[Gpca-votes] State level Green Party

Christopher Carlson chris at bestofbroadway.org
Wed Jan 31 12:00:02 PST 2018


On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 11:59 AM, Christopher Carlson <
chris at bestofbroadway.org> wrote:

> Kelsey Reedy shared this event. An example of strides being taken in
> Humboldt.
> On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 10:54 AM, Christopher Carlson <
> chris at bestofbroadway.org> wrote:
>> Hi Yolanda, Frank, Angelica, and Tom
>> Estoy de acuerdo sobre estes problemas. Creo que necesitamos protejerlos
>> trabajadores y familias viviendo en California. Claro que si, ICE y DHS son
>> cuerpos inconstitucionales que violar la enmienda cuarto y la campaña
>> contra mis amigos en un pogrom.
>> En presente, tres personas verdes tienen papeles con el estado por la
>> oficina gobernador. Veronika Fimbres del San Francisco, Josh Jones del
>> Davis, y yo soy de Rio Linda, CA. Soy hispanohablante. Trabajé en tres
>> cocinas y escribo obras de teatro con partes en español.
>> Perdoname mi gramatica, necesito buscar palabras poco a poco. Yolanda,
>> donde vives? El mejor parte del partido Verde en SudoCalifornia, en niveles
>> locales, por ejemplo Angelica Dueñas, son luchadores por la seguridad and
>> proteccion de immigrantes colores. Tambien los Norteños verses luchar por
>> los personas de nacciones primerios. No es bastante. Necesitamos juntar con
>> otros a mantener un "ferrocarril subterráneo" como abolicionistas. Es un
>> solucción de cultura. Ayudamos, por favor. Muchas gentes en partido verde
>> tiene amigas que pueden ayudar y necesitamos numeros del telefono o otras
>> caminos a encuentrar los immigrantes en peligro politico.
>> Mi propuesta por todos los verdes: Este forum es el ferrocarril.
>> My proposal for all greens: Use this GPCA forum to connect threatened
>> individuals with places to stay, legal representation, and food. Extend
>> this also to the homeless. We are a community with many spaces. If a fellow
>> green can crash in someone's backyard once in a while, Greens can
>> coordinate services to assist any who bring forward a need; specifically
>> threatened immigrants.
>> As for green organization:
>> According to studies of human society growth, centralization of a body
>> occurs naturally between 25,ooo and 50,ooo members. With centralization
>> comes a form of dues or taxation. We have attracted through our policy of
>> decentralization a number of individuals who prefer a system where no
>> person wields authority over another, and there is no risk to the body of
>> having a specific leader targeted by establishment opponents.
>> In order to preserve the party, we need lasting involvement and
>> commitment to the solvency of our hard earned political rights. There are
>> monumental figures in the green movement who call California home.
>> Sometimes they organize against one another. The important thing is to
>> remember that while one group may care for growth, another for power,
>> another for change, and another for the security of the party, we are all
>> greens. That means sticking it out.
>> Anyone who leaves this project or is excommunicated from the party will
>> not have the joy of being part of a global movement for restitution against
>> corporate greed and short sighted human demolition of the only planet we
>> have ever walked on.
>>  Those who have just joined the party are faced with a steep learning
>> curve, but not one so great as most other organizations. In proceeding, we
>> must remember that NONVIOLENCE is a personal growth issue and central tenet
>> of the Greens. There are other movements for violent reactionaries, this is
>> not one of them.
>> Most importantly, I am in favor of a do-nothing or next to nothing
>> centralized state body (GPCA) that acts to fulfill the minimal requirements
>> of hierarchy imposed upon us by the state. No green will disagree that we
>> should focus on local representation, as state candidates serve more as
>> party representatives than viable candidates for office. As such, state
>> reps carry a heavy burden of responsibility to maintaining at least a
>> façade of political savvy and responsive, rather than reactionary conduct.
>> Myself included.
>> Sorry for the length, nowadays that's a burden.
>> Chris
>> Sacramento County
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Jan 31, 2018, at 8:56 AM, F Lambert <boatrocker2 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Greens:
>> I think Thomas Leavitt said it well. As Rocky Anderson, former mayor of
>> Salt Lake City and presidential candidate told Amy Goodman on Democracy
>> Now! several years ago, I like the Green Party but they have
>> "organizational problems."
>> Please reread what Thomas wrote above.  Our country is more divided now
>> and in my opinion, we could be the hope of the vast majority, and to be
