[SFGP] SF Green Party Weekly

announce at sfgreens.org announce at sfgreens.org
Thu Oct 6 13:55:04 PDT 2005

Welcome to all our new subscribers from the Castro Street Fair!

For The Week of 10/6/05 - 10/13/05
This Week:
9/28: UCSF's Lab Fiasco
9/30: A Bold and Beautiful Vision
10/2: U.S. Offshore Wind Farm Framework Published
10/3: Mission Condo Project Sparks Debate
10/6, 10/10, 10/12, 10/19: Fundraising Phone Banking
10/12: San Francisco Green County Council Meeting
Joke of the Week
Become A Sustainer!
9/28: UCSF's Lab Fiasco
Mirkarimi Considers Ban on Animal Testing

Source: SF Bay Guardian

LIKE LAW ENFORCEMENT and the military, science needs civilian oversight. 
There are too many questions the folks in the white coats shouldn't answer 
for the rest of us. Cloning, pharmaceutical work, industry-financed studies 
... you don't want that stuff going on without some public monitoring and 
input. And while it might not be as explosive as human cloning, animal 
experimentation belongs on the list.
When is it OK to make animals suffer – even suffer badly – for the good of 
human research? Is it acceptable to mangle and abuse animals if the research 
leads to a cure for cancer? What if it's just pure science that has no 
immediate human application? Is there a difference between the suffering of 
a dime-a-dozen lab rat and that of an intelligent monkey?
Those are valid policy questions, ones that ought to be discussed openly. 
But in San Francisco, the opposite is happening.
Read more at: http://www.sfgreenparty.org/news/newsitem-start.gem?idx=1386
9/30: A Bold and Beautiful Vision
New Orleans Green, Malik Rahim Saves Lives

What happens when your feet leave the ground? Answer: you fall down. That's 
the story of the U.S. government, or at least the story of how it fell flat 
on its face in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. In failing to 
connect with local communities, the government stumbled wildly in the mud 
and floodwaters that left tens of thousands of folks without healthcare, 
housing or hope.
I learned this story from the people of Algiers, an impoverished New Orleans 
neighborhood on the west bank of the Mississippi River. Like the rest of New 
Orleans, Algiers experienced a mass exodus in the days prior to Katrina. By 
the time the storm arrived on August 29, the district was emptied of most of 
its 60,000 residents. Stores were closed, public services shut down, and 
only the police provided any semblance of working local government. But 
Algiers was far from a ghost town -- about 20 percent of the houses remained 
I visited Algiers at the behest of one of those who stayed behind: Malik 
Rahim, an ex-Black Panther and former Green Party city council candidate. 
Rahim stayed because he feared many of the folks left behind would be 
Read more at: http://www.sfgreenparty.org/news/newsitem-start.gem?idx=1387
10/2: U.S. Offshore Wind Farm Framework Published

Source: Massachusetts Technology Collaborative
SYNOPSIS: The Framework, developed over the past year, identifies the 
technical, environmental, economic and regulatory needs required for the 
responsible development of our nation's offshore wind energy potential.
WESTBOROUGH, MA (September 30, 2005) – The Massachusetts Technology 
Collaborative (MTC) today joined the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and GE 
to unveil A Framework for Offshore Wind Energy Development in the United 
States, an agenda aimed at tapping abundant offshore winds, especially over 
deep waters, to increase the nation's production of clean, sustainable 
energy.  The Framework, developed over the past year, identifies the 
technical, environmental, economic and regulatory needs required for the 
responsible development of our nation's offshore wind energy potential, as 
well as strategies for addressing them.
Read more at: www.masstech.org
10/3: Mission Condo Project Sparks Debate
By Emily Fancher

Quotes from the article:
"They may call it Mission Gardens, but certainly no fruit will fall
for the poor," said Richard Marquez, a member of the Mission
Agenda. "If anything, it'll be 'Mission: Impossible' to get into the

Planning Commissioner Christina Olague said she is generally concerned
about upscale housing projects in the Mission that may continue to
drive out the working poor, as well as people of color.
Read more at: 
Fundraising Phone Banking
Thursday, October 6th, Monday, October 10th, Wednesday, October 12th, and 
Wednesday, October 19th
6:00PM- 9:00PM
1028A Howard St. (SFGP Office)

Help us raise money to mail out our slate card. Experienced fundraisers will 
lead phone calling out of the Green Party Office. New volunteers welcome... 
we'll teach you how to do it!
10/12: San Francisco Green County Council Meeting and Fundraising
Wednesday, October 12th
6:00PM- 8:00PM and 7:30PM- 9:30PM
1028A Howard St. (SFGP Office)

The Green Party County Council meets monthly (2nd Wednesdays) to plan the 
agenda for the General Meeting, reivew finances, make business decsions for 
the party. Agenda TBA. All are welcome.
Joke of the Week

New FOX News Slogans
List of New Slogans for Fox News:

1. "The gospel according to Rove"
2. "Agree with us or SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP!"
3. "Fox News Channel. Proving why America needs to pay attention."
4. "The news source George Orwell predicted"
5. "Fox News: replacing cogent argumentation with good old-fashioned 
6. "It's not Propaganda, it's Hypothetical Reporting!"
7. "Fox News - You're a terrorist if you watch anything else"
8. "Bush re-elected. Mission accomplished"
9. "Fox News - First in Right Wing Lemming Blather"
10. "I'm George Bush and I approve of this news."
11. "We prove that mad cow disease can be transmitted to humans - watch us 
when Ann Coulter is on."
12. "Someone in the media had to ridicule the victims of Hurricane Katrina"
13. "Evangelical anchors gone wild!"

Before the inauguration, George W. was invited to a 'get acquainted' tour of 
the White House. After drinking several glasses of iced tea, he asked 
President Clinton if he could use his personal bathroom. He was astonished 
to see that the President had a solid gold urinal! That afternoon, George W. 
told his wife, Laura, about the urinal.
"Just think," he said, "when I am President, I'll have my own personal gold 
urinal!" Later, when Laura had lunch with Hillary at her tour of the White 
House, she told Hillary how impressed George had been with his discovery of 
the fact that, in the President's private bathroom, the President had a gold 
urinal. That evening, Bill and Hillary were getting ready for bed. Hillary 
turned to Bill and said, "Well, I found out who peed in your saxophone."
Become a Green Party Sustainer!

As you may know, the SFGP is supported by our wonderful sustaining donors --
175 and growing.  In the next 12 months we hope to double that figure, and
you can help us achieve our goal by signing up to make a regular
contribution to the Green Party.

Our sustainer program nearly pays all of our basic monthly operating
expenses, including rent and utilities on the office, and drastically
reduces the amount of work needed to raise money.  Our sustainers free us up
to do what we're really here for - to pursue Green values through the
democratic system. Sustainers also ensure that we are able to keep our
office, which has hosted numerous campaigns' headquarters including the
successful Prop A, Instant Runoff Voting initiative.

Becoming a Green Party sustainer is easy, fun, and secure!

Online: http://www.sfgreenparty.org/makeadonation/makeadonation.html

Phone: 415-701-7090
For more info on our activities, please see our website, 
http://www.sfgreenparty.org. You can also email us questions, comments, 
Letters to the Editor, or fan mail, at info at sfgreens.org.  To send us news 
items (short blurb please, plain text only), email news at sfgreens.org.  
Please don't put these addresses on mailing lists; messages not specifically 
addressed to us won't go through.  Submissions for Joke of the Week are 
welcomed by the editor at ladypest at hotmail.com

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