[SFGP] Greenzine: Happy Pride!

Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Fri Jun 24 10:11:09 PDT 2016

June 24
SF Green Party Weekly News and Events


Dear Greens,

    Francisco Herrera, our candidate for District 11 Supervisor this
November, needs your help!  We are looking for a web designer who can
volunteer time to help him build a new website.  If you can help,
please contact us at cc at sfgreens.org and we'll get you in touch with
Francisco's campaign.  Until the new website is in place, you can find
out more about Francisco, and send donations to help his campaign,
from his Facebook page:

    Because there's so much on this November's ballot, we've already
started making some other endorsements.  They're posted on our website:

    We hope to see many of you at Pride this weekend!  See details


What:  Pride Celebration
Where:  Civic Center SF, booth location C-003, on Grove near Larkin
When:  Sat-Sun, June 25-26, all day

We will need volunteers for both Saturday and Sunday at the Pride
celebration in the Civic Center!  Help staff our table, talk about our
local and national campaigns, and register new Greens!  We will need
volunteers all day on both days, including setting up and taking down
our booth.  The booth location is C-003, which is the same location as
last year: on Grove near Larkin, right next to the main Library.
Please email cc at sfgreens.org if you can help!


Paid contractor wanted: SF Green Party Fundraiser/Volunteer Coordinator
(a part time independent contractor (1099) position):



To submit events for our newsletter, please email a short blurb to
news at sfgreens.org. Messages to a mailing list will be rejected.

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