[Sustain] Fwd: Re: Changes to electricity in San Francisco

Don Eichelberger done7777 at sbcglobal.net
Tue May 16 14:54:11 PDT 2017


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    <p>I just got this email and I worry about Arcadia Power's effect on
      SF Community Choice Aggregation, as well as other CCAs who might
      be getting this or similar messages? CCA lets the city buy power
      as an aggregate. It looks like Arcadia Power could take customers
      out of that aggregate, putting them in a separate system and drive
      prices up for those who remain?  Or, does Arcadia Power somehow
      augment renewables in the system? Focus is on wind.<br>
    <p>Here is their web site, <br>
    <p>What do people think or know? Should we issue a warning? Is this
      even legal?<br>
    <div class="moz-forward-container">Please take note I did not click
      on their link below due to recent events, but I Googled the
      company and came up with the above link, fyi. de<br>
      -------- Forwarded Message --------
      <table class="moz-email-headers-table" cellspacing="0"
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            <th nowrap="nowrap" valign="BASELINE" align="RIGHT">Subject:
            <td>Re: Changes to electricity in San Francisco</td>
            <th nowrap="nowrap" valign="BASELINE" align="RIGHT">Date: </th>
            <td>Tue, 16 May 2017 20:05:34 +0000</td>
            <th nowrap="nowrap" valign="BASELINE" align="RIGHT">From: </th>
            <td>Arcadia Power via Daily Kos
              <campaigns at dailykos.com></td>
            <th nowrap="nowrap" valign="BASELINE" align="RIGHT">Reply-To:
            <td>campaigns at dailykos.com</td>
            <th nowrap="nowrap" valign="BASELINE" align="RIGHT">To: </th>
            <td>done7777 at sbcglobal.net</td>
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                                          <big>Don, We know you’re busy,
                                            and getting busier, and
                                            don’t really have time to
                                            think about your utility
                                            For 100 years we’ve been
                                            conditioned to get the power
                                            bill, make sure it isn’t too
                                            high, pay it manually, and
                                            repeat every month. There
                                            aren’t any options
                                            available, the bill is hard
                                            to understand, and we don’t
                                            really know what we’re
                                            paying for. Worst of all,
                                            when those bills are high
                                            (or really low!), we don’t
                                            really know why.<br>
                                            We get it. Someone needed to
                                            flip the industry on its
                                            head and make clean energy
                                            just as easy as buying
                                            organic milk or fair-trade
                                            That’s why my cofounder and
                                            I started Arcadia Power.<br>
                                            With Arcadia, <a
                                                finally have a choice
                                                when it comes to your
                                                home’s energy</strong></a>,
                                            whether you live in a home
                                            or apartment. Our service
                                            aims to be your home energy
                                            advisor, working in the
                                            background to support clean
                                            energy, new solar, get
                                            efficient products into your
                                            home – and most importantly,
                                            transition us from fossil
                                            fuels to clean, renewable
                                            Once you join, every time
                                            you flip on the light switch
                                            you will support renewable
                                            energy projects. We do that
                                            by automatically matching
                                            your home energy use to
                                            clean energy from wind farms
                                            across the country – helping
                                            those wind farms stay afloat
                                            for the long-term.<br>
                                            Each month you have the
                                            option of paying your bill
                                            by credit card or bank
                                            debit, automatically, so
                                            you’ll never miss a bill.
                                            And we actually benchmark
                                            your data, so you can see
                                            how you rank when it comes
                                            to the community and whether
                                            you’re higher or lower than
                                            the average.<br>
                                            With Arcadia, you only need
                                            to think about your energy
                                            once (when you sign up!),
                                            and we’ll take care of the
                                            rest because you shouldn’t
                                            need a PhD in energy to
                                            fight climate change. You
                                            just need to join the
                                            thousands across the country
                                            – in all 50 states - who are
                                            supporting renewable energy
                                            with us.<br>
                                                our community today and
                                                we’ll send you 4 free
                                                energy-saving LED light
                                                bulbs as a thank you.</strong></a><br>
                                                up online in 2 minutes
                                            Thank you for all you do,<br>
                                            Kiran Bhatraju<br>
                                            Co-founder & CEO at
                                            Arcadia Power<br>
                                            <em>Paid for by Arcadia
                                            <i>Daily Kos, PO Box 70036,
                                              Oakland, CA, 94612.</i></p>
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                                        <div style="color:
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                                          To update your email address
                                          or to stop receiving emails
                                          from Daily Kos, please <a
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