Strasburg +33 3 88174375
>Mobile: +32-477-44-38-42
>Fax: 0032 2 2844944
><mailto:richard.moreoferrall at europarl.europa.eu>rmoreoferrall at europarl.eu.int
>CAN-talk Mailingliste
>JPBerlin - Politischer Provider
><mailto:CAN-talk at listi.jpberlin.de>CAN-talk at listi.jpberlin.de
>Tom Athanasiou
>EcoEquity: <http://www.ecoequity.org>www.ecoequity.org
><mailto:toma at ecoequity.org>toma at ecoequity.org

Don Eichelberger
DJ Fix Independent Productions

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The Hegelian/Marxist goal is emancipation.  Marx said it best in 1843:

"Human emancipation wll only be complete when the real, individual 
man (sic) is absorbed into himself the abstract citizen; when as an 
individual man, in his every day life, in his work and in his 
relationships, he has become a species-being (politically accountabe 
to the whole); and when he recognizes and realizes his own power as 
social powers, so that he no  longer separates this social power from 
himself as political power."

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