[SFGP Action] Reminder to Vote Today, June 6
ErikaSF at aol.com
ErikaSF at aol.com
Tue Jun 6 11:01:49 PDT 2006
Please remember to vote today, Tuesday June 6!
Here are the San Francisco Green Party endorsements for today's election:
Congressional District 8: Krissy Keefer http://www.krissyforcongress.com/
State Assembly District 12: Barry Hermanson http://www.barryhermanson.org/
Proposition A: Yes
Proposition B: Yes
Proposition C: Yes
Proposition D: No Position
Superior Court Judge: Eric Safire http://www.safireforjudge.org/
Proposition 81: Yes
Proposition 82: Yes
Lt. Governor: Donna Warren http://www.donnawarren.com/
Controller: Laura Wells http://www.laurawells.org/
Treasurer: Mehul Thakker http://www.votethakker.com/
Secretary of State: Forrest Hill http://www.voteforrest.org/
Attorney General: Mike Wyman http://votewyman.org/
SF Green Party Statement on Senate Candiates
The Green Party of California has a contested primary in the race for US
Senate. While our three candidates have similar positions on the issues, they
differ in their backgrounds and proposed campaign strategies. Rather than
endorsing a single candidate, the SF Green Party is providing the following brief
summary in order to help voters in the Green primary choose which of the three
they prefer as our candidate in the November election. The candidates are listed
in a randomly chosen order:
Tian Harter (http://tianharter.org/) is known among Greens for his 1-minute
speech on climate change, accompanied by his "Mend Your Fuelish Ways" bumper
stickers. He has been registered Green since 1991. If he wins the primary, he
will participate in local Green campaigns and educate voters about climate
change and the end of cheap oil.
Todd Chretien (http://www.todd4senate.org/) is well known for his activism
with the International Socialist Organization, and has been registered Green
since 2004. He has raised over $30,000 and plans to aggressively raise money to
run a highly visible campaign as part of the "Million Votes for Peace" slate.
Kent Mesplay (http://www.mesplay.org/) ran for President in 2004 in the Green
Party primary as an alternative to both David Cobb and Ralph Nader. He has
been registered Green since 1995, and has raised over $1000 for his campaign to
date. The main goals of his campaign will be to increase voter registration
and promote Green issues.
The San Francisco Green Party is also closely watching the race for Oakland
City Council, District 2, where Green Party member Aimee Allison
(http://www.aimeeallison.org/) is running an exciting campaign! If you live in Oakland or
know someone who does, be sure to remind them to vote Aimee Allison for Oakland
City Council, District 2!
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