Announcement list for SF Green Party, updated weekly announce at sfgreens.org
Thu Mar 20 22:51:33 PDT 2008

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March 20, 2008
Send Announcement items to news at sfgreens.org.
Please keep items brief; submissions may be edited for length and content. 
Green Party General Membership Meeting is held every Third Wednesday of theMonth 
1028-A Howard Street (between 6th and 7th streets)
The convention is scheduled for July 10-13, 2008, in Chicago, Illinois.  Please visit the following link to register forthe convention and to get the information about how to reserve your room at the 2008 headquarter hotel, thePalmer House Hilton.  http://www.gp.org/2008-elections/index.shtml
Email: office at gp.org
Mailing Address: PO Box 57065, Washington, D.C. 20037 
Office Phone:  202-319-7191
Toll-free (US): 866-41GREEN
EVENTS (San Francisco, unless otherwise noted) 
* Demonstration in Memory of Ruby Ordenana:  Friday, March 21, 6 p.m.
24th Street BART Station
Commemorate Ruby Ordenana, a Nicaraguan transgender immigrantof color, who was murdered last year; demonstrate against the lack of officialinvestigation and action (and press coverage) into the murder of transwomen ofcolor in general.  For more information, please contact Tina at tina at cuav.org.
* WOMEN'S POWER ONFILM:  Saturday, March 22, 7 p.m.
Redwood Gardens Community Room, 2951Derby St., Berkeley
Suppressed Histories Archives presents the premierescreening of "Women's Power," a panoramic view of female leadership,creativity, wisdom and courage around the world and over thousands of years. http://www.suppressedhistories.net
* JIM HIGHTOWERLIFTS YOU UP:  Wednesday, March 26, 7:30p.m.; $12 in advance/$15 at the door
Horace Mann Middle School, 3351 23  St.
Populist writer and humorist Jim Hightower discusses"Swim Against the Current: Even a Dead Fish Can Go With the Flow," alook at people in business, politics, health care, farming, religion, etc., whoare taking charge, living their values and doing good. Tickets available at www.brownpapertickets.com/event/28445and at independent bookstores. For more information, please call 255-7296.
* Citywide Bicycle Plan Update:  Wednesday, March 26, 6 p.m. 
101 Grove Street
Learn about San Francisco's plans for better bicycling at aCitywide Bicycle Plan Update Open House, presented by the SF Municipal TransportationAgency, which is planning the next generation of improvements to the CitywideBike Route Network -- a total of 60 proposed bicycle improvement projects inneighborhoods Citywide.  Come hear fromCity officials and share your ideas on the City's vision to make bicycling anintegral part of San Francisco’s daily life. 
The City's existing network includes 44 miles of bicycle lanes, and whenthe Bicycle Plan is fully implemented, approximately 34 additional miles oflanes will be added to the bicycle route network, almost doubling the bicycle-lanemileage.  For detailed projectdescriptions and drawings, please visit the MTA Bike Program website. 
* "Stone Soup" Luncheon Lecture Featuring DanielEllsberg:  Sunday, March 30, Noon - 2p.m.
First Unitarian Church of San Francisco, 1187 Franklin St.
(at Geary) 
Doors open at noon, lunch is served at 12:15 for a charge of$4.00 for light vegetarian lunch, but attendees may bring their own food orabstain from eating.  Lecture starts at 12:45.  Event is co-sponsoredby the World Community Advocates of San Francisco Unitarians and the War andLaw League (warandlaw.org),featuring Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg speaking on matters of war and peace tocommemorate the 5th anniversary of the Iraq war.  For more informationcontact Jeannette Hassberg, coordinator of WALL, at 415-738-8298, or Paul W.Lovinger, WALL founder and secretary) at 415-564-2083 or via e-mail, warandlaw at yahoo.com.
* Animal Advocacy Working Group Meeting:  Thursday, April 3, 7 p.m. (meeting starts at 7:30)
Golden Era Vegetarian Restaurant (http://www.goldeneravegetarian.com),572 O'Farrell St.
The Animal Advocacy Working Group of the San Francisco GreenParty (AWG) is involved in animal issues in San Francisco, enables animalactivists to make the legislature at City Hall aware of these issues andinfluences them to pass laws that protect animals.  All activists are welcome.  Arrive at 7 p.m. to order dinner, or 7:30p.m. for the official meeting.  To findus, look for the table with the greeting card or picture showing three wolfpups.
* Sanchez forSupervisor Campaign Kickoff Party: 
Sunday, April 20, 4-7 p.m.
Medjool (rooftop),2524 Mission St, between 21st and 22nd streets. 
Come take part in launchingthe campaign to elect a second Green to the Board of Supervisors!  Green Party member Mark Sanchez, a long-timeSan Francisco teacher, founded Teachers for Change and Teachers for SocialJustice before being elected to the Board of Education in 2000.  He is off to a good start, as the firstcandidate to qualify for public-financing, matching funds, and he can win if weall do our part to support the campaign! 
* Second Global Greens Congress in São Paulo Brazil: May 1-4
* Chicago to Host 2008 National Green Party Convention:  July 10-13


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To unsubscribe, go here:  http://list.sfgreens.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/announce

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