[SFGP] Greenzine - Happy New Year - upcoming virtual forums

Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Sun Jan 10 10:43:49 PST 2021

January 10, 2021
SF Green Party Weekly News and Events


Dear Greens,

    Happy New Year!

    After Trump's failed coup attempt last week, our 2020 Green
Presidential candidate Howie Hawkins discussed the events on the "All
Exits Closed" podcast:

    The Alameda County Greens are hosting a live Zoom forum this
evening at 5 pm, entitled "America's 2nd Great Recession--What Lies
Ahead in 2021, with Dr. Jack Rasmus."  Details are below.

    Next weekend, the Green EcoSocialist Network and the Green Party
of California will begin a 3 part series on EcoSocialism, with an
introduction to EcoSocialism vs. Capitalism including a discussion of
what EcoSocialism may mean to you.  Details are below as well.


What:  America's 2nd Great Recession--What Lies Ahead in 2021
When:  Sun, Jan 10, 5 pm
Where:  Zoom, see below for details

Green Sunday (5:00 pm, 1/10): America's 2nd Great Recession--What Lies
Ahead in 2021, with Dr. Jack Rasmus

Dr. Rasmus will review the condition of the US economy in 2020 and
explain why last summer's partial economic rebound has begun to
relapse at year's end.  Why more economists now predict a further
slowdown in early 2021.  What's happened to jobs, rents, household
debt, wages, and income inequality trends over the past year.  Why
fiscal policy and bailouts--from the March 'Cares Act' to the recent
'CashAct'--have proven insufficient for recovery.  How and why Federal
Reserve monetary policies have enriched the 1%, big corporations,
investors and created record stock market values.  What are some
possible scenarios for America's current 'Triple Crisis'--economic,
health, and political--in 2021 as the Great Recession 2.0 enters its
second year.

Dr. Jack Rasmus is the author of the recently published book, The
Scourge of Neoliberalism: US Policy from Reagan to Trump, Clarity
Press, January 1, 2020.  He currently teaches economics at St. Marys
College in Moraga, on the subjects of US economic policy, US political
change, financial business cycles, history of economic thought,
American Labor and unions, and US Economic History.  He is a graduate
of UC, Berkeley (BA Economics) and University of Toronto (MA, Ph.D
Political Economy).

Dr. Rasmus is author of several prior books on the USA and global
economy, including Alexander Hamilton and the Origins of the Fed,
2019; Central Bankers at the End of Their Ropes, 2017; Looting Greece:
A New Financial Imperialism Emerges, 2016; Systemic Fragility in the
Global Economy, 2016; Epic Recession: Prelude to Global Depression,
2010; Obama’s Economy: Recovery for the Few, 2012; and The War At
Home: The Corporate Offensive >From Reagan to George W. Bush, 2006.

His stage plays include ‘1934’, ‘Fire on Pier 32’, and ‘Hold the
Light’.  He blogs regularly at Znet & Counterpunch (USA), Global
Research (Canada), Telesur (Caracas), World Review of Political
Economy (Beijing-London), and European Financial Review (London).

Prior to teaching and publishing, Dr. Rasmus was formerly an economist
and strategic market analyst for various global tech & market research
companies for twenty years.  Before that, for more than a decade, he
was a local union president, contract negotiator, strike coordinator,
and organizer for various unions, including the National Writers
Union/UAW Local 1981, CWA Locals 9455 & 9415, Hotel & Restaurant Local
19, and SEIU Local 715.  Dr. Rasmus blogs at: https://jackrasmus.com/
His website is http://kyklosproductions.com & his twitter handle is
@drjackrasmus.  He hosts the weekly radio show, Alternative Visions,
on the Progressive Radio Network (podcasts available at:

January 10th, 5:00 to 6:30 pm via Zoom: please see access info below
Green Sundays are a series of free public programs & discussions on
topics "du jour" sponsored by the Green Party of Alameda County and
held on the 2nd Sunday of each month.  The monthly business meeting of
the County Council of the Green Party follows, at 6:30 pm.  Council
meetings are open to anyone who is interested.

Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 826 2027 1999 Passcode: 2020


What:  Towards an Ecoocialist Future
When:  Sat, Jan 16, 1 pm
Where:  Zoom, registration required, see below for details

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity!  The Green Eco-Socialist Network
3 part series begins Saturday January 16 at 1:00 PM Pacific Time with
David Cobb, Meleiza Figueroa, David Bond, Chey Bell!

Join us for a deep dive into EcoSocialism, and learn how the
capitalist status quo deprives us of our human rights and aspirations.
The first presentation in this 3-part series is an introduction to
EcoSocialism vs. Capitalism including a discussion of what
EcoSocialism may mean to you.

The world we need and deserve is not only possible, it is an
imperative. We and our children will not survive the status quo.

The event is FREE - advance registration required:

The two following presentations in the series will build on the first
event and will be held on Feb. 20th and April 10th, 2021.
Presentations will focus on EcoSocialist platforms and programs and
institutions being built around the country to shift away from
capitalist systems and into a just, sustainable future.


What:  SF Green Party Organizing
When:  All the time
Where:  Online

Until the pandemic is under control, we will not be holding in-person
meetings.  Government will need to implement a widespread testing and
contact tracing program in order to safely open things up.

Unfortunately, a number of our active members do not have reliable
internet access (especially with our public libraries closed), so
holding general monthly meetings over Zoom is not an option.  Instead,
we have an email list for discussions between active members, and our
county council (CC) meets by Zoom on the 3rd Wednesdays of every

If you'd like to join our conversation online, or our CC meetings,
please email cc at sfgreens.org with your name and contact info, and also
please remind us if you've been to a meeting before.  If you are
unable to join us but still want to follow what's going on, you can
call Barry Hermanson at 415-255-9494.


To submit events for our newsletter, please email a short blurb to
news at sfgreens.org.  Messages to a mailing list will be rejected.

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