[SFGP] Announcement List For The San Francisco Green Party
Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly
announce at sfgreens.org
Fri Aug 15 00:45:24 PDT 2008
Friday, Aug. 15, 2008
Send Announcement items to news at sfgreens.org
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Green Party General Membership Meetings are scheduled 7-9 p.m. every Fourth Wednesday of the Month
1028-A Howard Street (between 6th and 7th streets)
Meeting Minutes Archive: http://www.sfgreenparty.org/events/minutes.gem
EVENTS (San Francisco, unless otherwise noted)
* Universal Healthcare: Friday, Aug. 15, 6:30 p.m., Free
Humanist Hall, 390 27 St., Oakland
The California universal-healthcare organizing project presents Assembly Members Sandre Swanson & Loni Hancock, along with others to discuss the promise and politics of single-payer healthcare and the progress of Senate Bill 840.
For more information: please call 510-652-6130 or visit www.singlepayernow.net.
* Mark Sanchez '08 Launches Campaign Headquarters and Website: Saturday, Aug. 16, 7 p.m. - till late, Free
988 Valencia St. @ 21 Street
Join the mobilization to elect School Board President Mark Sanchez as the next District 9 Supervisor at the Grand Opening of Campaign HQ! The Mission needs a seasoned progressive to represent the community and its issues in City Hall. Mark Sanchez has proven he can be a unifying legislator in the oft-times fickle world of city politics. Featuring beats by DJ Meejee & DJ Teddy Rucka, plus the artistic stylings of local artists Paz de la Calzada, Shadi Rahimi, Kottie Paloma, Jarad Stein, Velvet Valentine and more. Drinks and refreshments will be served. http://www.marksanchez.org
* Clean Energy & Sustainability Carnival: Saturday, Aug. 16, Noon
City Hall, Polk & Grove Streets
Come support the San Francisco Clean Energy proposition for clean and renewable electricity! Visit the new organic Victory Garden in front of San Francisco City Hall, and the Sustainable Living Road Show's launch of its national "Be The Change" Tour.
* WestSide Green Club Meeting: Sunday, Aug. 17, 3-5 p.m.
Home of Barry Hermanson, 2467 - 28th Ave., near Ulloa.
Open to all progressives in the Sunset, Richmond and Parkside districts. For more information, call Barry at 415-664-7754 or Nancy Lewis at 415-661-5713.
* Green Party General Membership Meeting: Wednesday, Aug. 27, 7-9 p.m.
1028-A Howard Street (between 6th and 7th streets)
* California Green Party General Assembly: Aug. 23-24
Dana Point, Orange County
Details and agenda packet: http://cagreens.org/plenary
Schedule of events: http://cagreens.org/plenary/sched.html
* Evening with Vandana Shiva: Sept. 2, Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., $12 advance, $15 door
First Congregational Church of Berkeley, 2345 Channing Way, Berkeley
Dr. Vandana Shiva will demonstrate the failure of the current global industrial food system and offer innovative solutions for the grim global realities of climate change and horrific food shortages. Introduced by Jerry Mander, director, International Forum on Globalization and Debi Barker, director, Navdanya International, USA. Information/tickets: www.brownpapertickets.com/event/40634; 415.561.7650; www.ifg.org.
* California First Amendment Coalition's Open Government Assembly: Friday and Saturday, Oct. 17-18
UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism
NOMINATIONS: The California First Amendment Coalition is soliciting nominations for the "Bill Farr Award" for furthering free speech & free press, and its Darkness Award to foes of free speech. Deadline for entries is Sept. 1.
Newsom Hacks Away At The Budget
Two-thirds of U.S. Corporations Paid NO Federal Income Taxes Between 1998 and 2005
A Wildly Inaccurate Estimate of the Cost of the Clean Energy Act
Will Pelosi Support the Clean Energy Act?
Major Media Cancels Interviews with Green Presidential Candidate Cynthia Mckinney: VP Candidate Rosa Clemente Responds
Big Business Is Making Sure It Wins the Presidency
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