[SFGP] SF Green Party Weekly 8/4-8/10

announce at sfgreens.org announce at sfgreens.org
Wed Aug 2 00:40:23 PDT 2006

SF GREEN PARTY WEEKLY 8/4/06-8/10/06

- UPDATE: 998 of the signatures collected by the Rizzo Campaign  
- Rizzo Campaign Delivers Nearly 1200 Signatures (http:// 
- Krissy Keefer, Green Party Congressional Candidate, Calls for  
Immediate Ceasefire in the Israel-Lebanon, Gaza Conflicts (http:// 
- Local Hero Barry Hermanson (http://www.sfgreenparty.org/news/ 
- Barbara Becnel Switches to Green Party, Supports Camejo in Run for  
Governor (http://www.sfgreenparty.org/news/newsitem-start.gem?idx=1512)
This week:
- 8/3: Animal Advocacy Working Group
- 8/3: Feminist Issues Group
- 8/4: Baum for Peace: or How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Love  
Next week:
- 8/05: Impeach George Bush!
- 8/06: Green Party Candidate Michael Berg is Honored by World  
Forgiveness Alliance
- 8/9: Ceremony and Nonviolent Action at Bechtel Headquarters
Save the date:
- 8/23: Krissy Keefer at the Bazaar
- 9/10: Ready! Set! Go! Krissy Keefer Kicks Off Congressional Race

- Car-Free Talk with Green Party Activist Sue Vaughan
- Counter the Right-Wing "Walk for Life!"

- Discuss Instant Runoff Voting in Green Party Activist Jim  
Dorenkott's Blog (http://www.dailykos.com/user/jim%20d)
- Take Action!
- Earn A Living Making San Francisco A More Green and Progressive City!
- Support the San Francisco Green Party by Becoming a Sustainer

- Stephen Colbert Rips Today Show, Good Morning America (http:// 



UPDATE: 998 of the signatures collected by the Rizzo Campaign Confirmed

On Monday July 31, the Department of Elections announced that it has  
certified 998 of the signatures collected by the Rizzo Campaign. The  
department will allow the campaign to add two more signatures using a  
Supplemental Petition, to bring it up to the 1000 needed to eliminate  
the filing fee.

Thanks to everyone who worked on this successful signature effort.



8/3: Animal Advocacy Working Group

Thursday, August 3, 2006

San Francisco Green Party office, 1028 A Howard St (between 6th St.  
and 7th St.), San Francisco

The Animal Advocacy Working Group is involved in animal issues in San  
Francisco. The Ten Key Values apply to protecting the welfare of non- 
human animals. Of course, all are welcome.

For more information, email Rosalind Lord at rclord at seaserpent.com


8/3: Feminist Issues Group

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Wild Awakenings Cafe, 142 McAllister, San Francisco, CA

Meet our green women candidates and help with planning fundraising  
and outreach efforts to support them in the november election. We now  
have several fine women running for office-this is going to be a very  
exciting election.


8/4: Baum for Peace: or How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Love Democracy

Friday, August 4, 2006

The Marsh
1062 Valencia Street, San Francisco
BART: 24th Street
Parking Garage: 21st Street

General Admission: $7 -- with code word "peace"
Phone: 800-838-3006 (Brown Paper Tickets)
Online: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/4755

About Terry Baum: www.terrybaum.com/Biography.html

The Marsh presents Terry Baum's "Baum for Peace." This slightly world- 
renowned lesbian playwright ran as the Green candidate for Congress  
in 2004 in San Francisco. A peace candidate opposing the formidable  
Nancy Pelosi, Baum faced impossible odds with an absurd sense of  
humor and a passionate belief in democracy.

With Scrumbly Koldewyn of Cockettes fame playing her campaign manager  
and the piano, Baum uses farce, song and self-mockery to tell the  
tale of her pursuit of the hearts, minds and votes of her fellow San  
Franciscans. Baum has been lauded as “the lesbian Woody Allen” by  
the San Francisco Chronicle, Critics have described “Baum for Peace”  
as “just the ticket for laughs” and “a compelling story told with  
warm-hearted wit by a charming/disarming woman.”


8/05: Impeach George Bush!

Saturday, August 5, 2006

Dance Mission Theatre, 3316 24th Street at Mission, San Francisco, CA

Impeach George Bush!  Join candidates Krissy Keefer and Michael Berg  
in their call for the impeachment of Bush.

Green Party congressional candidates Krissy Keefer and Michael Berg  
unite in their call for the impeachment of George W. Bush. With Ross  
Mirkarimi and others. Contact krissyforcongress for more information.


8/06: Green Party Candidate Michael Berg is Honored by World  
Forgiveness Alliance

Sunday, August 6, 2006

Angelico Hall, Dominican College, 50 Acacia Street, San Rafael, CA


Michael Berg, Green Party candidate for Congress in Wilmington,  
Delaware, is honored by the World Forgiveness Alliance. Also honored  
are Nadia McCaffrey, Kai Harriot, and Tanya David.