>> taken seriously as a political party but it takes UNITY and MONEY. For
>> close to 100,000 registered Greens in California, we have diddly in the
>> state treasury.
>> That's my two cents,
>> Frank Lambert
>> Monterey County
>> On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 8:41 AM, yolanda catzalco <ycatzalc at hotmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> All I know is, with the exception of at the most two or three emails, I
>>> have heard nothing about our Green Party candidate for Governor anywhere,
>>> not even from Green Party.  Even though we probably wouldn't win, the
>>> elections give us an opportunity to speak about Green Party values,
>>> program, etc.  Also, why is the Green Party at all levels silent on the
>>> immigrants of color pogroms going on locally, statewide, and nationally?
>>> I'm probably going to receive a reply to discuss this at the green party
>>> forum email.  Politics moves any party forward.  I think Green Party is too
>>> stuck on organization, which is very important also as that is the vehicle
>>> to express our politics, but , yes, unfortunately, there are not enough
>>> politics, there are not enough Spanish-speaking folks writing flyers,
>>> postcards, etc.  I think at least at a state level any further local voting
>>> guides should include a line or two on the pogroms (1 line) & on Green
>>> Party's position of Amnesty for immigrants.
>>> Yolanda Catzalco
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* gpca-votes <gpca-votes-bounces at sfgreens.org> on behalf of J
>>> HALL <shallow60 at sbcglobal.net>
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 31, 2018 12:04 PM
>>> *To:* GPCA Discussion List for SGA Votes
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Gpca-votes] State level Green Party
>>> Yes.
>>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
>>> <https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/mobile/?.src=Android>
>>> On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 12:16 AM, Thomas Leavitt
>>> <thomleavitt at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The inability of this party, at a statewide level, to conduct itself in
>>> a functional fashion, without endless bickering, infighting, plotting and
>>> conspiracy mongering (justified and otherwise), over the last TWENTY PLUS
>>> YEARS, and clearly replicated on this thread, is exactly why so many sane
>>> and reasonable party members view engagement with the party at a non-local
>>> level with trepidation, and in many cases, as an act of masochism. This is
>>> why I have absolutely, regardless of my personal view of various parties
>>> and events, abstained from participation in recent votes since being placed
>>> on the SGA, and will continue to do so. This is why the biggest Green Party
>>> in the country, by numbers, in the biggest state, apparently operates on a
>>> budget which doesn't even amount to spare change by any rational
>>> standard... all this infighting is over literal pennies. City council
>>> candidates in Santa Cruz, a city of 50,000, raise more money for their
>>> campaigns than our entire state operates on (based on the figures I've
>>> seen).
>>> Things that should be of the highest urgency and priority, are left
>>> unattended.
>>> Look at our budget committee page, it says:
>>> "*Current Members (FY2013-2014 budget preparation)*"
>>> http://www.cagreens.org/committees/budget
>>> I'm sure it would be effortless to find additional examples.
>>> Regardless of what recent issues we've had, there is NO POSSIBLE EXCUSE
>>> for this page to be FIVE YEARS out of date. FIVE YEARS. Do you all realize
>>> how totally unprofessional and credibility destroying this is to all but
>>> the most motivated folks considering alternatives to the duopoly? How can
>>> any of us defend this type of performance and collective conduct?
>>> I've been formally involved with this party since I arrived in Santa
>>> Cruz in 1993, and registered since 1990. Tom Hayden sent me a postcard
>>> urging me to re-register as a Democrat when I did. I didn't. That's going
>>> on a quarter century. I've known some of you for almost that long, know
>>> parties on all sides of various internal divisions, I don't claim to be
>>> purely objective, but as someone who has deliberately tried to not
>>> emphatically plant myself on any particular faction or individual's side,
>>> I'm begging you, on behalf of all the other folks who aren't invested in
>>> these disputes, to please, figure this stuff out. Resolve your differences,
>>> or at least minimize their fallout on the rest of us. Any sane and
>>> objective evaluation, based on simple examination of the last twenty years,
>>> should make it clear that no absolute and lasting "victory" of any faction
>>> OTHER.
>>> Regards,
>>> Thomas Leavitt
>>> --
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