[SFGP] Announcement List For The San Francisco Green Party
Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly
announce at sfgreens.org
Thu Jul 17 23:27:03 PDT 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Send Announcement items to news at sfgreens.org.
Please keep items brief; submissions may be edited for length and content.
Green Party General Membership Meeting is held 7:30 p.m. every Third Wednesday of the Month
1028-A Howard Street (between 6th and 7th Streets)
Meeting Minutes Archive: http://www.sfgreenparty.org/events/minutes.gem
EVENTS (San Francisco, unless otherwise noted)
* Green Party General Membership Meeting: Wednesday, July 16, 7:30 p.m.
1028-A Howard Street (between 6th and 7th streets)
* "Dona Spring, Courage in Life and Politics": Friday, July 18, 7 p.m.
Unitarian Church, Cedar and Bonita, North Berkeley
The film, completed in July 2007, is about Dona Spring who is the longest elected Green Party member in the United States (over 16 years on the City Council of Berkeley). The film shows Dona on TV shows Oprah Winfrey, Bill O'Reilly and CNN debating the worst elements of the status-quo. Also, Dona is shown with Ralph Nader, Al Gore and Barbara Lee and many local activists. For more information, email LDP at igc.org . http://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com/issue/2008-07-10/article/30557?headline=Film-Shows-Dona-Spring-s-Public-and-Personal-Courage
* 18th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act: Friday July 18, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
San Francisco City Hall, South Light Court
All year long, we fight for our rights. Now, lets celebrate our accomplishments so we can recharge and continue the fight! Please join Sup. Tom Ammiano, Mary Lou Breslin, CADA, MDC and MOD to honor members of our diverse community. Event is wheelchair accessible, captioned and ASL interpreted. For other accommodations, please contact MOD at mod at sfgov.org, 415-554-6789, or 554-6799 (TTY).
* AIDS Walk 2008: Sunday, July 20, 9 a.m.
Sharon Meadow, Golden Gate Park
Join thousand of walkers for AIDS Walk San Francisco, an annual fundraiser that has helped Bay Area HIV/AIDS programs with over $65 million since 1987. The 10K walk will be followed by an afternoon of music and other entertainment. For information: http://aidswalk.net/sanfran/index.html; 415-615-WALK; or sfinfo at aidswalk.net .
* Celebrate New Ballot Measure for 100% Clean Energy in SF: Tuesday July 22, 11 a.m.
City Hall, Polk Street Steps (at Grove)
Join Green Party elected officials Ross Mirkarimi and Mark Sanchez, among others, to rally in support of the San Francisco Clean Energy Act, which is headed for the November 2008 ballot. The Clean Energy Act will provide San Francisco with the means to take community control of its energy future, produce a comprehensive plan for providing clean, secure, cost-effective electricity for residents, businesses and local government. Passage would require the City to get or produce 51 percent of its energy from renewable and clean sources by 2017, 75 percent by 2030 and 100 percent by 2040.
Learn more at http://www1.sfbg.com/printable_entry.php?entry_id=6736
* WestSide Green Club meeting: Sunday, July 27, 3-5 p.m.
Home of Barry Hermanson, 2467 - 28th Ave., near Ulloa.
Open to all progressives who want to work politically in the Sunset, Richmond and
Parkside districts. For more information, call Barry at 415-664-7754 or Nancy Lewis at 415-661-5713.
* The SF Living Wage Special: Sunday, July 27, 4 p.m., $5
522 Valencia, 3rd Floor Auditorium
This half-hour documentary follows the successful campaign that brought wage increases to more than 15,000 low-wage workers in San Francisco in 2007. View the process, meet the workers, be inspired to organize and fight for economic justice. Dinner, film, raffle. For information, 415-863-1225, www.livingwage-sf.org
* Green Party General Membership Meeting: Wednesday, Aug. 20, 7:30 p.m.
1028-A Howard Street (between 6th and 7th streets)
* California Green Party General Assembly: Aug. 23-24
Dana Point, Orange County
Look for details at http://cagreens.org/plenary
* Open Government Assembly: Friday and Saturday, Oct. 17-18
UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism
The event brings current First Amendment and freedom-of-information issues into focus and includes presentation of CFAC's Beacon Awards recognizing First Amendment and FOI champions. Program details TBA.
Who Voted for FISA and How Much $$$ Did They Pocket From Telecom Companies?
Let's Kick Nuclear Power out of the Climate Change Debate
Impeach Cheney for High Crimes & Misdemeanors
Dona Spring -- Berkeley City Council & Green Party Member -- In Memoriam
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