8/9: Ceremony and Nonviolent Action at Bechtel Headquarters

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Bechtel Corporate Headquarters, 50 Beale St, San Francisco, CA
Half a block from Embarcadero BART

Join us for a morning of protest and a ceremony led by Western  
Shoshone spiritual leader Corbin Harney at Bechtel’s Corporate  
Headquarters. Bechtel is one of the top profiteers of the war in  
Iraq, manages nearly every aspect of the nuclear weapons cycle, and  
is known by communities worldwide for its habitual violations of  
indigenous and human rights.

The anniversary of the U.S. bombing of Nagasaki, August 9, is also  
the UN declared International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples.  
Since their earliest stages, nuclear weapons and the people who  
profit from them have caused untold suffering to indigenous peoples  
around the world. Come and act with us to voice our support for the  
sovereignty and dignity of indigenous peoples and call for an end to  
nuclear weapons and war!


8/23: Krissy Keefer at the Bazaar

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Bazaar Cafe, 5927 California Street, between 21st and 22nd avenues,  
San Francisco, CA

Free but a donation to Krissy's campaign is suggested.

Congressional candidate Krissy Keefer, former congressional candidate  
Terry Baum with performer/musician Scrumbly Koldewyn, and singer/ 
songwriter Austin Willacy and more, rock the Bazaar Cafe.


9/10: Ready! Set! Go! Krissy Keefer Kicks Off Congressional Race
Sunday, September 10, 2006

Medjool, 2522 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA

Contact krissyforcongress at yahoo.com or call (415) 835-4748.

Hosted by Taiko drummers, Debbie Kajiyama, Jose Navarette, Amara  
Tabor Smith, Ramon Alayo, Afro Cuban Modern Word.



Car-Free Talk with Green Party Activist Sue Vaughan

Keep an eye out for "Car-Free Talk" on San Francisco's public access  
tv station,
Channel 29.  In the next show, David Fridley, staff scientist at  
Lawrence Berkeley and member
of San Francisco Oil Awareness, discusses the myth of biofuels.

Date and time to be announced.


Counter the Right-Wing "Walk for Life!"

Come to a Community Meeting to discuss how we will counter the Right  
Wing "Walk for Life" coming to SF in January 2007. Please bring  
yourself and your ideas to participate in building a forceful  

Date and location to be announced.

Please email the Bay Area Coalition for Reproductive Rigths at  
bacorrinfo at riseup.net for more information or call 415-864-1278.



Take Action!

Find out about opportunities to help our elected Greens (writing  
letters, attending hearings, etc) -- subscribe to the SF Green Party  
Action list! The Action list is a low-traffic list (approximately one  
message per week in addition to our newsletter) telling you what you  
can do to help:  https://list.sfgreens.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ 


Earn A Living Making San Francisco A More Green and Progressive City!

Two years ago, former organizers for the Matt Gonzalez for Mayor
campaign decided it was time to stop getting 'close but not close
enough' to progressive victories like public power and Matt as Mayor,
and to begin a city wide, year round, grassroots campaign that would  
start helping us win such victories!

So in January 2004, the organization Our City was born. Since then we
have helped to:

- Pass the ban on old polluting diesel buses
- Pass Matt Gonzalez's anti chain store law
- Get the downtown hotel workers back on the job, and
- Get the Police and Planning Commissions put back on SF Government TV
after the City tried to pull them off.

Now we are campaigning to get rid of PG&E's monopoly on our electricity
service, and start running the City on renewable energy like solar and
wind power instead!

We have just begun hiring and training new grassroots campaigners to
help us win this fight.
No experience necessary.
Earn $280 to $400 each four day work week learning to be a strong
progressive organizer.
To apply, call Eric at 415-756-8844 from noon to 2pm any weekday, or
send an email to jobs at our-city.org

For more information, see our web site at http://our-city.org


Support the San Francisco Green Party by Becoming a Sustainer

The San Francisco Green Party needs donations for rent on the office,  
mailings, signs, and many other expenditures in order to wage  
effective political campaigns.

We are especially interested in building up our base of "sustaining  
members," those who agree to contribute a certain amount each month  
by credit card. By becoming a sustaining member you save us money and  
time that we can then devote to our political work. It is a method of  
donation that is perfect for a grassroots organization like the Green  
Party as it allows us to thrive off of many, many small and medium  
size donations instead of depending on a few large donors.

For more information, please visit the MAKE A DONATION page on the  
website at http://www.sfgreenparty.org/makeadonation/makeadonation.html

For questions about the sustaining member program contact  
treasurer at sfgreens.org

To make a one-time donation by mail please send a check made out to  
“The San Francisco Green Party” to:

San Francisco Green Party
1028A Howard St.
San Francisco, CA 94103


For more info on our activities, please see our website,
http://www.sfgreenparty.org. You can also email us questions at
info at sfgreens.org.  To send us news items (short blurb please, plain
text only) for possible inclusion in the newsletter, email
news at sfgreens.org.  Please don't put these addresses on mailing lists;
messages not specifically addressed to us won't go through.

More information about the announce mailing list