[SFGP] SFGP Greenzine: ELECTION TUESDAY, Endorsements / Boycott Israel

Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Sun Jun 6 23:58:39 PDT 2010

*Greentings*, we have another *crucial election this Tuesday* to stop PG&E's
attempt to block our progress towards clean, public power; preserve voter
choice and help 3rd parties hold on to ballot status; and move towards
leveling the field against big money through public financing of elections!
*Things do not look good in the polls!*
*Please spend the next 2 days spreading the word and encouraging everyone to

The SF Green Party's endorsements are posted on our website:

-Full explanations are there, but *the most important propositions to pay
attention to* (and work on, if you have time) are:
*NO *on* 14!
NO *on* 16!**
YES *on* 15!*


* Election night get-together:*

Tuesday night, 8-11 pm
Rosamunde Sausage Grill (Mission branch)
2832 Mission St, @24th St.
Vegan & meat sausages, and beer


*Boycott Israel! *

Resolved by the San Francisco Green Party:

Because all other nonviolent and diplomatic means of resolving the crisis in
Palestine/Israel have consistently failed for over four decades, the San
Francisco Green Party sees a worldwide boycott and divestment of Israel as
the only remaining viable option to bringing an end to the crisis...(full
statement below)

Our *June Monthly Meeting will be Wed. June 23*
Details will be posted soon.


Texas Greens not only will have ballot access in 2010, but expect to keep


*Find us on Facebook:*
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