[SFGP] Greenzine: Mayoral forum tonight, SFPA kickoff this Sunday

Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Wed Feb 14 17:47:54 PST 2018

February 14
SF Green Party Weekly News and Events


Dear Greens,

    Please join us tonight as we co-host a Mayoral Forum with other SF
Progressive groups.  Details are in the first event listing, below.
Greens are also participating in the SF Progressive Alliance intro
meeting, this Sunday.

    Because of California's "top two" primary system, Greens no longer
get to have our own primary.  All Greens running for office in the
June primary must turn in thousands of signatures, or pay exorbitant
fees, in order to appear on the ballot.

    We have not endorsed any candidate for Governor.  However, we
know of at least two Greens raising funds to try to get ballot access:

    Veronika Fimbres is an activist from SF who has been receiving
great coverage in local media:
    Her campaign website, where you can find a donation link, is

    Josh Jones is a former President of the Berniecrats of Yolo
County.  He was a grassroots organizer for Bernie Sanders' 2016
campaign, who then returned to the Green Party after recognizing the
corruption in the Democratic Party, from the national, to the state,
to the county level.  You can find out more about him, as well
as a donation link, on his website:


What:  Progressive Mayoral Forum
Where:  Women's Building, main auditorium, 3543 18th St, SF
When:  Wed, Feb 14, 6-9 pm

Nothing is more romantic than trying to save the ❤️‍ of San Francisco,
so this Valentine's Day, bring a date, bring some 🌹🌹, and give a
Valentine's card to your favorite Mayoral candidate!

The San Francisco Progressive Mayoral Forum is an opportunity to unite
progressives around our shared vision for our city, and to ask each
candidate IF and HOW they plan to achieve OUR goals.  Each candidate
will have 30 minutes to answer questions from a panel of the sponsor
organizations, and questions from the audience if time permits.

The event is co-organized by a coalition of SF progressive
organizations – The SF Progressive Alliance, The SF Latino Democratic
Club, The Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club, San Francisco Tomorrow,
Latin@ Young Democrats of San Francisco, The SF Berniecrats, The SF
Green Party, Progressive Democrats of America SF, South Beach D6
Democratic Club, SF For Democracy, and more.



What:  SF Progressive Alliance Intro Meeting
Where:  518 Valencia St, SF
When:  Sun, Feb 18, 10 am - 12

Come to the introductory meeting of the SFPA!  Greens have
been participating in the organization, and it looks like it
will potentially be a very good collaboration between various
SF Progressive groups.


What:  Green Party Monthly Meeting
Where:  Redstone Bldg (2940 16th Street, near South Van Ness) #301, SF
When:  Wed, Feb 28, 7-9 pm

Endorsement update:

We have already endorsed:
  * Barry Hermanson for Congress, CD 12
  * YES on the eviction defense initiative
  * NO on the Taser initiative

We will consider other ballot measure endorsements at this
meeting; details to come.

The SF Green Party has sent questionnaires to all the candidates
running for Mayor and for D8 Supervisor (except for Lawrence Dagesse,
who didn't provide any contact info to the DOE).  The questionnaires
are due on Feb 21, and we will consider endorsing all candidates who
return our questionnares at a meeting at a later date (probably
a special meeting in early March).

Every 4th Wednesday the SF Green Party meets to discuss issues of
concern, listen to interesting speakers, endorse events, plan outreach
and more!  Everyone welcome.  All meetings are wheelchair accessible.
To make a presentation or gain the SFGP endorsement of events and
issues, please contact our SFGP County Council at: cc at sfgreens.org


To submit events for our newsletter, please email a short blurb to
news at sfgreens.org.  Messages to a mailing list will be rejected.

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