[SFGP] Greenzine: monthly meeting this week, initiative endorsements

Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Mon Feb 26 10:19:58 PST 2018

February 26
SF Green Party Weekly News and Events


Dear Greens,

    Please join us this Wed for our monthly meeting, where we
will make endorsements on ballot initiatives.  Details are
below.  We will endorse candidates following a candidate forum
on March 14.  Also, see below for info on Green statewide candidates
who are trying to raise funds for ballot access before March 9.


What:  Green Party Monthly Meeting
Where:  Redstone Bldg (2940 16th Street, near South Van Ness) #301, SF
When:  Wed, Feb 28, 7-9 pm


1) intros
2) report-back from Progressive Mayoral debate
3) Presentation from Port of SF Seawall Resiliency Project (7:15-7:30)
4) Decision - Endorse SFGP officially signing on to SF Progressive
5) Ballot measure endorsements; see list below with links to text.
6) Various State Green Party decisions (20 min) - Eric will present

Read all of them here:
* Prop 68: California Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection, and
Outdoor Access For All Act of 2018.
* Prop 69: Motor vehicle fees and taxes: restriction on expenditures:
appropriations limit.
* Prop 70: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Reserve Fund.
* Prop 71: Ballot measures: effective date
* Prop 72: Property tax: new construction exclusion: rain water capture system.

Local (if time allows; otherwise postpone until next meeting, since some
  of these may be pulled off ballot):
Read all of them here:  http://sfgov.org/elections/measures
* Referenda: Repeal of Ordinance Banning the Sale of Flavored Tobacco Products
* Declaration of Policy: Relocation of Professional Sports Teams
* Ordinance: Parcel Tax for San Francisco Unified School District
* Ordinance: Tax on Commercial Rents to Fund Child Care and Education
* Ordinance: Additional Gross Receipts Tax on Commercial Rents
* Charter Amendment: Appointed Board Members and Commissioners Seeking Elective
* Charter Amendment: Revenue Bonds for Public Utilities Commission Clean Power,
  Water, and Clean Water Facilities
* Charter Amendment: Term Limits for the Mayor and Members of the Board of
* Charter Amendment: Automatic City Approval of Certain Housing Projects that
  Comply with Local Zoning

We have already endorsed:
  * Barry Hermanson for Congress, CD 12
  * YES on the eviction defense initiative
  * NO on the Taser initiative

We will make decisions on candidates at a special meeting on
March 14 (tentatively scheduled from 6-9 pm in the 2nd floor theater
at the Redstone Bldg); see details below.

Every 4th Wednesday the SF Green Party meets to discuss issues of
concern, listen to interesting speakers, endorse events, plan outreach
and more!  Everyone welcome.  All meetings are wheelchair accessible.
To make a presentation or gain the SFGP endorsement of events and
issues, please contact our SFGP County Council at: cc at sfgreens.org


What:  Deadline to get Greens on the statewide ballot
Where:  donate online
When:  before Fri, March 9

    Because of California's "top two" primary system, Greens no longer
get to have our own primary.  All Greens running for office in the
June primary must turn in thousands of signatures, or pay exorbitant
fees, in order to appear on the ballot.

    We have not yet endorsed any statewide candidates.  However,
three Greens have contacted us to help raise funds for ballot access:

    Veronika Fimbres is an activist from SF who is running for Governor
and has been receiving great coverage in local media:
    Her campaign website, where you can find a donation link, is

    Josh Jones is a former President of the Berniecrats of Yolo
County, who is also running for Governor.  He was a grassroots
organizer for Bernie Sanders' 2016 campaign, who then returned to the
Green Party after recognizing the corruption in the Democratic Party,
from the national, to the state, to the county level.  You can find
out more about him, as well as a donation link, on his website:

    Michael "Cal Songmaker" Ziesing is a lifelong leftist with over 50
years of experience fighting for freedom and justice.  His political
activity dates back to the 60s with his participation in the Vietnam
War Moratorium.  He organized anti-Klan rallies in Connecticut, wrote
books, published a small periodical, raised money to bring speakers
from Belfast in the North of Ireland for a speaking tour.  In 2011, he
participated in the Occupy movement in Redding, California.  Find out
more, and donate, here:
    He also has a Facebook page here:


What:  Green Party Candidate Forum and Endorsement Meeting
Where:  Redstone Bldg (2940 16th Street, near South Van Ness) 2nd Floor Theater
When:  Wed, March 14, 6-9 pm

The SF Green Party sent questionnaires to all the candidates
running for Mayor and for D8 Supervisor (except for Lawrence Dagesse,
who didn't provide any contact info to the DOE).  The questionnaires
were due on Feb 21, and we will consider endorsing all candidates who
returned our questionnares.

Questionnaires will be posted on our website soon!

Every 4th Wednesday the SF Green Party meets to discuss issues of
concern, listen to interesting speakers, endorse events, plan outreach
and more!  Everyone welcome.  All meetings are wheelchair accessible.
To make a presentation or gain the SFGP endorsement of events and
issues, please contact our SFGP County Council at: cc at sfgreens.org


To submit events for our newsletter, please email a short blurb to
news at sfgreens.org.  Messages to a mailing list will be rejected.

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